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七年級英語上冊Unit 2《Let's play sports.》Reading

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Unit 2《Let's play sports.》Reading
New words
player    運動員
member    成員
club      俱樂部
free      空閑的
hope      希望
dream     夢想
true      真的,真實的
come true 變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)實
David Beckham is my favourite football playing. He is a member of England team. He play for AC Milan.
He comes from England. He is 31. He is tall and strong. He enjoys playing football.
This is Simon, he likes sports. Li Hua is his favourite football player.
1. Who is Simon's favourite football player?
2. How old is he?
3. Does Li Hua play football well?
Read the passage and try to answer the following questions.
1. Where is Li Hua from?
2. Is he a new member of Huanghe Football Club?
3. Does he play football every day?
4. What does he do in his free time?
5. What does he want to do?
Read Simon's article again and get the main idea of each paragraph.(選擇正確的選項)
Paragraph 1 _________________
Paragraph 2 _________________
Paragraph 3 _________________
Paragraph 4 _________________
A. What is Li Hua's dream?
B. Who is Li Hua?
C. Who is Simon's favourite football player?
D. What does Li Hua do in his free time?
I love sport, and I like football very much. Li Hua is my favourite football star.
Li Hua is 22 years old. He is a new member of Huanghe Football Club. He comes from Guangdong, but now lives in Beijing. He looks strong and plays football very well. Many people like him.
Li Hua plays football every day. In his free time, he studies English, he also enjoys listening to music. It makes him happy.
Li Hua wants to play in the next World Cup. I hope his dream comes true.
1. member   n.   成員
a member of ...    ...的成員
He is a member of  the Reading Club.
2. come from   來自
= be from
This teacher comes from the USA.
3. free    adj.    空閑的
in one's free time  在某人空閑的時候
In my free time, I like reading.
4. enjoy    v.    享受…的樂趣
enjoy doing sth.
Bob enjoys swimming in summer.
5. make   v.    使;讓
make + sb. + adj.   使人…;讓人…
Books makes us clever.
6. want   v.   想要
want to do sth.  想要做某事
He wants to buy some books.
Please read the article by yourselves.
B2: Millie is asking Simon some questions about Li Hua. Help Simon answer her questions with the words on page 20.
Is Li Hua in any club?
Yes. He is a new member of Huanghe Football Club.
How old is he?
He is 22 years old.
How does he look?
He looks strong.
Does he come from Beijing?
No, he doesn't. He comes from Guangdong, but now lives in Beijing.
Does he play football well?
Yes, he does. Many people like him.
Free Talk
You can ask more, such as:
What does he do in his free time?
What does he enjoy?
Does music make him happy?
What's his dream?
Read the passage again and finish it.
A card about Li Hua
Name: Li Hua
Age: 22
Club: Huanghe Football Club
Looks: strong
Comes from: Guangdong
Lives in: Beijing
Li Hua is Simon's ______ football star.
Li Hua is a ______ of Huanghe Football Club.
Li Hua plays football ______.
Li Hua ______ English in his free time.
Li Hua also ______ listening to music.
It makes him ______.
Li Hua has a ______. He wants to play in the ______ World Cup.
A: Who is your favourite player?
B: He/She is ...
A: How old is he/she?
B: ...
A: What does he/she look like?
B: She/he is/looks ...
A: What does he/she like doing?
B: ...
A: What is he/she good at?
B: ...
1. I l______ sports.
2. Li Hua is my f______ football star.
3. He is a new m______ of Huanghe Football Club.
4. In his f______ time, He studies English.
5. It makes him h______.
6. I hope his dream comes t______.
7. Yao Ming is a basketball p______.
1. Simon ______(enjoy) playing football.
2. They are the ______(member) of the Reading Club.
3. They want ______(look) at your old photo.
4. Please listen to ______(I).
5. How many ______(club) are there in your school?
1. Do you like sports?
A. Yes, I do       B. No, I do
C. Yes, I don't    D. No, I am
2. Does he come from Shanghai?
A. Yes, he do      B. Yes, he does
C. No, he does     D. Yes, he doesn't
3. Does he ______ football well?
A. plays    B. play     C. playing
4. He ______ from Shanghai.
A. come     B. comes    C.coming
5. In ______ free time, he likes reading.
A. he       B. her      C. his
6. It ______ him happy.
A. makes    B. make     C. making
7. He wants ______ play in the next team.
A. to       B. in       C. of
8. I hope his dream ______ true.
A. comes    B. come     C. is
9. He enjoys ______ to music.
A. read    B. listening  C. playing
10. Where does Mr. Li ______, do you know?
A. from    B. come from    C. comes from
11.--Can you play volleyball?
--Yes. I can play it ______.
A. good     B. well     C. nice
12. To play in the ______ is every football player's dream.
A. Football Club     B. World Cup
C. football match
1、Jim是學校的英語俱樂部的成員。(a member of)
3、我空閑時經常去游泳。(in…free time)
be a member of    …的成員
come from = be from  來自
in one's free time    在…空閑時
enjoy doing sth.    享受做某事
make sb. happy    使某人開心
want to do sth    想要做某事






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