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二年級英語上冊 Module 2 Unit 2《That's my family》

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《That's my family》
New words

young    old     sister     your
he    she   my    isn't     brother

Look and say
Is he/she...?
Yes,he/she is.
No,he/she isn't.
Who's Sally?
She's the boy's sister.
Who's she?
She is Sally.
Is she your sister?
Yes,she's my sister.
Who's he?
He's Jim.
Is he your brother?
No,he isn't.He's my friend.

Read and say
Who's Jim?
He's the boy's friend.

Is he/she...?     他/她是....嗎?
Yes,he/she is.    是的,他/她是。
No,he/she isn't.  不,他/她不是。
Kitty:Who's she?     基蒂:她是誰?
Peter:She is Sally.  彼得:她是薩利。
Kitty:Is she your sister?    基蒂:她是你的姐姐嗎?
Peter:Yes,she's my sister.   彼得:是的,她是我的姐姐。
Kitty:Who's he?              基蒂:他是誰?
Peter:He's Jim.        彼得:他是吉姆。
Kitty:Is he your brother?     基蒂:他是你的弟弟嗎?
Peter:No,he isn't.He's my friend.    彼得:不,他不是,他是我的朋友。

Play a game
This is my grandmother
She is old.
Is she tall? Is she thin?
Miss Fang      Kitty     Alice     Peter
S1:This is...
S2:He/she is ...(old/yong)
Is he/she...(tall/short/thin/fat)?
S1:Yes,he/she is.
No,he/she isn't.
I like my...

Listen and enjoy
She's my mummy,
Kind and dear.
He's my daddy,
Big and tall.
She's my sister.
Thin and nice.
He's my brother,
Sweet and small.

Ask and answer
Who's this?
Is that a boy?
No,She's a girl.
Is she short?
Is she fat?
Is she Kitty?
Is that a boy?
Yes,he's a boy.
Is he tall?
No,He is short.
Is he thin?
No,He is fat.
Is he Danny?
Yes,he is Danny.
S1:Is that a boy/girl?
S1:Is he/she...?

Peter:Is that a boy?    彼得:是個男孩嗎?
Alice:No,She's a girl.   艾麗絲:不,是個女孩。
Peter:Is she short?      彼得:她矮嗎?
Alice:Yes.               艾麗絲:是的。
Peter:Is she fat?        彼得:他胖嗎?
Alice:No.                艾麗絲:不胖。
Peter:Is she Kitty?      彼得:她是基蒂嗎?
Alice:Yes.               艾麗絲:是的。
Alice:Is that a boy?     艾麗絲:是個男孩嗎?
Girl: Yes,he's a boy.     女孩:是的,是個男孩。

Alice:Is he tall?        艾麗絲:他高嗎?
Girl: No,He is short.    女孩:不,他矮矮的。
Alice:Is he thin?        艾麗絲:他瘦嗎?
Girl: No,He is fat.      女孩:不,他胖胖的。
Alice:Is he Danny?       艾麗絲:他是丹尼嗎?
Girl: Yes,he is Danny.   女孩:是的,他是丹尼。

Learn the letters
Ii     Jj
insect     jar
Harry has a jar.
Harry has a jar.
Harry has a an insect,
An insect in a jar.





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