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四年級英語下冊Module 2 Unit 1《Sports!(1)》(舊版)

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play football     踢足球
play table tennis     打乒乓球
play volleyball     打排球
play badminton     打羽毛球
play basketball     打籃球

Does he like playing (basketball)?  Yes,he does.
Does he like playing (football)?  Yes,he does.
Does he like playing (play badminton)?  Yes,he does.
Does he like playing (play table tennis)?  Yes,he does.
Does he like playing (volleyball)?  Yes,he does.

1.f( )( )tball.
2.b( )sketball
3.v( )lleyball
4.b( )dm( )nton
5.t( )blet( )nnis

Ask and answer
Does Kitty like playing badminton?
No,she doesn't.
Does she like playing volleyball?
Yes,she does.
Does Kitty like playing badminton?
No,she doesn't.

S1:Does Alice like playing basketball?
S2:No,she doesn't.
S1:Does she like playing badminton?
S2:Yes,she does.And she likes playing volleyball.

S1:Does Danny like playing volleyball?
S2:No,he doesn't.
S1:Does he like playing badminton?
S2:Yes,he does.And she likes playing football.

S1:Does Jill like playing football?
S2:No,she doesn't.
S1:Does she like playing basketball?
S2:Yes,she does.And she likes playing table tennis.

S1:Does Peter like playing volleyball?
S2:No,he doesn't.
S1:Does he like playing badminton?
S2:Yes,he does.And he likes playing basketball,table tennis and football.

Listen and choose
(  )1 a badminton       b basketball       c swimming
(  )2 a football        b basketball       c volleyball
(  )3 a draw            b join             c play
(  )4.a playing volleyball
b playing football
c playing basketball
(  )5.a on the path
b on the lawn
c on the hill
(  )6.a volleyball match
b a badminton match
c a basketball match
(  )1.a I like playing badminton
b Yes,I often play badminton.
c She likes playing badminton.
(  )2.a She likes skipping
b No,he doesn't.
c No,she doesn't.
(  )3.a Yes,he does.
b He likes playing table tennis.
c a He often plays table tennis in the evening.
(  )4.a Jill likes playing volleyball.
b It's Jill's,I think.
c She doesn't like playing volleyball.
(  )5.a Kitty wants to join the club.
b Kitty is in the library
c I don't know.Let's go and ask her.
(  )6.a I like playing football.
b a Sure.I'd love to.
c a Yes,I like it.

Look and write
play football
play basketball
play badminton
play table tennis/ping-pong

read and write
--_______(do)Jill like playing basketball,Danny?
--Yes,she ______(do).
--_______(do) you like playing volleyball?
--No,I ______(do).I like ______(play)table tennis.
Mike _____(like)running on the path with his father in the morning.
Ben _______(like)playing basketball and he wants to _____(join)the basketball club.
--________(do) your mother play sports at weekends?
--Yes,she _____(do).She ______ (like)playing table tennis with her friends.

2.調(diào)查問卷:What's your favourite sport?
3.問答練習(xí),運用句型:Does he/she like ...? Yes,he/she does.




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