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七年級英語上冊Unit 2《Let's play sports.》Welcome to the unit

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Unit 2《Let's play sports.》Welcome to the unit
Can you read the new words
walk         散步
really       確實
bowl         碗,盆
time         次,回
tennis       網(wǎng)球
volleyball   排球
enjoy        欣賞,喜歡
go swimming  去游泳
Do you remember who they are?
Listen to the tape carefully and answer my questions:
Q1: Does Eddie like any sport?
Q2: How does Eddie do his sport?
Eddie, do you like any sport?
Yes, I like walking.
Oh, really?
Yes. I walk to my bowl many times a day.
many times a day: 一天許多次
time: 時間(不可數(shù)名詞)
three times a month: 一個月三次
一年四次:four times a year
I like sport.
walk        have a walk
football    play football
tennis      play tennis
basketball  play basketball
volleyball  paly volleyball
swim        go swimming
What's your favourite sport?
basketball  basketball  play basketball
football    football    play football
tennis      tennis      play tennis
volleyball  volleyball  paly volleyball
swim        swim        go swimming
walk        walk        have a walk
I like _______________________.
A: Look at the pictures in part A and complete the sentences with the words in the box.
We like playing volleyball.
I'm good at playing tennis.
I love playing football.
I enjoy swimming.
What's your favourite sport?
like/love/enjoy/be good at + V-ing
Listen and read
Amy: I like swimming. What's your favourite sport, Simon?
Simon: I like playing football.
Amy: Do you often play football?
Simon: Yes, I often play football after school. What about you?
Amy: I go swimming every week.
Let's have a talk
Work in pair and talk about your favourite sport.
做運動   play sport
打排球   play volleyball
打網(wǎng)球   play tennis
踢足球   play football
去游泳   go swimming
放學后   after school
很多次   many times
1. I like _______(游泳)and I often do that in summer.
2.What is your favourite _______(運動)?
3. My _______(業(yè)余愛好)is playing basketball.
4. My brother enjoys _______.(踢足球)
5. The girls often play _______(排球) after school.
6. Is he good at _______(打) volleyball?
7. I _______(真正地) like walking very much.
8. People often have meals three _______(次) a day.
9. You can have rice in the _______.(碗)
1. Let's _____ sports.
A. play    B. plays   C. playing
2. _____ you like any sports?
A. Does    B. Are     C. Do
3. I walk to my bowl many _____ a day.
A. time    B. times   C. /
4. We like _____ volleyball.
A. play    B. playing   C. plays
5. I am good at _____ tennis?
A. play    B. playing   C. plays
6. I love _____ soccer.
A. play    B. playing   C. plays
7. I enjoy _____.
A. dancing    B. dance   C. danceing
8. I often _____ football after school?
A. play    B. plays   C. playing
9. _____ is your favourite sport?
A. How    B. What   C. Where
Complete the conversation
-- _____ is your favourite sport?
-- I like _____. What about you?
-- I like swimming, too. I often swim in summer.
-- _____ you often swim in summer?
-- No, I _____. I only go _____ three times a month.






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