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四年級英語下冊Module 2 Unit 2《Cute animals!(3)》(舊版)

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《Cute animals!(3)》
Animals friends
Min and Mog
What do you have,Mog?
I have a fish.
Do you want the fish,Min?
Yes.It smells nice.I like it.
Let's eat it together!
Thank you,Mog.

Milly and Ella
Milly sees an apple on the tree.
She wants to eat it,but the tree is tall.
Ella comes.She shakes the tree.
Ella comes.She shakes the tree.
The apple falls down.Some leave fall down too.
Milly eats the apple.She likes it.
Ella eats the leaves.

The cat and the mouse
A cat is sleeping in his basket.A mouse sees the cat food.
The mouse is hungry,so he eats the food.
The cat wakes up and sees the mouse.The mouse is afraid and runs away.
The mouse climbs onto a door.The cat is too fat.He cannot climb onto the door.
The mouse jumps off the door and runs away again.The cat is tired.He cannot catch the mouse.
The mouse goes back to his hole.He is happy,but the cat is angry.

Read and complete
1.The mouse is hungry,so he eats the cat food.
2.The mouse is afraid,so he runs away.
3.The mouse climbs onto a door.The cat cannot catch him.
4.The mouse goes back to his hole.He is happy.

Read and answer
The tortoise and the rabbit
1.Rabbit loves running.He can run very fast.One day,he seas a small green   animal with a hard shell.
2.'Hello,'Rabbit says,"WHo are you?""I'm a tortoise.""What do tortoises    like? ""We like running,"Tortoise says.Rabbit laughs."I can run very    fast.Let's have a race."
Rabbit is very fast.TOrtoise is very slow.I will win,Rabbit thinks.Then    he falls asleep.
3.Tortoise walks and walks.He walks past Rabbit and gets to the finish   line.Tortoise wins!
1.What does Rabbit love?
Rabbit loves running.
2.Who runs fast.Rabbit or Tortoise?
3.Who wins the race?

Draw and complete
Favouite food:bone,dog food

Ask and answer
S1:What animal do you like?
S2:I like...
S1:Do you have a pet?
S2:Yes,I do.
S1:What's its name?/How old is ..?/What colour is...?
S1:What does he/she like eating?
S1:And what doesn't he/she lie eating?
S2:...doesn't like...

Think and write
My friend like cat.
Its name is Miaomiao.
She is 1(age).He/She is white (colour).
Her favouite food is fish.
She does not lilke bone at all.

1.聽錄音,熟讀Say and act.
2.小組合作,表演對話:Animals friends,養(yǎng)成愛護(hù)小動物的良好品質(zhì)。




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