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七年級英語上冊Unit 6《Food and lifestyle》Welcome to the unit

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Unit 6《Food and lifestyle》Welcome to the unit
New words
lifestyle 生活方式      beef 牛肉
noon 正午               carrot 胡蘿卜
hamburger 漢堡包        pork 豬肉
keep 保持               sweet 甜點(diǎn)
lemon 檸檬              candy 糖果
watermelon 西瓜         meat 肉
chocolate 巧克力        snack 零食
                        health 健康
What are these?
pork        sweets       potatoes
carrots     lemons       milk
tomatoes    chocolate    juice
beef        watermelons  chicken
Vegetables: potatoes   carrots   tomatoes
Fruits: lemons   watermelons
Meat: chicken  beef   pork
Drinks: milk   juice
Snacks: chocolate   sweets
 可數(shù)名詞     不可數(shù)名詞
 carrot         pork
 lemon          beef
 tomato         chicken
 potato         juice
 sweet          milk
 watermelon     chocolate
Play a game: Have a guess
It is a kind of fruit. The colour is orange. It is sour(酸的).
We can eat them in summer. They are big and round. They are green but red inside.
It is a kind of snacks. It is brown. It can give us energy(能量).
All kind of food
Do you like ...? Is it good for health?
I like ... (I don't like ...). What about you?
P69 Part B
Millie likes ________, ________, and ________.
She dislikes ________.
Daniel likes ________ and ________.
He dislikes ________.
Work in pairs and talk about food
A: I like/dislike ...
Do you like...?
B: Yes/No. (Because....)
   I like/dislike....What about you?
A: I like/ dislike....  (Because....)
Eddit: It's noon, Hobo. Let's have a hamburger.
Hobo: It's only half past ten, Eddit.
      And hamburgers are not good for us. Let's eat apples.
Eddit: I don't like apples.
Hobo: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Eddit: OK. Give me ten.
Listen and answer the questions:
1. Which food does Eddie like to eat? Are they good for him?
2. What food does Hobo want Eddie to eat? why?
What is the healthy food?
 milk   rice   vegetables
Eat more fruit and vegetables and exercises more, that's a healthy lifestyle.
1. It is n_____. Let's have lunch.
2. I don't like a_____. I like pears.
3. What f_____ do you like?
4. I like t_____. They are healthy.
5. It's good for our h_____.
6. She likes p_____.
7. He likes c_____.
8. Children like s_____.
1. He likes _____.
   A.apple   B.apples   C.a apple
2. _____ do you like?
   A.What   B.Why   C.How
3. Do you like carrots? --_____.
   A.Yes, I don't   B.No, I do.   C.Yes, I do
4. She likes _____.
   A.tomato   B.tomatos  C.tomatoes
5. They like _____.
   A.pork   B.porks   C.porkes
6. Mary likes _____.
   A.milk   B.milks   C.milkes
7. I like _____.
   A.juices   B.juice   C.a juice
8. Let's eat _____.
   A.hamburger   B.hamburgers   C.an hamburger
9. _____ apple a day keeps the doctor away!
   A.A   B.An   C.The
10. It is good _____ you.
   A.for   B.at   C.about
1. Remember the new words.
2. Recite the conversation on P69.






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