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四年級英語下冊Module 4 Unit 2《Festivals in China(1)》(舊版)

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《Festivals in China(1)》
Look and learn

the Spring Festival   春節(jié)
the Dragon Boat Festival   端午節(jié)
the Mid-autumn Festival   中秋節(jié)
the Double Ninth Festival   重陽節(jié)
April Fool's Day!   愚人節(jié)
Easter   復(fù)活節(jié)
Halloween     萬圣節(jié)
Thanksgiving Day     感恩節(jié)
Christmas Day     圣誕節(jié)

Listen  and say
Miss Fang and the students are talking about festival in China.
What festivals do you like?
I like the Spring Festival.
What do you usually do during the Spring Festival?
I usually visit my grandparents and relatives.
I see.What about you,Kitty?
My favouite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival.I like eating rice dumplings.
Me too.Which Chinese festival do you like,Peter?
I like the Mid-autumn Festival.
What do Chinese people eat at the Mid-autumn Festival?Do you know?

(  )1 a Winter        b Autumn         c Spring
(  )2 a Watch dragon boat races.
b Watch fireworks
c Visit old people.
(  )3 a It's winter.
b I like the Mid-autumn Festival.
c It's usually cool and dry.
(  )4 a At the Mid-autumn Festival.
b At the Dragon Boat Festival.
c At the Double Ninth Festival.
(  )5 a We like the Spring Festival.
b It's the Spring Festival.
c We can have a good time during the Spring Festival.
(  )6 a It's in April or May.
b It's in May or June.
c It's in January or February.

1.the Spring Festival
Month:January or February
weather:cold and dry
Activity:have a big dinner together.
2.the Dragon Boat Festival
Month:May or June.
weather:hot,sunny or rainy
Activity:watch dragon boat races
eat rice dumplings
3.the Mid-autumn Festival
Month:September or October
weather:cold or dry
Activity:look at the big and bright moon.
eat mooncakes.

Think and say
I like ...
It's in ....(month)
It's ...(weather)
People usually...(activity)
People usually eat ...(food)

I like the Spring Festival.
It's in February.
It's cold.
People usually have a big dinner,visit the relatives and friends.
People usually eat dumplings.

the Spring Festival,the Dragon Boat Festival,
the Mid-autumn Festival,the Double Ninth Festival。
2.聽錄音,熟讀Look and say




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