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四年級英語下冊 Module Revision(4)(舊版)

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Module Revision(4)
Look and learn

piano   鋼琴
violin  小提琴
triangle   三角鐵
drum   鼓
music   音樂
the Spring Festival   春節(jié)
the Dragon Boat Festival   端午節(jié)
the Mid-autumn Festival   中秋節(jié)
the Double Ninth Festival   重陽節(jié)
festival   節(jié)日
rice dumping   粽子
duck   小鴨子
swan   天鵝
nest   巢;窩

Listen and circle
1.The little birds/little duckings are in/on the nest.
2.Do you eat cakes/rice dumplings at the Double Ninth Festival/the Dragon Boat Festival?
3.It is always cold and dry during the Spring Festival/at the Mid-autumn Festival.
4.Mother Duck is making a nest/making a home for her eggs/bobies.
5.She feeds the ducks/duckings with warms/some/bread.
6.My grandmother always plays the piano/play the violin on Saturday/Sunday.
(  )1.a Yes,it's watermelon.      
b It's a lemon.
c It's a watermelon.
(  )2.a In the grass.
b In the pond.
c In the nest.
(  )3.a They like eating.
b They're singing,I think.
c They're flying.
(  )4.a They're Mother Swan's.
b They're Mother Hen's.
c They're Mother Duck's.
(  )5.a Eat mooncakes.
b Watch fireworks.
c Eat rice dumplings.
(  )6.a It's Mike's.
b It's an old bicycle.
c Mike has a bicycle.
1.It's Paul's piano.
2.It's Andy's drum.
3.It's May's triangle.
4.It's Anna's violin.

S1:Listen to the ...It's goes...Do you like it?
S2:Yes,I do./No,I don't.
S1:Whose ...is it?
S2:It's ...
S1:Can you play...?
S2:Yes,I can./No,I don't.
S1:What can you play?
S2:I can...

Look,read nd complete
1.I can hear some sounds.Is it your drum,Danny?
________,it isn't.
Is it your ______.Alice?
Yes,_________ triangle.
2.What's that sound?Is it your triangle,Alice?
No,it ______ ______ ______.
3.Is it your violin,Kitty?
______,______ _____ ______.
4.I can hear a sound.
Is it your piano,Miss Fang?
Yes,it's my piano.

a Mother Duck is making a neat for her eggs.
b Mother Duck is feeding her babies.The big grey ducking is eating all the   worms.
c The three ducks are sitting on Mother Duck's back.The ugly ducking is behind them.
d The three ducking are playing together.The ugly ducking is sad.
e An old woman is driving the ugly ducking away.
f The beautiful swan is looking into the pond.

Today is Saturday.It is a nice day.The Hus are at Century Park.
Mr and Mrs Hu are sitting under a tree.Above the tree,there is a ballon.Mr Hu is reading a book.Mrs Hu is wating some birds.They are flyig in the blue sky.
Ivy is sitting on the lawn.The grass is soft.She is drinking strawberry juice and listening to music.Her brother Andy is on the lawn too.He is eating a straberry cake,Beside him,there is a dog.The dog is playing with a ball.
1.What day is it today?
It is Saturday.
2.Where are the Hus?
Tey are at Century Park.
3.What are they doing?
Mr Hu is _________.sitting under a tree/reading a book.
Mrs Hu is _________.sitting under a tree/watching some birds.
Ivy is _________.sitting on the lawn/drink strawberry juice and listening to music.
Andy is _________.sitting on the lawn/eating a strawberry cake.
The dog is _________.playing with a ball.

1.復習Moudle 4,會讀、會寫所學單詞。
2.完成workbook Moudle Revision(4)相關(guān)練習題。




高級教師,名師,骨干教師 ,學術(shù)帶頭人,多次榮獲省市優(yōu)質(zhì)課一等獎。

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