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四年級英語下冊 Module Revision(3)(舊版)

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Module Revision(3)
Look and learn

quite   輕聲的;安靜的
loud    大聲的;響亮的
bell    鈴;鈴鐺
television(TV)   電視
seven o'clock    七點鐘
a quarter past seven   七點十五分
half past seven   七點半
a quarter to eight   七點四十五
get up   起床
brush my teeth   刷牙
wash my face    洗臉
have breakfast    吃早餐
always   總是
usually   通常
often   經(jīng)常
sometimes   有時
never   從未
Monday   星期一
Tuesday   星期二
Wednesday   星期三
Thursday   星期四
Friday   星期五
Saturday   星期六
Sunday   星期日
Chinese chess   象棋
at weekends    在周末

(  )1.a ball      b doorbell      c bicycle
(  )2.a Thursday  b Tuesday       c two days
(  )3.a stand up  b get up        c sit down
(  )4.a 7.15      b 8.15          c 7.45
(  )5.a brushing my teeth
b washing my face
c brushing my shoes
(  )6.a on Sunday morning
b on Saturday morning
c on Sunday evening
(  )7.a We often go to City Park at weekends.
b We always go to City Park at weekends.
c We always go to the music club at weekends.
(  )8.a Are the cats dozing in the trees?
b Are the cats dozing in their baskets?
c Are the cats climbing the trees?

(  )1.a No.It's too loud.
b Yes,it's too quite.
c No,It's too quite.
(  )2.a I'm brushing my teeth.
b We're having lunch.
c I often play table tennis.
(  )3.a We usually go to the park.
b We're going to the park.
c We're in the park.
(  )4.a It's seven o'clock.
b It's a quarter to twelve.
c It's half past four.
(  )5.a No,I'm watching TV.
b No,I'm doing my homework.
c Yes,I'm watching TV.
(  )6.a No,It's too loud.
b Be careful!
c I'm sorry.

Listen and judge
1.Mr and Mrs White often go to City Park at weekends.(  )
2.It's Saturday morning.(  )
3.Mrs White is sitting on a bench.(  )
4.Mr White is having a rest under the tree.(  )
5.It's ten to ten now.Mr and Mrs White are having a picnic.(  )

Think,complete and say

 Time   Activities
 7:30  get up
 9:00   go to the park
 12:00  have lunch
 3:30  play football
 8:00  watch TV

I like...(day)
I always/often/sometimes/usually...

1.It is wednesday (day).
It is half past eight/eight thirsty(time).
The girl is in the licing room.
She is watching TV.
2.It is Thursday (day).
It is a quarter past six/six fifteen (time).
The boy is in the kitchen.
He is washing the dishes.
3.It is Friday (day).
It is twenty to four/three thirty-five(time).
Tom and Alice are under the tree.
Alice is reading a book.
4.It is Sunday (day).
It is six o'clock.
Tom and Spaceboy are having dinner.

Think and write
1.always  students  badminton  the  play  gym  the  in
The students always play badminton in the gym.
2.sometimes  TV  Kitty  watches  weekendss  at
Kitty sometimes watches TV at weekends.
3.is  the  cooking  Mum  dinner  in  kitchen
Mum  is cooking dinner in the kitchen./Is Mum cooking dinner in the kitchen?
4.doing  living room  the  Grandpa  what  in  is
What is Grandpa doing in the living room?

a I usually do my homework at home,but today I am watching TV in a hotel.
b he's driving the car
c I'm sitting in a car
d We usually have lunch at home.but today we're having lunch in a restaurant

It's eight o'clock in the morning.I usually have a class at school,but today
My father often reads newspapers at this hour,but today _________.
My mother usually teaches at school,but today she's sitting in the car too.
It's  nine o'clock.My father,mother and I are in the park.
It's ten o'clock.We're flying kites on the lawn.
It's twelve o'clock.______
It's four c'clock in the afternoon.________.

Read and complete
1.Peter is in the park.He is listening to a bird."Tweet-tweet" He likes this   beautiful sound.
2.Mum is cooking lunch.Peter and Sally are eating.Yummy!
3.Peter and Paul are watching TV.It is so much fun!
4.Sh...!Peter and Kitty are reading in the library.They are quiet!
5.Peter is in his bedroom.He is writing a letter.

 Time   What is Peter doing?
 9.00   He is lisen to a bird.
 11.30  He is eating/having lunch with Sally.
 2.30  He is watching TV with Paul.
 4.00   He is reading in the library.
 4.30  He is writing a letter.
1.復(fù)習(xí)Moudle 3,會讀、會寫所學(xué)單詞。
2.完成workbook Moudle Revision(3)相關(guān)練習(xí)題。




高級教師,名師,骨干教師 ,學(xué)術(shù)帶頭人,多次榮獲省市優(yōu)質(zhì)課一等獎。

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