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七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Module 1 Lost and found Unit 2《Are they yours?》

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七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Module 1 Unit 2《Are they yours》

Words and expressions
camera  n.照相機(jī)
phone  n.電話;電話機(jī)
mobile phone   移動(dòng)電話;手機(jī)
lost and found office   失物招領(lǐng)處
in a hurry   匆匆忙忙
leave  v.丟下;遺忘
plane   n.飛機(jī)
taxi   n.出租車(chē)
why  adv.為什么
airport  n.機(jī)場(chǎng);航空港
hundred  mum.百
hundreds of   幾百;成百上千
look for  尋找
thousand   num.千
strange  adj.奇怪的
boat   n.船
duck   n.鴨
pig  n. 豬
sausage  n.香腸;臘腸
Ask and answer.
A:Is this your pencil?
B:Yes,it is.It's mine.
A:Is that your book?
B:No,it isn't.It's his.
A:Whose crayonsa are there?
B:They're hers.
A:Is this his book?
B:Yes,it is.It is his.
A:Are these your gloves?
B:No,they aren't.
A:Whose gloves are they?
B:I think they are Ms Li's.
A:Is this your wallet?
B:No,it's not mine.
A:Whose wallet is it?
B:I think it's Mary's.It's hers.
Complete the sentences with the correct words and expression from the box.
camera   computer  mobile phone
A man is talking to a woman at the lost and found office.He's looking for his (camera).
A man is getting on the bus.His (mobile phone)is lost.
Listen and check the sentences.
1.People often leave things on planes,on trains,on buses and in taxis.(√)
2.All lost things can be found in the New York City Lost and Found office.(×)
3.A hundred bikes and a large boat are left in the New York City and Found office.(√)
4.There are two dogs,two ducks and a pig are left in the New Yourk City Lost and Found office this week.(×)
Read the passage and answer the questions.
1.When do people often lose things?
When they travelling or when they're in a hurry.
2.Why are there lost and found offices at airports and stations?
Because people often leave things on planes,on trains,on buses and in taxis.
3.What do people do at the lost and found office?
They look for things they have lost.
4.What strange things are there the New York City Lost and Found office?
A large boat,three dogs,two ducks,a pig and fifteen kilos of sausages.
Language points
1.People often lose things when they're travelling or when they're in a hurry.
in a hurry  意思是“匆匆忙忙”。
She arote a letter in a hurry.
(be)in no hurry 意思是“不急于;不忙于”
She's in no hurry to leave here.
2.That's why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.
that's why 表示“這就是...的原因”,常用于句首,后面跟的是結(jié)果。如:
We make a plan for this year.
That's why we work hard every day.
3.Hundreds of people come here every day.
hundred 是一個(gè)確數(shù),表示“一百”。當(dāng)hundred前面有具體數(shù)字時(shí),要用單數(shù)形式,但它后面跟of時(shí),要用復(fù)數(shù)形式hundreds of,同時(shí)其前面不能再加具體數(shù)字。
There are hundreds of mobile phones in the store.
Thousands of people work in the factory.
Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions from the box.
airport   hundreds of    large  lose  sausage  station   strange
People in a hurry often (lose)things,and there are (hundreds of)things at lost and found offices at (airports)and (stations).At the New York City Lost and FOund Office,there are also some very (strange)things.There are fifteen kilos of (sausages)-are they yours?And how do you lose a (large)boat on the train.
If you lose or find things,what should you do?
go to a lost and found office
write a lost and found note
Read the lost and found notes.
My gloves.
They're blue and white.Call Tony at 85749326.
Is this your bag?
Call Betty at 23690390.
Lin Hai,
A computer game is in the school library.Is it yours?Ask the teacher for it.
Some keys are in Classroom 7E.Are they yours?E-amil me at maryg2@gfimail.com.
Is this your watch?My phone number is 495-3539.call me.
I lost my school ID card.I must find it.Call me at 685-6034.
call v.打電話
call sb.  給....打電話
call +某人+at+電話號(hào)碼(用這個(gè)號(hào)碼打電話給某人)
Please call John at 035-7328.
call 還可以表示“稱(chēng)呼”
They call me Tina.
Call Jenny at 235-0285.
Call Tony at 685-6034.
Complete the notices with the words of phone number in the box.
yours   found    284-5486  lost   call
( Lost):My notebook
My name is David.Please (call )me at 679-8871.
(Found ):A set of keys
Are these(yours )?Call Jenny
at (284-5486 ).
Write your own lost or found notice with your name and phone number.
My notebook.
Please call Cindy at 63752148.
A backpack.
My name is Jack.
Phone number 63017047.
Is this_______?
1.Don't (leave)(丟下)your book at home,Tony.
2.The weather is very cold so I take a (taxi)(出租車(chē))to go to school.
3.Does your mother often take a (plane)(飛機(jī))?
4.The bird is(strange)(奇怪的)because it has three legs.
5.There is a small (boat)(船)on the river.
6.My father's (mobile phone)(移動(dòng)電話)is very expensive.
7.A man lost his wallet when he is (in a hurry)(匆匆忙忙).
8.(Hundreds of)(成百上千)people lose their things on planes,on trains and on buses every day.
9.Tony is (looking for)(尋找)his goloves in his room.
10.You can go to the (lost the found office)(失物招領(lǐng)處)from Monday to Friday.
Complete the lost and found notes.






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