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七年級英語下冊Unit 1《Dream homes》Reading

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Unit 1《Dream homes》Reading
Where would you like to live?
   city      town
What kind of home do you live in?
   flat     a house with a garden
balcony  陽臺
on the balcony  在陽臺
kitchen  廚房
We often cook in the kitchen.
bedroom  臥室     share  合用,分享
I share a bedroom with my sister.
living room  客廳
We often watch TV in the living room.
dining room  餐廳
A dining room is the best place to have meals.
Words and expressions
mile  英里
garden  花園
flat  公寓
center  中心
share  分享
own  自己的
beach  海灘
sea  海
share with sb  與某人分享
living room  客廳
bedroom  臥室
bathroom  浴室
dining room  餐廳
balcony  陽臺
Correct the mistakes in the notes:
1. I usually wash my face in the dining room.
2. I always sleep in the kitchen.
3. The bathroom is the best place to chat and watch TV.
4. In most homes, people have dinner in the bedroom.
5. We usually cook meals in the living room.
Do you like your home?
How many rooms are there in your home? What are they?
Which is your favourite place? Why?
Fast Reading
1. Where does Stephen come from?
   He comes from Los Angeles, the USA.
2. Where does Neil live?
   He lives in a town 15 miles from London.
3. Which city does Anna live in?
   She lives in the centre of Moscow.
4. Are their houses the same?
   No, they are different.
Careful Reading & Listening
1. Where is Neil from?
   A town 15 miles from London.
2. What is his favourite room?
3. Where do they always have fun?
   In the garden.
1. Where does she live?
   She lives in the centre of Moscow.
2. What does she like to do after dinner?
   She likes to watch TV and chat in the living room.
3. Does she have her own bedroom?
   No, she doesn't. She shares it with her sister.
1. Where is he from?
   Los Angeles, the USA.
2. Which is his favourite place? Why?
   His favorite place is the balcony. He loves to sit on the floor and look out at the beach and the sea.
B2: Listen and complete the table.

         Neil        Anna     Stephen
    City/Town  a town 15 miles from London  the centre of Moscow   Los Angeles
    House/Flat       house       flat      house
     Big/Small        big      small       big
 Favourite place      kitchen    living room    balcony
True or false
(   ) 1. Neil lives in the centre of London.
(   ) 2. Neil always has fun with his cat in the garden.
(   ) 3. Anna and her family often watch TV and chat in their kitchen.
(   ) 4. Anna does not have her own bedroom.
(   ) 5. There are eight rooms in Stephen's house.
(   ) 6. Stephen lives near the sea.
B4: There are more pictures on the students' blogs. Look at the pictures and help Simon complete the sentences.
This is Stephen from ________. He is chatting with his friends on his ________. He loves to ________________.
This is Anna from ________. She shares a ________ with her sisters. They often ________________.
This is Neil from ________. He is sitting in the ________. He and his family often ________________.
Language points
1. I live in a town 15 miles from London.
live in...   居住在…
Eg: live in a flat / a house
15 miles from London
2. I always have fun with my dog there.
have fun with...  和…玩的很高興
Eg: I am having fun with my sister.
3. in the center of...  在…的中心
4. on the seventh floor  在第七層
5. We like to watch TV and chat there.
like to do sth = like doing sth  喜歡做某事
watch TV  看電視
chat with sb  和某人聊天
They are chatting with their teacher now.
6. I share a bedroom with my sister. We often listen to music in bed.
share...with sb  和某人分享…
Eg: She often shares her time with his family.
in bed = under the covers 在床上(蓋著被子)
on the bed = on the top of the covers 在床上(未打開被子)
Eg: She is ill in bed.
    My book is on the bed.
7. I have my own bedroom.
one's own...  某人自己的…
如:his own house 他自己的房子
    That is her own photo.
8. I love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea.
love to do sth  愛做某事
Eg: He loves to read on the weekend.
look out 向外看、當(dāng)心;后面如果接賓語,需要使用介詞。
如:向窗外看:look out of the window
Look out, here comes a car.
1. I live in a t_____ 20 miles from Beijing.
2. We often sit in the room and e_____ a cup of tea.
3. I often c_____ with my friends on the Internet.
4. She has her o_____ bedroom.
5. We usually cook meals in the _____.
6. We have dinner in the _____.
7. I always sleep in the _____.
8. We usually wash our hands in the _____.
9. She s_____ a bedroom with her sister.
10. There are eight r_____ in my house.
1. She lives in a big house _____ Moscow.
   A. in    B. on    C. at
2. I am having fun _____ my family.
   A. in    B. with    C. on
3. Our flat is on _____ floor.
   A. one   B. the first   C. first
4. She is _____ her friends.
   A. chating with
   B. chatting on
   C. chatting with
5. She is _____ music in bed.
   A. listens to   B. listening to   C. listening
6. They are cooking in the _____.
   A. bedroom   B. bathroom   C. kitchen
7. He _____ watch TV.
   A. like to   B. likes   C. likes to
8. Anna doesn't have _____ own bedroom.
   A. his   B. she   C. her
9. He loves to _____.
   A. reading   B. read   C. reads
10. She is chatting with her friends _____.
   A. on the balcony
   B. in the balcony
   C. on balcony
11. Don't read _____.
   A. in the bed
   B. on bed
   C. in bed
1. Read the text correctly and fluently.
2. Remember the new words and expressions.






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