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七年級英語上冊Unit6《Food and lifestyle》Integrated skills

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Unit 6《Food and lifestyle》Integrated skills
New words
less  較少         point  分數(shù)
than  比           more  更多
less than  少于    order  點(菜)
more than  多于    menu  菜單
take a walk  散步  bean  豆
total  總的        all right  好吧
number  數(shù)量       taste  有…的味道
score  得分
my lifestyle
I usually have milk and eggs for breakfast. I dislike having rice. Sometimes I feel hungry between meals, so I eat cakes or sweets. I seldom exercise. I love watching TV very much. So I watch TV for hours at weekends.
How about you? Do you have a healthy lifestyle? There is a questionnaire (問卷) on the Internet. Finish it to show your lifestyle.
* How often do you exercise?
A: Less than three times a week.
B: Three to six times a week.
C: Every day.
* How long do you sleep every night?
A: Less than 7 hours.
B: More than 9 hours.
C: About 8 hours.
* How long do you watch TV every day?
A. More than 2 hours.
B. 1-2 hours.
C. Less than 1 hour.
* How often do you eat cake, chocolate or sweets?
A. Every day.
B. Often.
C. Seldom.
* How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?
A. Never.
B. Seldom.
C. Often.
* How often do you walk to school?
A. Never.
B. Sometimes.
C. Every day.
Health score

   Miss Shi
 The number of 'a's     1
 The number of 'b's     2
 The number of 'c's     4
        A=1 point
        B=2 point
        C=3 point
Your health score: 17
Listen to an interview(采訪) with Benny and find out his lifestyle.
How healthy are you and Benny?
6-9 points:
Your lifestyle is not healthy. You need to exercise more and eat healthy food.
10-13 points:
Not bad, but you are not very healthy. You need exercise more.
14-18 points:
You lifestyle is healthy. Very good!
Over all, he is a very healthy person.
Benny likes exercising. He exercises ______ ______. He likes ______ too. He usually sleeps for ______ ______ ______. He doesn't have much time to watch TV.
He watches TV for ______ ______ an hour. He ______ ______ cakes, biscuits and sweets. He eats ______ and ______. He ______ ______ to school. His health score is ______. So he is a very ______ person. Congratulations to him!
Group work
* How often do you exercise?
* How long do you sleep every night?
* How long do you watch TV every day?
* How often do you eat biscuits and sweets?
* How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?
* How often do you walk to school?
Speak up:
Millie and her cousin Andy are ordering food at a restaurant.
Listen and answer:
What do they have for dinner?
Millie: What would you like to ______, Andy?
Andy: Let me have a look at the ______, please. How about ______ beef?
Millie: OK. I'll have some fish. Would you like ______ vegetables?
Andy: Yes. Some green ______, please.
Millie: All right. We'll also have some rice. Any drinks?
Andy: Can I have a bottle of ______?
Millie: Cola is not ______, Andy. What about some apple juice?
Andy: That's fine. Apple juice ______ good.
Millie: OK. Beef, green beans, apple juice and some rice.
Work in pair:
A: What would you like to order/ eat?
B: Let me have a look at the menu, how about ...
A: Would you like ...?
B: Yes, some ..., please. / No, thanks. I'd like ...
B: Ok. It tastes good. / No, it isn't healthy.
A: Anything else?
B: I'm full, thanks. / ...
Language points:
1. -- How often do you exercise?
   -- Less than 3 times a week.
how otten表示“多久一次”用來詢問頻率
less than少于,用于數(shù)量、時間、金錢、距離等的比較。如:
  less than a mile 不到一英里
  less than 7 hours 少于7小時
2. How long do you sleep every night?
how long的意思是“多長”,可以用來詢問事物、時間等的長度。如:
How long is this river?
How long do you practise English every day?
3. Apple juice tastes good.
  This skirt looks beautiful.
4. Would you like some vegetables?
  How about some fish?
1. Do you know how to k_____ fit?
2. How l_____ do you sleep every night?
3. How o_____ do you exercise?
4. Do you eat c_____ every day?
5. I often take a w_____ after supper.
6. He sleeps I_____ than 6 hours.
7. Your l_____ is not healthy.
8. What would you like to o_____?
9. Let me have a look at the m_____.
10. Would you like some v_____?
1. -- How often do you exercise?
   -- _____.
   A. Two hours   B. One hour   C. Every day
2. -- How long do you sleep every night?
   -- _____.
   A. Seldom   B. Often   C. More than 6 hours
3. Your lifestyle is _____.
   A. healthy   B. health   C. dishealthy
4. She needs _____ more.
   A. exercise   B. exercises   C. to exercise
5. _____ would you like to order?
   A. How   B. What   C. Why
6. How about _____ beef?
   A. some   B. any   C. a
7. I would like _____ some fish.
   A. have   B. to have   C. having
8. Cola _____ not healthy.
   A. am   B. is   C. are
9. Orange juice tastes _____.
   A. good   B. well   C. fine
10. Would you like _____ pears?
   A. some   B. any   C. a
1. Remember the new words.
2. Recite the conversation on P76.






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