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七年級英語上冊Unit 3《Welcome to our school.》Reading

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Unit 3《Welcome to our school.》Reading
1. What subjects do we learn this term?
Chinese, English, Maths, Music...
2. Ask and answer
A: Which subject do you like best?
B: I like ... best.
A: Are you good at ...?
B: Yes/No.
Learning aims:
1. Learn some new words and phrases;
2. To introduce the school;
3. To improve the students' reading.
New words:
so 因此                   bright 明亮的
show 帶,領(lǐng)               modern 現(xiàn)代的
around 到處               hall 禮堂,大廳
show sb around            diary 日記
領(lǐng)某人參觀             ground floor 一樓
in front of 在...前面     building 樓房
1. playground
2. classroom
3. hall
4. library
Millie meets her mother at the school gate. She is ready to show her mother around.
1. Is the playground big?
2. How many classrooms in Millie's school?
3. Does she have a library?
4. Who is the man in a white shirt?
Tick(√) the correct answers:
Sunshine Middle School
Playground: □small    □big
Classroom building: □18 classrooms    □80 classrooms
Classrooms: □clean and bright    □big and modern
Art room(s): □one    □two
Music room(s): □one    □two
Computer room(s): □one    □two
Library: □new    □old
School hall: □for meetings    □for classes
Read the conversation and translate the phases.
1、看上去漂亮/現(xiàn)代的 look beautiful/modern
2、帶你到處看看 show you around
3、一間美術(shù)室 an art room
4、兩間電腦室 two computer rooms
5、在底樓 on the ground floor
6、既干凈又明亮  clean and bright
7、這邊請 this way
8、開會 have a meeting/meetings
9、穿白襯衫的那個男的 the man in a white shirt
10、在教學樓前面 in front of the classroom building
Read and write a T or an F:
1. Sunshine Middle School looks beautiful.
2. Millie and her mum are behind the classroom building.
3. Millie's classroom is on the ground floor.
4. They have a new library.
5. They have meetings in the library.
6. They do not have a school hall.
7. Mr. Wu is in a white shirt on the Open Day.
8. Mr. Wu is Millie's Chinese teacher.
Read the passage again and fill in the blanks:
Today is our Open Day. Our parents come and visit our school on this day.
Our school looks ________. The ________ is very big, and our classrooms are clean and ________.
There are 18 classrooms in the classroom ________, and my classroom is on the ________ floor. We also have an ________ room, a music room and two ________ rooms. Our library is new and ________. There are lots of books. We often go there in the afternoon.
We also have a school ________. We have meeting there. Our school is really nice. We all love it.
拓展訓練:Say sth about your school
Our school looks ________. The ________ is very big, and our classrooms are clean and ________. There are ________ classrooms in the classroom ________, and my classroom is on the ________ floor. We also have an ________ room, a music room and two ________ rooms. Our library is new and ________. There are lots of books. We often go there in the afternoon.
We also have a school ________. We have meeting there. Our school is really nice. We all love it.
Class exercises
1. Can you s_______ me around your school?
2. You are _______(這么) beautiful in this dress.
3. All the classrooms in our school are big and b_______.
4. Our classroom is on the _______(三) floor.
5. How many classroom b_______ are there in your school?
6. We have _______(一個) art room.
7. Our school l_______ beautiful.
8. The man _______ a white shirt is Mr. Wu.
1、我們的學??瓷先ズ芷痢?br> 2、我們在教學樓的前面。
1. Remember the phrases;
2. Write a diary about your school.






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