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四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Module 3 Unit 1《Sounds(1)》(舊版)

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Look the sounds
quiet     輕聲的;安靜的
loud     大聲的;響亮的
bell     鈴鐺;鈴
television(TV)    電視

Make a wind-bell
You need:
a thick card
some string
a pair of scissors
a bell
a small stick

Draw different shapes on the thick card.Colour them.
Cut out the shapes.
Make two holes in each shape.
Tie the shapes and the bell together with some string.Now you have a wind-bell.

Is Are ...(doing)?
Grandma,it's noisy outside.奶奶,外面好吵。
Are they playing basketball?
Yes,they are.是的
Listen,Tony.Is the doorbell ringring?
No,it isn't.It's the television.
Where's Grandpa? Is he watching TV in the living room?
Yes,he is.

Listen and circle
1.Is he washing his hads/watching TV?
2.Where's your father?Is he in the living room/bathroom?
3.Oh!It's noisy/quiet outside.
Are they reading books/playing volleyball?
4.There is a new bell/ball on the bicycle/chair.
5.Are the students having lunch/having a picnic in the park now?
6.The bell is quiet/loud.The old man cannot/can hear it.

Listen and choose
(   )1 a Yes,it's quiet.
b It's loud.
c No.It's quiet.
(   )2 a It's a bell.
b It's a duck.
c It's a bird.
(   )3 a They're my parents.
b They're tall.
c They're in the garden.
(   )4 a Yes,they're dozing.
b Yes,they are.
c They're watching TV.
(   )5 a Yes,it's quiet.
b It's loud.
c No.It's not loud at all.
(   )6 a Yes,they are.
b They're playing football.
c They're children.

Write and say
Listen to the bird!"Tweet-tweet!"It's singing,I think.It's quiet.I like the sound.

 Animal     Sound    quiet/loud  
 bird   Tweet-tweet  quiet
 dog  woof woof   loud
 cat   miao miao  quite
 duck   quack quack   loud
 pig   oink oink   loud

1.Some children are _____ outside.It is loud.
2.The door bell is ringing.It is _________.
3.Skygirl's parents are watching _________ in the licing room.It is ______.
4.An aeroplane is flying in the sky.It is _________.But Skygirl cannot hear   it.She can have a nice sleep.

1.會(huì)說(shuō)、會(huì)寫本課所學(xué)單詞:quite loud bell televsion.
3.聽(tīng)錄音,熟讀Look and say.




高級(jí)教師,名師,骨干教師 ,學(xué)術(shù)帶頭人,多次榮獲省市優(yōu)質(zhì)課一等獎(jiǎng)。

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