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四年級(jí)英語下冊Module 1 Unit 1《What can you smell and taste?(3)》(舊版)

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《What can you smell and taste?(3)》
apples       plums        grapes
At Alice's home
Look,I have some fruit.They're grapes,plums and apples.What do you like?
I like apples.
Do you like red ones or green ones?
I like red ones.
OK.A red apple for you and a green apple for me.
How does the red apple taste?
It's sweet.It's very nice.How about the freen one?
It's nice too,and it's very crunchy.

Ask and answer
1.Where is Kitty?
She's at Alice's home.
2.Are there apples and grapes on the plate?
Yes,there are.
3.What does Kitty like?
She likes red apple.
4.How does the red aoole taste?
It's sweet.It's very nice.
5.How does the green apple taste?
It's nice,too,and it's very crunchy.

Read a story
They're round and purple.
They're smooth.
They're juicy.
What are they?
It's smart.It's orange.
It has a big and long tail.
It likes meat.
It can run fast.
What's it?
It can fly in the sky.
It goes "tweet,tweet".
What is it?

The fox and the grapes
Oh,grapes!They are purple and round.What nice grapes!I want them.
These grapes are very sweet.Yum!
The grapes are on a tall vine.I can't eat them.
Those grapes are sour.They are not sweet at all.

Answer the questions
1.Are the grapes purple or green?
They are purple.
2.Are the grapes sweet or sour?
They are sweet.
3.Who can eat the grapes,the bird or the fox?
The bird.
4.Does the fox like the grapes?
Yes,he does.

Read and judge
Every day,Mr Smith sees a man his home.The man has a pair of sunglasses and sits on the ground.In front of the man.there is  a hat with some money in it.Beside the man,there is a dog.Around the dog's neck,there is a board.It says "I'm blind."Mr Smith gives the man some money every afternoon on his way home.One day,Mr Smith wlks by the man,but he does not give him any money.
"Why don't you give me money today?"the man asks.Mr Smith is very surprised.
"Aren't you a blind man?"he asks.
"No,I'm not.but my dog is blind."the man says.

1.Mr Smith sees a man.He sits on a chair.
2.There is a board around the dog's neck.
3.Mr Smith never gives the man any money on his way home.
4.The man is blind.
5.The dog is blind.

Ask and answer
S1:What fruit juice do you like in...?
S2:I like...and ...in...Do you like....or...?
S1:I like ...It's...

Think and write
In spring,it is warm(weather).Li Yan(name)likes strawberry.It is nice(taste).In autumn.It is cool(weather).He/She likes apples,pears and grapes.They're all nice.

1.聽錄音,熟讀Say and act
2.小組合作,表演對(duì)話:At Alice's home
3.聽錄音,理解故事:The fox and the grapes




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