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四年級英語下冊Project 3 《My home life》(舊版)

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《My home life》
爸爸 爸爸 daddy
daddy daddy daddy
媽媽 媽媽 mummy
mummy mummy mummy
哥哥 弟弟 brother
brother brother
姐姐 妹妹 sister
sister sister
爺爺 爺爺 grandpa
grandpa grandpa
奶奶 奶奶 grandma
grandma grandma
uncle uncle
auntie auntie

Stick and introduce
Stick a photo of your family and introduce them to your classmates.
How many people are there in your family?
Who are they?
How old are they?
What are their jobs?
Hello!My name is Tom.I'm ten.I'm from Australia.I'm a new student.I'm in Class Two.Grade Five.Here's a picture of my family.
This is my father.He's a teacher.This is my mother.She's a tailor.
Who's the boy on the right?Is it me?No,It's my brother.The boy in the middle is Me!
We look like each other.We're twin brothers!We love our father and mother.
And they love us.We are a happy family.

A Girl's Day
I get up at 6:30 in the morning.
I have breakfast at 7:00 in the morning.
I go to school at 7:30 in the morning.
I have classes at 9:00 in the morning.
I have lunch at 12:00 in the morning.
I go home at 5:00 in the afternoon.
I have dinner at 6:00 in the evening.
I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening.
I go to bed at 9:00 in the evening.

I get up at seven o'clock.
I go to school at eight o'clock.
I have lunch at twelve o'clock.
I go home at four o'clock.
I watch TV at six o'clock.
I go to bed at nine o'clock.

He plays basketball in the evening.
She rides her bike in the afternoon.
He doesn't play football in the afternoon.
Peter doesn't at school in the morning.He stays at home.
He doesn't have a class in the afternoon.He cleans the room.
Peter doesn't go to the museum.He goes to the supermarket.
He doesn't go to the library.
He plays football with his friend.
Peter doesn't watch TV.
He watches a movie.

Ask and answer
always     usually     often     sometimes
S1:When do you get up?
S2:I ... get up at...
S1:When does your father/mother/...get up?
S2:H/She ...gets up at...
always  總是---usually  通常---often  經(jīng)常---sometimes  有時---seldom  很少---never  從不
always     總是100
usually    通常80
often      經(jīng)常30-50
sometimes  有時20
seldom     很少5
never      從未0

1.always意為“總是”“一直”它所表示的頻度最高相當(dāng)于all the time
Tom is always late for school.湯姆上學(xué)總遲到。
We usually go shopping on Sundays.我們周日通常去購物。
We often have supper at home.我們經(jīng)常在家吃晚飯。
She sometimes walks along the river.她有時候沿著河邊散步。
Sometimes I don't like to work because I feel too tired.
5.hardly ever意為“幾乎不”
She hardly ever watches TV.她幾乎不怎么看電視。
He has never been to Beijing.他從未去過北京。

Can you write something about the pictures?
Hello,I'm Linda.I usually get at 6:30 in the morning.
I'm in Class One,Grade Six.
I usually go to school at 7:00 in the morning.
Look!This is my mother.
She always works in the office in the morning.

Write and talk
What do your family usually do in a week?Write and talk about it.
Family member        Activities         Days of the week
Mother               Clean the room     Monday
Wash the clothes   Wednesday
go shopping        Sunday
Father               play the piano     Tuesday
watch TV           Thursday
water the flower   Friday
S                    read the book      Monday
play football      Friday
S:My mother/My father/...usually/always/sometimes...on...
My mohter usually go shopping on Sunday.
My father always play the piano on Tuesday.
Sometimes I go to the cinema on Saturday.

Stick and write
Stick a photo of your family on holiday and write about it.
Where are you?
What are you doing?
A happy holiday
Look at the photo.We are at The summer Palavce.It is very beautiful.
We see the trees and the flowers.
We climb the hill,we row the boat.
We take many photos.
We have a happy holiday!

----How was your holiday?
---It was fantastic.
---Where were you during the holiday?
---I was in Beijing.
---How was your holiday?
---IIt was exciting.
---Where were you during the holiday?
---I was in Xi'an.
---How was your holiday?
---It was fantastic.
---Where were you during the holiday?
---I was in Sanya.
---How was your holiday?
---It was fantastic.
---Where were you during the holiday?
---I was in Kunming.





高級教師,名師,骨干教師 ,學(xué)術(shù)帶頭人,多次榮獲省市優(yōu)質(zhì)課一等獎。


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