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二年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè) Module 4 Unit 2《In the forest》

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《In the forest》
Look and learn
fox   狐貍      hippo 河馬
meat  肉        grass 草

Say and act
Listen and Answer
What does the fox like?
The fox likes meat.
Read and Answer
What does the hippo like?
The hippo likes grass.

Wild animals
Look at me.I'm a fox.
I'm small.I like meat.
Look at me.I'm a hippo.
I'm big.I like grass.

Wild animals    野生動(dòng)物
Fox:  Look at me.I'm a fox.   看看我,我是一只狐貍。
I'm small.I like meat.  我個(gè)子很小,我喜歡吃肉。
Hippo:Look at me.I'm a hippo. 看看我,我是一只河馬。
I'm big.I like grass.   我個(gè)子很大,我喜歡吃草。

Look at ... It likes..
Look at the animals.
Look at the lion.It's big.It likes meat.
Look at the monkey.It's small.It likes bananas.
Look at the hippo.It likes grass.
Look at the hippo's mouth.
Wow!It's so big!

Look at ... It likes..  看...它喜歡...
Danny:Look at the animals.  丹尼:看看那些動(dòng)物。
Danny:Look at the lion.   看看那只獅子。
It's big.It likes meat.  它個(gè)子很大。它喜歡吃肉。
Eddie:Look at the monkey.  看看那只猴子。
It's small.It likes bananas.   它個(gè)子很小。他喜歡吃香蕉。
Danny:Look at the hippo.   看看那只河馬。
It likes grass.    它喜歡吃草。
Eddie:Look at the hippo's mouth.   看看那只河馬的嘴巴。
Danny:Wow!It's so big!  哇!它的嘴巴好大??!

Look at the ________.(cat)
It's _____.(thin)
It likes _______.(fish)

Look at the ________.(rabbit)
It's _____.(small)
It likes _______.(carrots)

Look at the ________.(pig)
It's _____.(fat)
It likes _______.(grass)

Look at the ________.(elephant)
It's _____.(big)
It likes _______.(grass)

Look at the ________.(dog)
It's _____.(thin)
It likes _______.(bones)

Listen and Answer?
How many animals?   Three.
Read and Answer
What can they do?
I'm a fox,fox,fox.
And I'm nice,nice,nice.
I'm orange,orange,orange.
And I can run,run,run.
I'm a rabbit,rabbit,rabbit.
And I'm cute,cute,cute.
I'm white,white,white.
And I can hop,hop,hop.
I'm a monkey,monkey,monkey.
And I'm naughty,naughty,naughty.
I'm brown,brown,brown.
And I can swing,swing,swing.

Learn the letters
Uu   Vv   Ww
umbrella     van     window
Wendy is in a van,
With two umbreallas in her hands.
One is black.One is red.
She takes them to her friends.
Oh,raindrops fall on her head.
Wendy closes the window with her hand.





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