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七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Module 5 Unit 2《We start work at nine o'clock.》

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七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Module 5 Unit 2《We start work at nine o'clock.》

Look at the pictures,can you tell me the time?

What time is it?=What's the time?
seven o'clock
seven thirty(直)   half past seven (間)
seven fifty (直)  ten to eight(間)
eight fifteen (直)   a quarter past eight (間)
Exercise for consolidation
Try to tell the time in English
1.I got to bed at 10:10 in the evening.
2.I do my homework at 7:30 in the evening.
3.I go to school at 8:00 in the morning.
4.Our lessons start at 8:30 in the morning.
5.We have our lunch at 11:20 in the morning.
6.They play football at 4:00 in the afternoon.
7.We finish school at 4:50 in the afternoon.
8.I have my dinner at 6:20 in the evening.
9.We have a break at 10:00 in the morning.
10.They go home at 5:30 in the afternoon.
New words & phrases
have a break
get up
have breakfast
go to school
have lunch
do homework
play sports
go home
have dinner
go to bed
Work in Pairs
Look at the picturres,and then ask and answer.
A:What's the time?
B:It's half past six.I get up at half past six.
A:What's the time?
B:It's seven o'clock.I have breakfast at seven o'clock.
A:What's the time?
B:It's eight o'clock.I have class at eight o'clock.
A:What's the time?
B:It's twelve o'clock.I have lunch at twelve.
A:What's the time?
B:It's half past four.I go home at half past four.
Let's have a look at his school day.
Park School in Oxford
Fill in the blanks
I'm Alex Greenall.I (get up)at half past seven (in )the morning.I go to school at (half past eight)and lessons(start)at nine o'clock.We have (three)lessons in the morning.I (have a break)at eleven o'clock.I don't like (football).We have lunch at (half past twelve).Lessons start in the afternoon at (half past one).We have (two)lessons in the afternoon.We(go home)at half past three.I go to bed at (ten)o'clock.
go to school 表示“去上學(xué)”,go to work表示“去上班”,go to bed 表示“去睡覺(jué)”。如:
In the evening,I go home and have dinner.
Students go to school at 8 o'clock in the morning.
My Mum and Dad go to work by bus in the morning.
2.Lessons start at nine o'clock
start 作及物動(dòng)詞時(shí),意為“開(kāi)始;著手”,后面可直接接名詞或代詞作賓語(yǔ);start 也常用于“ start to do sth."或” start doing sth."結(jié)構(gòu)中,意為“開(kāi)始做某事?!比纾?br> I start my work at nine o'clock every day.
When did you start to learn English?
The girl starts playing the piano after dinner.
start 也可用作名詞,意為“開(kāi)始;開(kāi)端”。如:
The start of the film is very interesting.
You should make a plan from the start.
1.The first class(starts)  (start)at eight o'clock.
2.My brother started(playing/to play)(play)football when he was ten years old.
Look at these sentences.
I get up seven o'clock.I go to school at eight o'clock.
-I get up at seven o'clock and then go to school at eight o'clock.
We have break.We talk to our friends.
We have a break and then talk to our friends.
Let's do some exercises.
Join these sentences with and then.
1.In the morning,we get up.We go to school.
In the morning,we get up and then go to school.
2.In the morning,we have a break.We play football.
In the morning,we have a break and then play football.
3.In the afternoon,we watch TV.We play computer games.
In the afternoon,we watch TV and then play computer games.
4.In the evening,I have dinner.I do my homework.
In the evening,I have dinner and then do my homeork.
5.In the evening,I do my homework,I go to bed.
In the evening,I do my homework and then go to bed.
and 的用法
and 意為“和,又,而”,屬并列連詞,連接并列的單詞、詞組、短語(yǔ)或句子,起承上啟下的作用。所連接的詞語(yǔ)或句子屬于并列關(guān)系。用在句子開(kāi)頭的時(shí)候,一般不譯出來(lái)。如:
Tom and David are in the same class.
Let's go and see,OK?
咱們?nèi)タ纯矗脝幔?br> I bought Granny a present,and she liked it very much.
Write a short passage called My School Day.
Hi!I'm XXX.I am a....I go to school at...
get up....
go home....
go to school...
do my homework....
start lessons....
have dinner....
have lunch....
go to bed....







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