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七年級英語上冊Unit 1《This is me.》Integrated skills

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Unit 1《This is me.》Integrated skills
Free talk
Good morning.
I'm ....
Hi, I'm ....
I'm .... What's your name?
My name is ....
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
Say something about picture, using the given words.
12 years old
short hair
long hair
tall and slim
Say something about your new classmates:
music    play football      reading
dancing   swimming
Millie is telling her mother about her classmates. Kitty and Amy. Look at the profiles below help Millie circle the correct answer in the table below.
This is Kitty.
Her hair is long.
She loves dancing.
This is Amy.
She has short hair.
She is good at swimming.
Listen to the conversation and complete the table.

          Kitty         Amy
  Age         11/12        11/12
 Looks     short/long     short/long
 Hobby  swimming/dancing  swimming/dancing
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
I am at a new school now. I have some new friends. Kitty is ______. She is ______ years old. Her hair is ______. She loves ______. Amy is ______. She is ______ years old. Her hair is ______. She is good at ______. I love my new classmates.
Have a try
Say something about your new friends.
______ is my new friend, ______ is years old, ______ is tall/short. ______ hair is ______. ______ loves/good at ______.
Kitty: Hi, Millie.
Millie: Hi, Kitty. This is my cousin. Andy.
Andy, this is my new classmate Kitty.
Andy: Glad to meet you.
Kitty: Glad to meet you, Andy. Are you in Grade 7, too?
Andy: No, I'm in Grade 8.
Kitty: Oh, I see.
Andy: Our school is nice.
Kitty: Yes, it is. I like it.
Hi, Kitty. This is my cousin Andy. Andy, this is my new classmate Kitty.
Listen and answer the following questions.
1. Who is Andy?
2. Is Andy in Grade 7?
3. Is their school nice?
Act it out.
Greet each other.
Complete the conversation.
Kitty: Hi, Millie.
Millie: Hi, Kitty. This ______ my cousin Andy.
Andy, this ______ my new classmate Kitty.
Andy: Glad to meet you.
Kitty: ______ to meet you, Andy. ______ you in Grade 7, too?
Andy: No, I ______ in Grade 8.
Kitty: Oh, I see.
Andy: Our school ______ nice.
Kitty: Yes, it ______. I like it.
Fill in the blanks with the right answers.
I ______ at a new school now. I ______ some new friends. Cindy ______ short. She ______ 11 years old. Her hair ______ long. She ______ dancing. Alan ______ cute. He ______ 12 years old. His hair ______ short. He ______ good at swimming. I ______ my new classmates.
1. Sandy is o_____ there.
2. Her hair is l_____.
3. She l_____ reading.
4. He is g_____ at dancing.
5. The c_____ are big.
6. I am at a n_____ school now.
7. I love my c_____.
8. Her hair is s_____.
1. I am Amy.
2. She is in my class.
3. They are my classmates.
4. Millie is tall and slim.
Try to write something about your classmate.






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2016-07-13 16:49:30

[江蘇省] 很好!可以很好地復(fù)習(xí)知識點!


2016-07-06 08:49:13

[江蘇省鎮(zhèn)江市] 講的真的很詳細(xì) 而且聽不懂的地方 隨時都能看 贊贊!


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