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七年級英語上冊Module 4《Fun time》Unit 7 School clubs(Reading, Listening)

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《School clubs--Reading, Listening》
Learn some new words:

fair n.展銷會
The 11th International Food Fair was held in Guangzhou.
attend v.參加
They attened the Photography Club yesterday.
disappear v.消失;消散
The Sun disappeared behind a cloud.
another pron.又一;另一(事物或人)
He wants to live in another city.
all the way  一路上;自始至終
He ran all the way to the bus stop.
all around  四處;各處
I looked for my pet dog all around the neigbourhood.

Kelly is writing an email to Mandy.Complete her email with the words from the box.
Dear Mandy,
Thanks for the email,my dad and I ____ the town fair last Friday.At the fair.my dad asked some farmers to ______ his how to grow vegetables.I played with some other children.Later,I couldn't find my favourite red jacket.It ______!I wanted to buy _____ one.But a was very _______.People in small towns are so nice!Do you have fairs like this in your country?
Best withes.

What do you know about...?
Read this poster.Write the names of hte clubs in the blanks.
Welocme all new students to The Clubs at Rosie Bridge School!
There are some of the clubs you can join.
Photography Club
Robot Club
Rocket Club
Solar Power Club

Before you read
Look at the picture and the title of the article on page 87.Then answer the questions below.
1 What is the article about:family life of school life?
2 How many clubs can you find in the picture?
First reading Listen to the areicle and find the answers.
How many clubs does the article talk about?
It talk about two clubs.
What are they?
They are the Rocket Club and the Solar Power Club.

The Clubs Fair
Linda and Leo are new students at Roise Bridge School.Last month,they_______ the Club Fair.
First,Linda and Leo about the Rocket Club.
"Our club will teach you how to build rockets.Then you can launch them into the sky." a boy _______."Watch!"
He took a rocket and ____ it.The rocket _____ into the sky.Linda and Leo _____ very surprised.
"Will it go all the way into space?"Linda _______.
"Of course it won't,"a girl from another club _______."Our club is better.Come and join the Solar Power Club."
"What do you do?"asked Leo."We make wonderful machines.They only use solar power.Look!"
She took a toy car from the table and then _____ a remote control to driver it all around the playground.
"It uses power from the Sun,"_______ Linda."That's amazing!"Linda and Leo _____ about many clubs.After the fair,they very excited.
"I want to join all the clubs,"said Linda.
"Me too!"_______ Leo.

Second reading:Fill in the table below with the information from the article.
Club 1 The Rocket Club             Club 2 The Solar Power Club
Aciivities:                        Aciivities:   
how to build rockets              make wonderful machines that only use                                   solar power
launch rocket into the sky        use remote control to drive them

Explain some language points:
1.Our club will teach you how wo build rockets.
teach sb.sth.意為“教某人做某事”,sb.是間接賓語,sth.是直接賓語。
Mr Wang teaches us Maths.
2.She took a toy car from the table.
從...(中) 取出...
3.I want to join all the clubs.
want 想,想要,及物動詞
want sth想要某物(名詞或代詞want的賓語)。
例:我想要一些西紅柿。I want some tomatoes.
want to do sth想做某事(動詞不定式作want的賓語)
例:他想要看電影。He wants to see a film.
want sb.to do sth 想讓某人做某事(動詞不定式做賓語sb的補(bǔ)定語)
His father wants him to have wo cakes.
如:Jim:I want to go out for a walk
      I:Me too.

C1 The words in italics are from the article on page 87.Circle the correct answers to complete these sentences.
1 At a fair,people let you ____ htings.
a take           b look at or buy
2 When you attened a class,you ________ it.
a leave          b go to have
3 When a mum teaches her child to make a cake,she _______.
a shows his/her how to do it.          b makes it for him/her
4.If something disappears,_______.
a everyone can see it.             b no one can see it.
5 If something is amazing,it is very _______.
a good and surprising              b bad and tiring

Comprehendion exercise
D1 Find sentences from the article on page 87 to go with these pictures.
Last month,they attened the Clubs Fair.
The rocket disappeared into the sky.Linda and Leo were very surprised.
She took a toy car from the table and then used a remote control to frive it all around the playground.
D2 Leo phoned his friend Arthur to tell him about the Clubs Fair.Complete their conversation below with information from the article on page 87.
   Leo:Hello,arthur.It's Leo.I had anexciting thime at school yesterday!
Arthur:What happened?Tell me about it!
   Leo:I went to _________.
Arthur:Wow!Which club did you learn abot first?
   Leo:_______ They teach us how to ________ and launch rockets.
Arthur:That's interesting!Did you get to know any other clubs?
   Leo:Yes.I learnt about the _______.They make many wonderful things with        _________.
Arthur:That's amazing!What did they show you?
   Leo:A ________.A girl usde a _____ to driver it all around the play        ground.
Arthur:That's wonderful.

Which club would you like to join?
WHat do you know about...?
Listening School clubs
Listen to two teachers at Rosie Bridge School talking about their clubs.Complete the notes below.Write one word or figure in each blank.
Club         Photography Club
Teacher      Miss Yang
Day          Every Monday
Place        Room 307
Time         From 3:30 p.m.to 4:30 p.m.
Activity     Last week:took some photos in a park.This week watch a film.

Club         Basketball Club
Teacher      Mr Zhang
Day          Every Thursday
Place        In the playground
Time         From 12:45 p.m.to 1:30 p.m.
Activity     Last week:played a game with students from another school
             This week watch a film.
2.抄寫單詞和短語:amazing,another,attend,disappear,fair,launch,photography,power,rocket,solar,surprised,teach,all the way,learn about,of course,remote control.





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