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四年級(jí)英語下冊Module 4 Unit 1《A music class(3)》(舊版)

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《A music class(3)》
In the music room

The students are playing a guessing game in Music class.
Listen,Jill.What's the sound?
Is it Peter's triangle?
Yes,it's my triangle.
Now,listen to this.
Is it Alice's drum?
No,It's Danny's drum.
Listen to this,Jill.
It's Kitty's violin!
Yes,it's my violin.

S1:Whose...is this?
S1:Whose triangle is this?
S2:It's Peter's triangle.
S1:Whose drum is this?
S2:It's Danny's drum.
S1:Whose violin is this?
S2:It's Kitty's violin.
S1:Whose piano is this?
S2:It's Miss Fang's piano.

The Piper of Hamelin
The city of Hamelin is full of mice.
The man plays beautiful music.The mice walk behind the man.They walk away from the city.
The man plays beautiful music again.Now all the children of the city walk behind him.
The people of Hamelin give the piper his gold.
The children go back home.
Here you are.

Answer the questions
1.What happens in the city of Hamelin?
The city of Hamelin is full of mice.
2.How does the piper help the people there?
He plays beautiful music.The mice walk behind him and walk away from the city.
3.What does the piper want in return?
He wants a bag of gold.

Read and judge
1.Boys and girls.this is our music room.Let's begin our first Music class.
2.This is a new piano.It sounds nice.Listen!
3.Touch it.How does it feel?
It's hard and smooth.
Can you play the piano,Ivy?
Yes,I can.
4.Here's a guitar.It's not a guitar,Ken.It's a violin.
5.Can you play the violin,Billy? Yes,I can.
6.Miss Tan!Listen,please!
Oh,yes!It's my birthday today.Thank you.

1.This is the students' first Music class._____
2.The piano is hard and old.______
3.Ivy can play the piano.________
4.There is a guitar in the music room._____
5.Ken can play the violin.______
6.It is Ivy's birthday today.________

Task:Our band
Ask and answer
S1:What can you play?            S1:Can you play...?
S2:I can play ...                S2:Yes,I can/No,I can't.
S1:What do you like playing?
S2:I like...

Think and say
I like ...
It's in ....(month)
It's ...(weather)
People usually...(activity)
People usually eat ...(food)

1.聽錄音,理解故事:The Piper of Hamelin.學(xué)會(huì)以誠待人。
2.小組合作,表演In the music room.




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