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七年級(jí)英語上冊(cè)Module 1 Unit 1《Nice to meet you!》

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七年級(jí)英語上冊(cè)Module 1 Unit 1《Nice to meet you!》

  Good morning everyone!Nice to meet you!First,I want to introduce myself to you.
   My Chinese/English
name is....
I am a ...
I am from...
I'm ...years old.
Introduce yourself to the class.向全班介紹你自己。
My name is.....
I'm from.....
I'm ...years old.
I'm in Class....Grade...

My name is Lingling.
I am from Beijing China.
I am Chinese
I'm eleven years old.
I am a student
I'm in Class One, Grade Seven.
My name is Wang Hui.
I am twelve years old.
I come from shanghai.
I am Chinese
I am a student
I like playing basketball
I am in Class Two.
Grade Seven.

Try to introduce yourself
1.What's  your Chinese name?
2.What's your English name?
3.Where are you from?
4.How old are you?
5.What school/class are you in?
6.What's your student number?

Listen to the conversation and check the true sentences.
1.Miss Li from Wuhan
2.Lingling is twelve years old.
3.Daming is thirteen years old.
4.Tony is not is Class 4.
5.Betty is from America.

Listen and read
Ms Li:Hello my name is LiFang.I'm your teacher and you're my students.
Lingling:My name is wang lingling
Lingling:Nice to meet you.Lingling Where qre you from?
Lingling:I'm from Beijing I'm Chinese
MsLi :How old are you?
Lingling:I'm thuteen years old
MsLi:Good Hello.What about you?
Daning:Hello MsLi My name is Daming and I'm from Beijing too I'm twelve years old.
Ms Li:Thanks Hello,are you from Aerica?
Tony NO.I'm not I'm from England I'm Tony smith
Ms li Nice to meet you .Tony Hi,are you English too?
betty No.I'm not I'm American and my name is Betty King Lingling Tony and Betty are our friends.
Ms li:Good Welcome to class 4 Grade7!

Read the conversation and answer the questions.
1.What's the teacher's name?
2.Where's she from?
3.Is she Chinese or English?
4.Where is Lingling from?
5.How old is Daming?
6.Is Tony from America?
7.What class are they in?

Read again and fill in the balnks .Then ,retell the conversation.
1.Miss Li is a ______.She is a _____
2.Lingling is a ______she is a _____of Daming
3.Daming is from____Heis ______years old.
4.Tony is a _____he is from____
5.Miss Li lingling and Daning are all _____
6.Betty is from_____she is a ______

Language points
1.Learn to introduce oneself
1)If you don't mind,I'd like to introduce myself.I'm Bill
2)May I introduce myself?I'm sally
我可以介紹一下自己?jiǎn)??我是莎?br> 3)Allow me to introduce myself.My name's jack.
4)Excuse me.I don't think we've met before.My name's Frank.
5)Nice to meet you.My name's sue.
2.Where are you from?
英語中常用特殊疑問句“where be....from?來詢問“某人來自哪里:”或“某人是哪里人”其答語通常為“主語+be +from+地點(diǎn),其中動(dòng)詞be 由主語的人稱和數(shù)決定。如
-Where are you from?
-I'm from shanghai
3.How old are you?
How old be ....意為....多大了?常用來詢問某人的年齡,其答語通常 為“主語+be+基數(shù)詞+year(s)old“句中的be 動(dòng)詞要和主語的人稱和數(shù)保持一致,其中year(s)old可以省略。如:
 -How old is Lingling?
  How old are you?
  I'm thirteen.
I am sorry,but can you tell me your age?
4.I am Chinese
當(dāng)表示某個(gè)國(guó)家的人時(shí),可用:sh:+be from+國(guó)家。Sb +be +國(guó)家的(形容詞—)或sb +be +國(guó)家的人。
5.Welcome to Class 4 Grade?
Please welcome Betty and Tony to our school。
我用am 你用are is 連著他。她。它。單數(shù)名詞用is 復(fù)數(shù)名詞全用are變疑問,往前提,句未問號(hào)莫丟棄。變否定,更容易,be后not莫忘記,疑問否定任你變,句首大定莫遲疑。





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