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七年級英語上冊Unit 4《My day》Reading

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Unit 4《My day》Reading
Review: Millie's day
1. When does her first(第一) class begin?
2. How much time does she spend(花費(fèi)) doing after-school activities?
New words
in the morning/
afternoon/evening  在上午/下午/晚上
first  adv. 首先,第一
chat  vi. 聊天,閑談
each  det. & pron. 每人,每個(gè)
other  pron. 另外,其他
practice  vt. & vi. 練習(xí),訓(xùn)練
have a good time  過得愉快,玩得高興
wish  n. & vt. 希望,祝愿
Listen the tape and answer a question:
What team is Millie in?
Read Paragraph 1&2, then answer the questions.
1. What's the name of Millie's school?
2. Does she love her school?
3. What do they do first?
4. What is Millie's favourite lesson?
Read Paragraph 3&4, then answer the questions.
1. Are Millie's frieads kind?
2. What do they often do after class?
3. What does Millie like?
4. Do they have fun at school?
Part B1
1. do morning exercise        a. after class
2. start lessons              b. on Wednesday afternoon
3. go to the Reading Club     c. at a quarter past eight
4. play volleyball            d. at eight
5. play in the playground     e. on Tuesday and Thursday
Part B2 T or F
1. Millie likes her school very much.
2. School starts at 8:15 at Millie's school.
3. English is Millie's favourite lesson.
4. Millie seldom chats with her friends after class.
5. Millie only goes to the Reading Club on Tuesday.
6. Millie is a member of the school swimming team.
Retell the article (復(fù)述課文):
Millie is a _______ at Sunshine Middle School. Their school starts from _______ to _______. They _______ _______ _______ at 8:00 _______. Then they _______ _______. She likes _______ best. Millie's friends are _______ to her. They often _______ with each other or play in the _______. They _______ go to the library in the afternoon. She goes to the _______ _______ twice a week. She also likes playing _______. She is a _______ of the school volleyball team. She _______ it on Wednesday afternoon. She _______ a good time at her school.
1. Now I am a student at Sunshine Middle School.
Now I am a student at No.1 Middle School.
2. Our school starts at eight in the morning from Monday to Friday.
in the morning / afternoon / evening
from Monday tO Friday
=on the weekdays
3. Usually we do morning exercises first.
do morning exercises  做早操
I'm doing my exercises.
Doing morning exercises is helpful to our health.
You should do more spelling exercises.
You are weak because of the lack of exercise.
你身體弱是因?yàn)槿鄙馘憻挕?br> Take more exercise, and you will be healthy.
4. My favourite subject is English.
= English is my favourite subject.
= I like English best.
5. They are all nice to me.
be nice/kind/friendly to sb.
The teachers are nice to us.
6. After class, we often chat with each other or play in the playground.
chat with sb. 和某人聊天
chat with each other 互相聊天
help each other 互相幫助
learn from each other 互相學(xué)習(xí)
I often chat with my mother about my problems.
play in the playground
7. I am in the school volleyball team.
=I am a member of the school volleyball team.
8. We practise after school on Wednesday afternoon.
practise 練習(xí),操練
We should practise English every day.
practise doing sth. 練習(xí)做某事
Millie practises playing volleyball with her friends after school.
on通常用于days,dates,parts of a specific day,special holidays。
Eg: on Saturday 在星期六
on 1 July 在7月1號
on Sunday morning 在星期天的早晨
on Children's Day 在兒童節(jié)
9. We always have a good time at school.
have a good time 玩的愉快,過的高興
Children often have a good time at weekends.
Do you have a good time in holiday?
同義短語:have fun
enjoy oneself
= We always have fun at school.
= We always enjoy ourselves at school.
10. Best wishes. 最美好的祝愿。
n. 希望,祝愿
He closed his eyes and made a wish.
Our wish for better times has come true.
vt. 希望,但愿
I wish him happiness.
I wish I can fly.
I wish everything is OK with you.
Part B3
Joan: I know friend Millie is now at Sunshine Middle School. When does her school _______ in the morning?
Tommy: At eight. They do _______ _______ first. Their lessons _______ at 8:15.
Joan: Does Millie like _______?
Tommy: Yes, she does. She's good at it.
Joan: Does she have many friends at school?
Tommy: Yes. She has _______ friends there. They often _______ with each other or play in the playground after class.
Joan: Do they have a library?
Tommy: Yes, they do. They also have a _______. They often read books there on _______ and _______.
Joan: Does Millie like sports?
Tommy: Yes. She likes playing volleyball. She's in the school _______. They _______ after school on _______.
Role play the conversation.
Complete part C
1. Our school starts at _______.
2. Our lessons begin at _______.
3. My favourite subject(s) is/are _______.
4. After class, I _______.
5. I _______.
Ⅰ. 根據(jù)首字母填空。
1. It's time to g_____ up, Eddie.
2. Bill doesn't go to school today.
H_____ is ill.
3. Every day, we do morning e_____ first at school.
4. The students should help e_____ other.
5. Millie is in the school volleyball t_____.
6. You should p_____ more if you want to speak English well.
7. They go home at a q_____ past five in the afternoon.
8. My f_____ lessons are Chinese and English.
9. I like playing football b_____.
10. We have f_____ at weekends.
Ⅱ. 選用詞組的正確形式填空。
each other, chat with, have a good time, lots of, be good at
1. You have _______ time to finish the work.
2. I _______ my friend on the Internet every Saturday.
3. I _______ English, for I go to the English Club every Wednesday.
4. We must learn from _______.
5. The students always _______ with their PE teacher.
Ⅲ. 根據(jù)所給漢語完成句子。
People say Mary is a _______ _______.
Our _______ day _______ _______ 8:00 every day.
We _______ to _______ a great day outside.
I sometimes ________ with my friends at the weekend.
Peter and I often _______ _______ each other.
We have classes _______ Monday _______ Friday.
Morning exercises help us _______ _______ for the whole day.
She _______ _______ the violin every day.
Write a letter to Millie to tell her about your school life.






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