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四年級英語下冊Module Revision(1)(舊版)

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Module Revision(1)
Look and learn

watermelon     西瓜
grape     葡萄
plum      李子;梅子
cherry    櫻桃
strawberry     草莓
hard     硬的
soft     軟的
rough    粗糙的
smooth   光滑的
sharp    尖的;鋒利的
blunt    鈍的;不鋒利的
thick    厚的;粗的
thin     薄的;細(xì)的
hill     小山;山丘
lawn     草坪
path     小路
bench    長椅

New words
pencil    鉛筆
pencil case    鉛筆盒;鉛筆袋
shadow     影子
(the) sun     太陽
rise     升起;上升
high     高的
at noon     在中午
go down     落下

(  )1 a smell and taste
b smell and touch
c touch and eat
(  )2 a blunt pens
b brown pencils
c blunt pencils
(  )3 a round and purple grapes.
b sour adn purple grapes.
c round and green grapes.
(  )4 a Are these sketchbooks Kitty's or Jill's?
b Are these storybooks Kitty's or Jill's?
c Are those storybooks Kitty's or Jill's?
(  )5.a The tree's shadow is on the path.
b The tree's shadow is on the lawn.
c The tree's shadow isn't on the path.
(  )6 a The sun goes down behind the hill.
b The sun rises high in the sky.
c The sun goes down in the evening.

(  )1 a It's a plum,I think.
b Yes,it's a plum.
c No,it's a plum.
(  )2 a It's sweet and sour.
b It's strawberry juice.
c It's hard and rough.
(  )3 a They're Mark's.
b He's Mark.
c They're chocolates.
(  )4 a Thank you.
b Sure,Here you are.
c You're welcome.
(  )5 a It's a bench.
b It's short.
c It's the afternoon.
(  )6 a It's me.
b I have a schoolbag.
c It's my schoolbag.

Listen and choose
(  )1 a She has a sweet.   b A rubber.   c She has a bag.
(  )2 a It's Petre's      b They're Jill's     c They're Peter's.
(  )3 a It's soft and smooth.
b It's hard and smooth.
c It's hard and rough.
(  )4 a In the sky.
b On the tree.
c On the path.
This garden is beautiful.
There is/are...It's/They're...
Look!The sun is ...It's ...
...'s shadow is ...

This garden is beautiful.
They are trees.
They're tall.
Look!The sun is high in the sky.
It is on the building.
The Trees' shadows are short.

Look,tick and complete
1.Kitty:These rubbers are small.
Alice:Those rubbers are big.
2.Kitty:These sketbllks are thin.
Alice:Those sketchbooks are thick.
3.Kitty:These pencil are long and blunt.
Alice:Those pencils are short and sharp.

1.Take one thing.What is it?
It's a book.
Whose book is it?
It's Mark's book.
2.Take one thing.What is it?
It's a ruler.
It's Mark's too.
3.Wow!It's a toy spider! Is it Ben's or Ted's?
It's Ted's toy spider.
4.Whose rubber is this?
It's Ben's rubber.

Read and write
1.The girl tired.She likes sitting on the bench.
2.At noon,the sun is high in the sky.
3.The sun goes down in the evening.The building's shadow grows long.
4.Taste it.Is it a watermelon or a lemon?
It's sweet.It's watermelon.
5.--Whose knife is it/this ?
--It's my knife.

Dogs are colour-blind
Dogs are man's good friend.Some dogs are big.and some dogs are small.Dogs are very clever,but they cannot see colours.They are colour-blind.In a dog's eyes,everything is balck,white and grey.
How can a dog hunt for food then?Dogs can run very fast.They can hear and smell very well too.
Many animals cannot see colour.Lions tigers,cats,cows and sheep are all colour-blind.But monkeys can see colours.Many birds,fish and insects can see colours too.

1.In a dog's eyes,everything is _____,_____ and grey.
2.Dog cannot see colours,but they can ______ and _____ very well.
3.Dogs,______ _____ ______ ______ and ______ cannot see colours.
4._________ and many _______ _______ and insects can see colours.

1.復(fù)習(xí)Moudle 1,會讀、會寫所學(xué)單詞。
2.完成workbook Moudle Revision(1)相關(guān)練習(xí)題。




高級教師,名師,骨干教師 ,學(xué)術(shù)帶頭人,多次榮獲省市優(yōu)質(zhì)課一等獎。

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