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高中英語復習課《急救 Unit 5 First Aid》(必修5)

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高中英語復習課《急救 Unit 5 First Aid》(必修5)

1.The (bloody) murder at the campus was a great shock to the world.
2.Many people weree homeless with their houses (burnt)to the ground.
3.It is supposed that the (poisoned)food may be the cause of the man's sudden death.
4.Under the doctor's careful (treatment),your father is sure to get over it.
5.Failing product rates (present)the manager with a new problem.
6.The accident did a lot of (damage) to the car.
7.The (pressure) of studies drives the boy to drop out of school.
8.The man was given a medal for his (bravery) in the battle.
9.He opened a small supermarket after being laid off with the (aid) of his friend.
10.In the crash he suffered severe (injuries) to the head and arms.
生病   fall ill
一件珠寶      a piece of jewellery
榨出,擰出     squeeze out
挽救某人的生命      save one's life
觸覺      sence of touch
如果必要    if necessary
黏在手上面      be stuck to
反反復復    over and over again
撞到,撞翻      knock him over
快捷的動作     quick action
急救知識      a knowledge of first aid
以防萬一      in case
家用電器    electrical appliances
在使用當中      be in use
使廚房著火     set kitchen on fire
處于良好的狀態(tài)   be in good condition
醫(yī)療緊急情況     medical emergency
進行急救      give/offer/do first aid to sb
用膠布把繃帶固定      hold the bandage in place
使健康受到傷害/損害     cause/do damage to health
孩子們夠不著的地方     out of the reach of children
卷入這個場面    get involved in the situation
受傷/感染/燒傷       get injured/infected/burned
某人被授予獎賞       be presented with one's award
1.She likes everything to be (in)place before she starts work.
2.They have been squeezed (out)of the job market by young people.
3.They presented flowers (to)their teacher.
4.Instead (of) spending your vocation on a bus,in a hotel or sitting on the beach,you may want to hiking.
5.Wear a pair of sunglasses to protect you (from) the sun.
6.The heavy box belongs (to)me.
7.John was presented (with)his award (at) a ceremony.
8.Aiming (at) completing the project (in) advance,they work day and night.
9.Mary is (against)our plan,but his father is(for)it.
10.Stop smoking.It is harmful (to)your health.
wound  一般指外傷,如槍傷,刀傷等,尤指在戰(zhàn)場上受傷。
injure  常指因意外或事故而造成的損傷,可用于人或物。
harm   指損害有生命的或無生命的東西;也可指肉體上或精神上的損害。
hurt   指任何肉體或精神上的傷害。尤其指打傷,刺傷;還可表示“疼痛”。
1.During the war,a bullet (wounded) his arm.
2.Heavy smoking (injured)his health.
3.I didn't meant to (hurt)you.
4.The poisonous waste may do great (harm) to the things around us.
damage  “損壞”,意味著損壞后的價值或效率降低,一般式部分性的。
destroy   指十分徹底地“破壞”,含有不能或很難修復的意思。
ruin   指破壞嚴重,不能再修復但沒有destroy強烈,還可表示“毀滅,瓦解”等抽象含義。
1.Hundreds of houses in this area were (damaged)by the storm.
2.The earthquake (destroyed) almost the whole town.
3.The company is facing ruin.
Sentence structure
1.Take clothing off the burned area unless it is stuck to the burn.
unless 作從屬連詞,引導條件狀語從句,作“除非...否則”講,相當于if...not.
①在unless 引導的從句里,謂語用一般現(xiàn)在時,不用一般將來時。
2.John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.
此句型中when作并列連詞相當于and then意為“正當....時突然”,常用于以下句型:
be doing...when...     正在做....突然
be about to do...when...    即將做...突然
be on the point of doing...when...     正要去做...突然
has/have/had done...when..    剛剛...這時(突然)
3.There is no doubt that John's quick thinking and the first aid skills that he learned at school saved Ms Slade's life.
There is no doubt that.../about sth.毫無疑問....
(肯定句)主語+doubt whether/is...
(否定句)主語+not doubt that 從句
I don't doubt that his words are true.
There is some doubt whether john will come.
1)基本結構:It is/was+被強調(diào)部分+who/that...強調(diào)“人”,用who/that;強調(diào)“ 物”,用that。
3)強調(diào)句中的it is/was和that/who去掉,句子結構仍是完整的。
It is/was not until...that...
1.You may depend on(C) that tour friends will help you whenver you need it.
A them   B yourself   C it   D me
