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七年級英語上冊Unit 7《Shopping》Welcome to the unit

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Unit 7《Shopping》Welcome to the unit
Free talk
Do you like shopping?
When do you go shopping?
Does your mother like shopping?
Who do you often go shopping with?
Does your friend like shopping?
mall = shopping mall 大型購物中心
They like shopping.
  shopping n. 購物
Walk directly down the road and you'll get to the square.
  down prep. 沿著;向下
We hate it.
  hate vt. 討厭;恨
a lot of money
  money n. 錢
There is some money in the wallet.
  wallet n. 錢包
  bookshop n. 書店
There are lots of nice gifts in the tree.
  gift n. 禮物
a music CD
  CD (=compact disc) 光盤,激光唱片
He is interested in basketball.
  be interested in ... 對……感興趣
a stamp
  stamp n. 郵票
They are carrying a box.
  carry vt. 拿,提,搬
collect stamps
  collect vt. 收集,搜集
-- Thank you very much.
-- You're welcome.
You're welcome. 別客氣,不用謝
Read these new words
mall = shopping mall 大型購物中心
shopping n. 購物
hate vt. 討厭;恨
down prep. 沿著;向下
well 好吧,那么,哎呀
money n. 錢
wallet n. 錢包
carry vt. 拿,提,搬
bookshop n. 書店
gift n. 禮物
CD 光盤,激光唱片
sure adj. 確知,肯定,有把握
maybe adv. 也許,可能
be interested in ... 對……感興趣
stamp n. 郵票
collect vt. 收集,搜集
You're welcome. 別客氣,不用謝
Listen and answer
1. Who likes shopping, Eddie or Hobo?
2. Why does Hobo need Eddie?
Complete Part A on page 81.
1. gift shop
2. bookshop
3. clothes shop
4. supermarket
5. sports shop
6. shoe shop
7. toy shop
8. flower shop
Christmas is coming.
Daniel wants to buy a Christmas present for Simon. He is asking Millie for help.
What present does Daniel want to buy for simon?
A: Hi, Millie. Christmas is coming. I want to buy Simon a present. Do you have any ideas?
B: What about a music CD?
A: I'm not sure. Maybe he's not interested in music.
B: Then you can buy him some stamps. I know he likes collecting them.
A: That's a good idea. Thank you, Millie.
B: You're welcome.
Listen again and complete the conversation.
A: Hi, Millie. _______ is coming. I want to _______ Simon a present. Do you have any ideas?
B: What about _______?
A: I'm not sure. Maybe he's not _______ in music.
B: Then you can buy him some _______. I know he likes _______ them.
A: That's a good idea. Thank you, Millie.
B: You're _______.
Talk about your conversations
A: Hi, .... ... is coming. I want to buy .... Do you have any ideas?
B: What about ...?
A: I'm not sure ...?
B: Then you can buy ...?
A: That's a good idea. Thank you, ....
B: ....
1. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.
  I want to buy my mother a birthday present.
= I want to buy a birthday present for my mother.
2. have an idea 有一個主意(想法)
have a good idea 有個好主意
have some idea 有一些想法
3. I'm not sure.
I'm sure (that)+句子。
I'm sure he is coming.
4. maybe adv. 也許,可能
may be(是由情態(tài)動詞may后接動詞原形be,這里的may意思是“可能”,雖然他們不是同義詞,但有時可進(jìn)行同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
Maybe you are right. 也許你是對的。
= You may be right.
5. be interested in sth. / doing sth.
Are you interested in sports?
He is interested in reading.
6. need (sb.) to do sth. 需要(某人)做某事
We need to finish the work before 8 a.m.
7. collect stamps 集郵
Collecting stamps is her hobby.
9. That's a good idea. 這是個好主意。
10. 表達(dá)“不用謝”的英語:
You're welcome.
Not at all.
That's all right.
It's a pleasure.
Christmas is coming. Daniel wants to ______ Simon a ______. But he doesn't have any ______. Simon is not ______ in music. Millie knows Simon is interested in ______ stamps. So Daniel wants to buy him some ______.
1. She wants to buy a present _____ him.
   A. at   B. for   C. with
2. Do you have _____ ideas?
   A. any   B. some   C. an
3. He is interested _____ English.
   A. in   B. at   C. for
4. He likes _____.
   A. read   B. reading   C. reads
5. You can buy _____ books.
   A. some   B. any   C. a
6. Do you have _____ money?
   A. some   B. any   C. a
7. Here _____ my wallet.
   A. is   B. are   C. am
8. I need you _____ me.
   A. to help   B. help   C. helping
9. Where do you go _____?
   A. shop   B. shoping   C. shopping
1. Act the conversation in pairs after class.
2. Preview the new words in Reading.






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