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七年級英語上冊Module 1《My life》Unit 1 Making friends(1)

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《Making friends.(1)》
1.Getting ready
Let's meet our friends!
This is Hi.He is a clever boy.
This is Lo,Hi's robot friend.

2.A What do you know about...?
What's your hobby?
My hobby is ________.
A1 Can you match the hobbies in the box with the pictures below?
listening to music      playing basketball        reading books
What's your hobby?
My hobby is _______.
My hobbies are ________ and _____.

3.Did you know?
letter    e-mail
Before you read
Look at the pictures,the title and the sub-headings on page 3.Then tick(√) the things that you may find in Anna's blog.
1.her country             □          5.her favourite subjects     □
2.her age                 □          6.her English teacher        □
3.her parents' names      □          7.her dream                  □
4.her brother and sister  □          8.her hobbies                □

Anna's blog
Hello everyone  Welcome to my blog.
About me
My name is Anna.I'm from Germany.I'm 11 years old.I'm tall and thin.I have long hair.
I live with family in a house close to some mountains,My mum is an Are teacer.My dad is a doctor.I have an elder sister and an elder brother.
About my school and my hobbies
Every day,I go to school by school bus.My favourite subjects are Maths.Are and Science.I like my school because the teachers are all every friendly.My dream is to be an engineer.
I like many sports.I'm good at swimming and playing basketball.There are my favourite hobbies.
I want to make friends with young people from all over the world!Email me,please!

6.Language points
1.Every day,I go to school by school bus.
I go to school on foot every day.
Tom has a dictionary for every use.
2.I'm good at swimming and playing basketball.
What are you good at?
(be)good at/(be)poor at+n./v-ing

Reading comphension
D1 Read the blog on page 3 and complete the card about Anna below.
What she looks like:tall,thin,long hair
Family members:father,mother,an elder sister and an elder brother.
Favourite subjects:Maths,Art and Science
Hobbies:swimming and playing basketball
Dream:to be an engineer

C1 Here are some sentences from the blog on page 3.Do you know the meanings of hte words and phrases in italics?Circle the correct answers.
1 Hello every
a all people           b some people
2 I live with my family in a house close to some mountains.
a near                 b far away from
3 I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly.
a happy                b rice and kind
4 There are my favourite hobbies
a things I must do          b things I like doing in my tree time
5 I want to make friends with young people from all over the world!
a some countries in          b every country in
C2 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from
all over     close to     friendly       good at       hobbies
World E-friends Club
We welcome young people from ________ the world.
Please email us your answers to these questions:
What are your ______?
Are you ______ any sports?
What films.music do you like?
Do you live _______ or far away from your school?
Are you teachers _________?
What subjects do you like best?

7.Read aloud
Anna's blog
Hello everyone  Welcome to my blog.
About me
My name is Anna.I'm from Germany.I'm 11 years old.I'm tall and thin.I have long hair.
I live with family in a house close to some mountains,My mum is an Are teacer.My dad is a doctor.I have an elder sister and an elder brother.
About my school and my hobbies
Every day,I go to school by school bus.My favourite subjects are Maths.Are and Science.I like my school because the teachers are all every friendly.My dream is to be an engineer.
I like many sports.I'm good at swimming and playing basketball.There are my favourite hobbies.
I want to make friends with young people from all over the world!Email me,please!

8.Retell the text
Use the information below to talk about Anna in your own words.
What she looks like:______,thin,long hair
Family members:father,_________,________and _______.
Favourite subjects:______,_______and Science
Hobbies:________ and playing ________
Dream:to be an _________

9.Reading comprehension
D2 Find facts in the blog to support these statements about Anna.Write down the facts.
1 Anna's school is far away from here house.(Every day,I ...)
Every day,I go to by school bus.
2 Anna likes drawing(My favourite subjects...)
My favourite subjects are Maths,Art and Sciences.
3 Anna enjoys her school life.(I like)
I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly.
D3 Do you want to become Anna's e-friend?Why or why not?
Follow the example
I want to become Anna's e-friend because I want to learn about Germany...

2.根據(jù)Comprehension D1的提示,用幾句句子連貫地介紹Anna.
world,all over,close to,go to school.good at,make friends with.
4.完成《練習(xí)冊》第2頁Vocabulary部分和第9Reading A的練習(xí)。



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