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七年級英語上冊Unit 7《Shopping》Reading

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Unit 7《Shopping》Reading
New words
shopkeeper 售貨員     hair clip 發(fā)卡
just a minute 稍等    match 般配
take a look 看一看    pink 粉色的
cost 值               pretty 漂亮的
cheap 便宜            enough 足夠
last 最近的           change 零頭
Listen and answer
What present can I buy for my friends at Christmas?
Amy is shopping at Sunshine Shopping Mall.
She is looking for Christmas present for Simon and Sandy.
What presents does Amy buy for Simon and Sandy?
  Football cards and hair clips
B1: Match the words and phrases.
1. just a minute         a. costing not much money
2. take a look           b. beautiful
3. cheap                 c. present
4. gift                  d. go well with
5. match                 e. wait for a short time
6. pretty                f. have a look
B2: Read the conversation and check "T or F".
1. Amy wants to buy some basketball cards for Simon.
2. This year's cards cost two yuan each.
3. Amy buys last year's cards.
4. Amy wants to buy hair clips for Sandy.
5. The hair clips matches Sandy's skirt.
6. Amy has enough money for the hair clips.
Read the first part and answer questions.
1. What does Amy buy for Simon?
2. How much do the new cards cost?
3. How much do last vear's cards cost?
4. How much does Amy spend on the football cards?
Read the second part and answer questions.
1. What does Amy buy for Sandy?
2. How much money does Amy have?
3. How much do the hair clips cost?
Key points:
1. 您想要點(diǎn)什么?  Can I help you?
                 = What can I do for you?
2. 一些足球卡片  some football cards
3. 稍等片刻  just a minute = wait a minute
4. 一些精美的卡片  some nice cards
5. 看一看  take a look = have a look
6. How much do the cards cost?
  How much are the cards?
  What's the price of the cards?
7. 便宜的  cheap ←→ expensive(昂貴的)
8. 去年的卡片  last year's cards
  spend  cost  指“花費(fèi)”
sb. spend + money + on sth.
sth. cost sb. + money
It costs sb. + money + to do sth.
I spend 10 yuan on/buying this book.
This book costs me 10 yuan.
It costs me 10 yuan to buy this book.
1. 為我的朋友買一個禮物
buy a gift for my friend = buy my friend a gift
  buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.
2. 不同種類的發(fā)夾 different kinds of hair clips
與…不同 be different from
3. 與…相配 match=go well with
4. 那足夠了。 That's enough.
enough adj. & adv. 足夠(的),充分(的)
enough money     tall enough
have enough money to do sth.
E.g. Millie有足夠的錢購物。
     Millie has enough money to go shopping.
     I have enough time to do my homework.
5. 我要買他們。 I'll buy them. = I'll take them.
6. 這兒是找給你的零錢。
   Here is your change.
Complete the article.
In the first shop, Amy wants to buy ________ for ________. The ________ of this year's cards is ________. Amy thinks they're not ________. ________ are 1 yuan each. But Amy likes new cards. At last, she buys the new cards. They ________ her 5 yuan.
In the second shop, Amy wants to buy ________ for Sandy. There are ________ hair clips in the shop. The hair clips are ________ and they ________ Sandy's coat. She has ________ yuan. The hair clips are ________. She has ________ money, so she will buy the hair clips.
B3: Kitty also wants to buy presents for Simon and Sandy. Look at the sentences and pictures below. Circle the correct letters. Then complete what she is thinking about.
1. Amy wants to buy Simon ____.
2. This year's football cards cost ____ each.
3. Amy takes ____ as Sandy's present.
4. The hair clips cost ____.
I only have 25 yuan. I want to buy some presents different from Amy's. What can I buy?
5. Kitty can buy Simon ____.
6. Kitty can buy Sandy ____.
I want to buy Christmas ______ for Simon and Sandy too.
Amy buys the new ______ for Simon.
Amy buys Sandy ______ hair clips. They ______ Sandy's pink coat.
The presents ______ Amy 19 yuan.
The presents I want to buy for Simon and Sandy are 23 yuan. I have ______ money for them.
Now I want to go shopping because I need a pair of gloves.
What can I say to the shopkeeper?
I want ... /I would like ... /I'm looking for ...
What can I say if I want to know the price of the gloves?
  How much are the gloves?
 =How much do they cost?
 =What's the price of the gloves?
What can I say if I decide(決定) to buy the gloves?
  I'll buy them. = I'll take them.
What can a shopkeeper say to me when he or she sees me come into the shop?
  Can I help you? = What can I do for you?
What will he/she say when I say that I want gloves?
  Just a minute. Here are some nice gloves.
  Take a look ( at them).
  There are different kinds of gloves in my shop.
How does he or she answer me if I want to know the price(價(jià)格)?
  They are ... yuan.
 =They cost ... yuan.
 =The price of them is ... yuan.
-- Good morning. ______________?
-- I want a pair of shoes?
-- I like purple.
-- How about this pair?
-- They look nice, ______________?
-- 36 yuan.
-- OK, ______________.
-- Here is the money. Thank you.
-- You're welcom.
1. Here _____ some nice cards.
   A. is   B. are   C. am
2. There _____ a shopping mall near here.
   A. is   B. are   C. am
3. There _____ some books and a bag on the table.
   A. is   B. are   C. am
4. How much do the cards _____?
   A. take   B. cost   C. spend
5. I _____ 10 yuan for my new pen.
   A. take   B. cost   C. spend
6. I'd like to buy a gift _____ my son.
   A. to   B. for   C. with
7. --How much are they?
   A. Ten yuans   B. One yuans   C. Ten yuan
8. She wants _____ some cards.
   A. buy   B. to buy   C. buying
9. He has _____ for the pen.
   A. enough money   B. money enough   C. enough moneys
10. I want to buy _____ presents on Christmas.
   A. a   B. any   C. some
1. Remember the useful phrases.
2. Finish the exercises.






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