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七年級英語上冊Module 4《Fun time》Unit 7 School clubs(Grammar, Talk time)

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《School clubs --Grammar, Talk time》
Grammar exercise

Read the article,and fill in the blanks with the cerbs in the simple past form.
Linda and Leo are new students at Roise Bridge School.Last month,they_______ the Club Fair.
First,Linda and Leo about the Rocket Club.
"Our club will teach you how to build rockets.Then you can launch them into the sky." a boy _______."Watch!"
He took a rocket and ____ it.The rocket _____ into the sky.Linda and Leo _____ very surprised.
"Will it go all the way into space?"Linda _______.
"Of course it won't,"a girl from another club _______."Our club is better.Come and join the Solar Power Club."
"What do you do?"asked Leo."We make wonderful machines.They only use solar power.Look!"
She took a toy car from the table and then _____ a remote control to driver it all around the playground.
"It uses power from the Sun,"_______ Linda."That's amazing!"Linda and Leo _____ about many clubs.After the fair,they very excited.
"I want to join all the clubs,"said Linda.
"Me too!"_______ Leo.

We can divide them into two groups.

 Regular verbs
 Irregular verbs
 原形    過去式   原形  過去式 
 attend  attened   learn   learnt
 launch  launched  say  said
 disappear  disappeared   take  took
 ask  asked  are  were
 shout  shouted   feel  felt
 use  used   (am,is,are)   was/were
We form the simple past tense like this:
 Type of verb   Simple past form  Example
 Most verbs   +ed   walk→walked
 Verbs ending in   +d   use→used
 Verbs ending in
 a cosonant letter +y
 y+ied  carry→carried
 Some verbs ending
 in a cosonant letter
 +a cosonant letter
 Double the final
 consonant letter

Work out the rule
For most verbs,we add ______ to form the simple past tense.
How to form the simple past tense:
1.want ________         2.work _______
3.study ________        4.move _______
5.stop _________        6.join _______
7.visit ________        8.try ________
9.love _________        10.worry ______
11.cry _________        12.live _______

Things to remember
The simple past tense of some verbs does not follow any rules.For example.
be→was/were       give→gave         sleep→slept
break→broke       go→went           take→took
bring→rought      leave→left        think→thought
feel→felt         make→made         wear→wore

Grammar A:
The simple past tense
We use the simple past tense to talk about things that happened or did not happen in the past.
I got up at six this morning.
We visited a farm last Sunday.
When I was young,I often swam in the river.

 肯定句  否定句
 I worked  I didn't work.
 He/she/it worked.  He/She/It didn't work.
 We/They/You worked. We/They/You didn't work 

We use _______,i.e.the past form of do,to ask and answer Yes/No questions in the simple past tense.
肯定回答:Did +主語+動原+其它?

 肯定句 疑問句 
 I worked  Did I work?
 He/she/it worked.  Did he/she/it?
 We/They/You worked.  Did we/they/you work?

肯定回答:Did +主語+動原+其它?
1.She studied hard at school.
否定句:She didn't study hard at school.
一般疑問句:Did she study hard at school?
2.I did my homework last night.
否定句:I didn't do my homework last night.
一般疑問句:Did you do you homework last night?
3.They had a good time on the beach.
否定句:They didn't have a good time on the beach.
一般疑問句:Did they have a good time on the beach?

Grammar exerise
Last weekend,Leo went on a hiking trip.He is telling Linda about his trip.Complete their conversation with the correct forms of hte verbs in brackets.
Linda:What did you do during the weekend.Leo?
  Leo:I _____ (go) for a walk in the woods.It _______ quite hot.
Linda:Did you _____(take) a cap?
  Leo:Yes,I ______(do).I'm______(take)my sunglasses too.I'm _____(drop)       them onto the ground and ______ (break)them!
Linda:Oh,I'm sorry to hear that.WHat did you do next?
  Leo:I'm ______(feel)tired,so I ______(sleep) under a tree.
Linda:Did you _______(enjoy)your day out?
  Leo:No,I _________(do)! I broke my sunglasses and I ________(leave) my       cap on a tree!
last week/night/month/year...
just now
in the past
It's now 9 a.m.on 27 November.Leo is reading some sentences from his diary.Complete his thought bubbles by using the correct time expressions.
1.I went to the Clubs Fair two months ago.
2.I joined the Hiking Club a/one month ago.
3.I went to see a film four days ago.
4.I had a picnic with my friends on Lucky Island yesterday.
5.I finished all my homework an/one hour ago.
Exercise:Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given.
1.We ____ to zoo yesterday,we _____ to the park.(go).
2.________ you _____(visit)your relatives last Spring Festival?
3.It _________(be)Ben's birthday last Friday.
4.We all ______(have) a good time last night.
5.He _____football now,but they _______basketball just now.(play).
6.Jim's mother ______(plant)trees two days ago.
7.I _______(get)up early this morning.
Do all the "-ed"s in the words sound the same?
attened      disappeared
asked        used        shouted
Talk time
Read the words after the tape.
beautiful      rocket       and      disappear
September      teach        under    wonderful
asked          jumped       called   disappeared      attended     ended
laughed        launched     opened   used             shouted      visited

 動詞原形詞尾的發(fā)音  例詞  -ed的發(fā)音
 清輔音  cooked  stopped  /t/ 
 enjoyed   filled
 played    waved
 /t/ /d/  attened   planet  /id/

Put the following words into different boxes according to their"-ed" sounds.

 /t/  /d/  /Id/ 
 brushed  answered  acted
 cooked  called  added
   cleaned  corrected
   closed  needed

A Read these sentences,Pay attention to the letters in bold.
1 We attended the Clubs Fair.
2 We visited the Rocket Club.
3 A boy took a rocket and launched it.
4 The rocket disappeared into the sky.
5 A girl from another club shouted .
6 She used a remote cotrol to drive a toy car.
7 After the fair.we felt very excited.
8 We wanted to join all the clubs.
In pairs,talk about the clubs at your school.Follow the example.
S1:Which club did you go to last week?
S2:I went to the Computer Club.
S1:When did you meet?
S2:We met on Monday afternoon.
S1:Where did you meet?
S2:We met in Roon 201.
S1:What did you do at the club?
S2:We learnt some computer skills.
S1:Did you like the club?
S2:Yes,I did.It was very interesting.(No,I didn't,It was boring.)
Now,make your own conversation about the school clubs at your school.

1.聽錄音,流利地朗讀Talk time部分A1的音標。
2.聽錄音,流利地朗讀Talk time部分A2的韻文。
Linda and Leo learnt about the Rocket Club.
They used a remote control to drive the Rocket Club.
She took a dictionary from the table.
The old man carried a heavy bag.





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