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七年級英語上冊Unit 5《Let's celebrate.》Integrated skills, Grammar

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Unit 5《Let's celebrate.》Integrated skills, Grammar
Chinatown  唐人街
firework  煙花
lion dance  舞獅表演
Free talk
A: What is your favourite day/ festival in a year?
B: I like ....
A: Why do you like ...?/ How do you celebrate it?
B: Because .... What about you?
A: ....
B: ....
New words
dumpling 餃子       find out 發(fā)現(xiàn)
rice dumpling 粽子  radio 收音機
grandparent 祖父母  take photos 照相
other 其他的        at night 在夜里
lion 獅子           show 演出
lion dance 獅子舞   seem 好像
firework 煙花       different 不同的
more 更多           around 圍繞
Wendy is very interested in the Chinese New Year Party, but she doesn't know anything about the party. Here is a post, read it and answer Wendy's questions.
Chinese New Year Party
  Lion dance
  Chinese dinner
  Music and dance
Date: Saturday, February 9
Place: Chinatown, New York
Find out more on New York Radio.
1. What are people going to do to celebrate the Chinese New Year?
2. What are they going to eat?
3. What can they watch on that day?
4. What day will they hold the party?
5. Where are they going to have the party?
Language points
1. more adv.
You should read more./ You should eat more.
2. 通過廣播,在廣播里:on the radio
  on TV
  on the Internet
  on the phone
Wendy wants to know more about the party:
When do the shows begin?
Where are the shows?
Listen to the New York Radio and help her write down the time and the place.
Listen and finish the table below.

 Activity   Time     Place
 Lion dance  1 p.m.  Peel Street
 Chinese dinner  5 p.m.  Peel Street
 Fireworks  8 p.m.  Mott Street
 Music and dance  9 p.m.  Mott Street
February 6
Dear Millie,
Happy New Year. I am on holiday in ______. The Chinese people here always have a party to celebrate ______.
There are lots of interesting things at the party. The ______ starts first. People take a lot of photos. Then people can have a nice ______. At night, they watch the ______. After that, there is a ______ show.
What do you do to celerate the Chinese New Year in Beijing?
All the best,
Dear Millie,
The Chinese people here always舉辦一個派對來慶祝春節(jié)。
hen people can吃一頓美味的中式晚餐。
At night, they觀看焰火。
After that, there is一場音樂和舞蹈演出。
All the best,
Language points:
1. 新年好/ 圣誕快樂
  Happy new year./ Merry Christmas.
2. holiday 假日
暑假/寒假 summer/winter holidays
be on holiday 在度假
go on holiday 去度假
e.g. 她在美國度假。/她將要去美國度假。
She is on holiday in the USA. / She will go on holiday in the USA.
3. take a photo / take photo 拍照
4. show v. 出示展示   show sb. around
        n. 演出   a talk show / a music and dance show
Speak up: Have a nice day
Listen and answer some questions:
Why does Millie seem happy?
What do they do?
Where do they have the shows?
Complete this conversation:
A: You ______ happy today.
B: Yes. Mum. We ______ a "Festival Week" at school.
A: Really? ______ do you do?
B: We have ______ about different festivals ______ the world. It is interesting.
A: Great! ______ do you have the shows?
B: At the school ______.
A: Good, have a ______ day.
Make up a dialogue with your deskmate, and use the model below:
A: You seem happy today.
B: Yes. Our school will have a (Halloween/the Chinese New Year...) Party.
A: Really? When is it?
B: ....
A: Where is it?
B: ....
A: What will you do?
B: ....
A: That sounds great! Have a nice day!
Which is this festival?
When do people celebrate it?
What do people do to celebrate it?
How do children play "trick or treat"?
Who do they play the game with?
1. what——Activity or thing(對行為和事物提問)
e.g. 1. -What are you doing to do?
        -I am going to play football.
     2. -What is your name?
        -My name is Millie.
2. which——Thing or person(對特定的人或事物提問)
e.g. -Which English book is yours?
     -The one on the table is mine.
     -Which man is your father?
     -The one in white shirt.
3. who——Person(對人提問)
e.g. -Who will visit you tomorrow?
     -My best friend.
4. whose——Possession(對人的所有關系提問)
e.g. -Whose bike is this?
     -It is mine.
5. when——Time(對時間提問)
e.g. -When do you go to school?
     -At 7:00.
     -When do people celebrate Christmas?
     -People celebrate it on December 25.
6. where——Place(對地點提問)
e.g. -Where do you come from?
     -I am from Biancheng.
7. why——Reason(對原因提問)
e.g. -Why do you like Chinese New Year?
     -Because I can get red packets from my parents.
8. how——Way of doing sth(對方式提問)
e.g. -How do you go to school?
     -On foot.
1. I go to school by bus.
2. She is beautiful.
3. Tom is polite and helpful.
A: Millie loves asking questions. Look at the pictures below and complete her questions.
1. ______ glasses are these?
2. ______ is that man?
3. ______ do we have for lunch?
4. ______ is my schoolbag?
B: 用特殊疑問詞填空。
1. ______ is your classroom? It's on the ground floor.
2. ______ mask is this? It's Amy's.
3. ______ is that girl? That's Kitty.
4. ______ does he want for Christmas? He wants a toy train.
5. ______ present is for Daniel? The blue one.
6. ______ do you celebrate Christmas? Famliy members get together and give each other presents.
7. ______ is your birthday? It's on 1 August.
8. ______ do you want rice dumplings? Because the Dragon Boat Festival is coming.
C: Millie is asking Amy about her birthday. Complete their conversation with the correct question words.
-- What a nice cake! ______ birthday is it today?
-- It's my birthday, Millie.
-- Happy birthday, Amy. ______ do you usually celebrate your birthday?
-- We go out for a birthday dinner.
-- ______ goes to your birthday dinner?
-- My grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
-- I see. ______ do you have the dinner?
-- At a restaurant near my home.
-- ______ do you get as birthday presents?
-- Books, clothes, shoes, toys and some other nice things.
Exercises: 對劃線部分提問
1. Chinese New Year is in January or February.
2. My birthday is on 14th August.
3. I want a teddy bear for Christmas.
4. Daniel is in the kitchen.
5. We celebrate Halloween by playing 'trick or treat'.
6. I want to buy moon cakes because the Mid-autumn Festival is coming.
7. Kitty wears a special mask.
1. Finish the exercise paper.
2. Review and recite the new phrases.






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