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六年級(jí)英語上冊Unit 5《The broken computer(2)》

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六年級(jí)英語上冊Unit 5《The broken computer(2)》

Eating healthy food.
It's what we all should do!
Playing lots of sport.
We should do that,too!

Getting lots of rest.
It's what we all should do!
Eight hours sleep each night.
We should do that,too!

Being with our friends.
It's what we all should do!
Caring for each other.
We shouldn't forget that,too!

Review words
bored 無聊的
I feel bored now.
boring 無聊的
The TV is so boring.
problem 難題,困難
He has many problems in studying.
dizzy 頭暈的
I feel dizzy after getting on the bus.
deep 深的
Take a deep breath,you will feel better.

I have a toothache.
He is scared of snakes.
You should take some medicine.
If you have a toothache,you should see a dentist.
bored 無聊的
problem 困難
dizzy 頭暈的
toothache 頭痛
scared 害怕的
medicine 藥
dentist 牙醫(yī)
deep 深的

Grammar Focus Should
E.g:I should study hard.
You should wear a hat.
You shouldn't wear a hat.

Problem             Advice
I feel cold today.  wear a sweater
I have a headache.  take some medicine
I'm tired.          go to bed early
I have a problem.   tell your parents
I feel dizzy.       sit down
I have a toothache. visit the dentist
I feel scared.      take deep breath

Now,look at the pictures and write advice.
1.You should eat fresh fruit and vegetables.
2.You should drink lots of water.
3.You should play a sport.
5.You should sleep eight hours a day.
6.You shouldn't eat too much.

Surfing the Net:Is it good or bad?
1.Some people say that the Internet or Net is bad for people.They think that"surfing the Net"makes people lazy.They always stay at home and don't go out.
2.Other people believe that the internet is a good thing,just like the telephone.They think it helps people to make more friends.
3.So.is it good or bad to surf the Net?There is no right or wrong answer.Experts say we should use the Internet to get to know people from other places and to make friends.We shouldn't spend too much time at our computers and we should spend time with our family and friends.

be good/bad for 對(duì)……有好/壞處
stay at home 呆在家里
go out 外出
help sb to do sth 幫助某人做某事
make friends with sb 與某人交朋友
get to know 知道,了解
too much/too many 太多
Spend time with sb與某人共度某段時(shí)光

Write the missing words
A:Kathy,I____some advice.
B:What's the____?
A:I didn't_____for the test today.
B:Why not?You always study for tests.
A:I had a bad headache last night and I___to bed early.
B:I think you should____to Mrs.James.She will understand.
A:Do you think I should talk to her____the test?
B:Yes,you should tell her now.
A:OK.Thank for the advice,Kathy.
B:Wait.I have a problem,too.I____my lunch.
A:You____share mine.I have enough for two.
B:Great!See you at lunch.

1.What's the matter?你怎么了?
What's wrong with you?你怎么了?
What's the matter?你怎么了?
2.Why not?為什么不呢?
Why not go to the park?為什么不去公園呢?
Why not?為什么不呢?
3.You should explain to Mrs.James.向某人解釋。
4.Thanks for your advice.謝謝你的建議。
5.see you!再見

Read and find out
lion    pelican
koala bear    gorilla
Which animal is a member of the cat family?
Which animal doesn't eat meat?
Which animal comes from Australia?
koala bear    kangaroo
spider    platypus

1.These animals weigh about 22 kg.they often eat more than 40kg of meat in one meal and then they don't eat for a few days.
2.These animals weigh as much as 14kg.They can eat nearly 1kg of fish each time.They have two means a day.
3.These animals weigh about 10.5kg.They can eat about 1kg of leaves each day.They have gray fur and small ears.They look like small bears.
4.These animals can weigh 200 kg.They often eat 9 kg of food every day.They eat fresh fruit and vegetables,seeds and nuts,grass,and milk.

complete the table
Animal name  Adult weight(kg)  Food eaten per day(kg)
lion         200               40
Pellcan      14                2
Koala Bear   10.5              1
Gorilla      200               9

weight 重 kg=kilogram千克
more than... 比...多
as much as ... 和...一樣多
nearly 接近
about 大約
food 食物             wegetables 蔬菜
meat 肉               seeds 種子
fish 魚               nuts 堅(jiān)果
leaves 樹葉           grass草
fresh fruit 新鮮水果  milk牛奶

1、背誦Page 55 Write the Missing Words





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