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七年級英語上冊Module 3 Unit 2《The library is on the left of the playground.》

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七年級英語上冊Module 3 Unit 2《The library is on the left of the playground.》

  Complete the passage according to Unit 1.
  Linda and Daming are talking about their classes.In linda's school,there are (thirty) students in a class.And in her classroom,there is(a map of England)and (some pictures).And there is a(computer)on her teacher's desk.
  In Daming's class,there are twenty (boys) and twenty girls.There aren't (any)pictures.There is a map of the world in his classroom.
Fill in the blanks with there is/there are/Is there/are there/there isn't.
  There's a school in Park Street,and next to the school (there is)a small park.In the park (there is)a children's playground.(There is)also a shop.
  (There is)a post office and (there is)a library,too.(There are)some restaurants and a cinema.(Is there)a gym?No,(there isn't).How many cinemas(are there)in your town?How many school (are there)?
Read Betty's words,and write her classmates' names on their desks.
behind  between    in frount of    on the right
  In the classroom,Daming's on the right.Gao Yan's in front of Daming and between Zhao Feng and Li Min.
  Lingling is behind Zhao Feng.
Pair work
Ask and answer where your classmates are with behind,in front of,between,and on the right.
A:Where is Betty?
B:She is behind Li Min.
如:The national stadium is located behind the hill.
The sun is now behind the clouds.
There is something behind his suggestion.
A cat came out from behind the door.
behind 還可以做副詞,意思是“在后、較遲、落后”。如:
Take care not to leave anything behind.
They are far behind in their preparation.
He came five minutes behind.
The clock runs behind.
after與behind 的用法及區(qū)別辨析:
1. after 主要用于時間或次序,behind 主要用于位置;
He decided to leave after lunch.
Summer comes after spring.
The hospital is behind the post office.
behind 有時也用于時間,表示“遲于",主要用于behind time (遲,晚)這一習語:
The train was 20 minutes behind time.
2.兩者都可用于引申義,after側重指追求、尋找、模仿等;而behind 則側重指在背后、支持、落后等;
The police are after her.
Many young people are after her.
We are behind you completely.
He is behind the others in maths.
between A,B and C     在A、B和C之間
the difference between the three of them
the relations between various countries
Listen and label the map of the school.

Read and answer the questions.
1.How many buildings are there in the school?
There are six buildings.
2.What's on the right of the library?
It's the playground.
3.What's in the library?
There are many books,maps and computers.
4.How many classrooms are there in the classroom building?
There are 24 classrooms.
5.Where are the computer rooms and science labs?
They are in the science buildings.
Read the passage again and complete the sentences.
1.The library is (in front of)the school offices.
2.The library is (near)the school gate.
3.The classroom building is (between)the school offices (and )the dining hall.
4.The science building is (in front of)the sport hall.
5.The dining hall is (on the right of)the classroom building.
6.The school offices are (behind)the library.
7.The sport hall is (between)the science building (and)the dining hall.
8.The science labs are (in front of)the sports hall.
Language point
In front of the dining hall is the sports hall and the building in front....
in front of 意為“在...前面”,表示位置關系,其后可以接名詞或代詞,指的是某人或物外部的前面,其反義詞是behind 在...后面
There is a garden in front of the house.
He sits in front of me.
Can you see a red car in front of that house?
in front of, in the front of ,behind
1.There is a car(in front of)my house.
2.The cat is (behind)the door.You can't see it.
3.The blackboard is (in the front of)the classroom.
There be句型的特殊疑問句形式
There be句型的特殊疑問句有以下三種形式
1.對主語提問:當主語是人時,用“Who's +介詞短語?”當主語是物時,用“What's+介詞短語?”。其中there在口語中常常省略。注意:無論原句的主語時單數還是復數,對其提問時一般都用be的單數形式(回答時卻要根據實際情況來決定)。如:
There is a bird in the tree.
→ What's in the tree?
There are some bikes over there.
→ What's over there?
There is a little girl in the room.
→ Who is in the room?
2.對地點狀語提問:用"Where is/are+主語?”表示(注意其答語變化)。如:
There is a computer (in my office).
→ Where is the computer?
—It's in my office.
There are four children (in the classroom).
→ Where are the four children?
—They're in the classroom.
3.對數量提問:一般有兩種提問方式。如果主語時可數名詞,無論是單數還是復數,都用“How many+可數名詞復數+are there+介詞短語?”表示:
There are twelve months in a year.
→How many months are there in a year?
There is only one book in my bag.
→How many books are there in your bag?
There is a cat in the box.
→How many cats are there in the box?
如果主語是不可數名詞,則用"How much+不可數名詞+ is there+介詞短語?表示:
There is some money in my purse.
→How much money is there in your purse?
Answer the questions.Use short forms.
1.-Where's the playground?
-(It's)in the middle of the school.
2.-Where are the science labs?
-(They're )in the science building.
3.-Is the library behind the sports hall?
-No,(it isn't.)
am縮寫為'm,如:I am=I'm
is 一般縮寫為 's   如:he is=he's,is is=it's
are 一般縮寫為 're,如:We are=we're,you are=you're  they are=they're
We are Chinese.=We're Chinese.
be動詞的is,are常與否定詞not 進行縮寫,am 與not 連用不縮寫,如:
is not=isn't   are not=aren't
I'm=I am   she's=she is   he's=he is   it's=it is    we're=we are  you're=you are   they're=they are   there's=there is    there're=there are   that's=that is  Sam's a student.(Sam's=Sam is 是)
isn't=is not   aren't=are not   what is=what's    who is=who's   where is=where's
Read these sentences.Pay attention to the short forms.
1.The library is next to the classroom.
It's next to the classrooms.
2.The science lab is behind the library.
It's behind the library.
3.Is the science lab in front of the library?
No,it isn't.
Use the short forms to answer the questions.
1.Where's the bibrary?(It's)in front of the science lab.
2.Where are the offices?(They're)in front of the classrooms.
3.Are the classrooms next to the science lab?No,(they aren't)
4.Is the gym next to the classroom?No,it isn't).
Work in pairs.Ask and answer your riend questions to describe your school.







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