2.They were walking along the shore(C) a huge wave appeared out of nowhere,sweep them out to sea.
A while   B as    C when   D since
3.You won't make much progress (B) you work hard.
A be cause   B unless   C when   D while
4.It makes (B)whether Mr.Smith joins in our discussion or not.
A no sence   B no difference   C no point   D no use
5.This plan will be prevented(D).
A carrying out     B from carrying out     C being carried out    D from being carried out
6.-What happened to him?
-He(D) by a snake when he went through the forest.
A gets bitten   B got bitten   C is bitten  D was being bitten
7.-Tony said he could fix my bicycle,but I really doubt it.
-(A).He's very good at this sort of thing.
A Don't worry    B I couldn't agree more     C Of course     D A piece of cake
8.I have little doubt (A)the plan will succeed.
A that   B if   C whether   D because
9.It (D) we had stayed together for a couple of weeks( )I found we had a lot in common.
A was until;when    B was until;that    C wasn't until;when    D wasn't until;that
Be careful when (you are)crossing the street.
If (it is)possible,I'll pick you up.
Don't touch anything unless the teacher tells you to (touch).
-Are you a teacher?
-No,but I want to be(a teacher).
-He hasn't finished the task.
-Well,he ought to have (finished it).
He said(that) the text was very important and that we should learn it by heart.
The book (that)I borrowed yesterday was hers.
When I you,I would catch the good chance,
Had I follwed your advice,I wouldn't hacve missed the good chance.
Should there be a flood,we would run away.
I saw the boy fall from the tree.
The boy was seen to fall from the tree.
The boss made us work 12 hours a day.
We were made to work 12 hours a day.
某些使役動詞(let,make,have)及感官動詞(see,watch,hear,notice,observe,feel,look at,listen to等)后面作賓補的不定式一定要省去to,但在被動語態(tài)中必須將to 復原。
1.-Aren't you the manager?
-No,and I (B).
A don't want to       B don't want to be     C don't want be    D don't want
2.-Do you think it will snow tomorrow?
A I don't think      B No,I don't think    C I don't thinks so    D No,I don't think so
3.-The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him (A)
A not to     B not to do     C not do it      D do not to
4.When first(B)to the market,these products enjoyed grest success.
A introducing     B introduced    C introduce   D being introduced
5.What surprised me was not what he said but (A)he said it.
A the way    B in the way that   C in the way     D the way which
6.Some people are against the plan but(B) support it.
A any more    B many more   C much more   D no more
7.Although (D) to stop,he kept on working.
A tell  B telling  C having told    D told
8.-What's Joan doing?
-(D) newspapers in the room.
A She reading    B She reads    C To read   D Reading
9.(A)always succeed.
A Honest and clever students
B Students who honest and clever
C Honest students and clever
D Students are honest and clever
10.-Who should be responsible for the accident?
-The boss,not the workers.They just carried out the order (A).
A as told   B as are told    C as telling    D as they told
11.-Why does she always ask you for help?
-There is no one else(B),is there?
A who to turn to     B she can turn to   C for whom to turn     D for her to turn
12.(C)for the free tickets,I would not have gone to the films so often.
A If it is not    B Were it not    C Had it not been     D If they were not
13.Water,(A) enough,can change into vapor quickly.
A when heated   B heating   C though to be heated      D when is heated
14.-I was wondering if we could go skiing on th weekend.
-(D) good.
A Sound   B Sounded   C Sounding   D Sounds
15.-Have you fed the cat?
A I'm      B I am    C I'm just going     D I'm just going to







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