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高中英語復習課《世界英語 Unit 2 English around the world》(必修1)

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《English around the world》
1.More and more American people have moved from old rooms into new
2.If you want to read quickly and well,you should increase your
3.A dead body was found under the bridge,but it was hard to determine the
4.Our (government)(政府)is coming to care more about the poor about the
poor and weak.
5.Either you reach the (standard )(標準),or you leave.
6.The office is on the twelfth floor;we'd better take the (elevator).
7.He looks old,but (actually) he is in his thirties.
8.In summer,when a thunderstorm comes up,there is always (lightning) and
9.I'm sure he is from the southeast according to his (accent).
10.Not having seen him for so long a time that I can hardly (recognize)
play an important part in the daily life
目前   at present
精通英語    have a good command of English
與高中不同   be different from high school
信不信由你    believe it or not
充分利用能源   make full use of energy
因為大雨的原因    because of heavy rain
Warming up
1.for the first time   第一次;首先
at first
first of all
2.have a good flight    (坐飛機)旅途愉快
3.all the way    一路
4.at all(否定;根本;疑問;到底;條件;竟然)
above all 首先;首要的
after all  畢竟
in all  總共
5.make oneself at home
6.There you are.你來了
Here you are.
7.all around the world
throughout the world
8.the majority of
the minority of
9.in total
in all
10.the number of
a number of
11.communicate with sb.
12.have a good knowledge of
13.help sb. withe sth
help sb do sth; help do sth
assist sb with sth
assist ab to do sth
assist in doing sth
14.stand still;    stay still     lie still
15.leave the door open
leave the light on
leave sb doing sth   保持...(做某事)的狀態(tài)
leave...done     保持...(被...)的狀態(tài)
16.turn up
turn down
turn out
17.stay up
Integrating skill
18.come about
happen;take place;break out
19.There is no quick answer to this question.
20.in the same way
in different ways
in this way
in no way   決不
in the way  擋道,妨礙
out of the way   不擋道
in a way   在某種程度上;在某一點上
on the way   在路上;即將發(fā)生
by the way  順便說/問一下
by way of   經由,經過
21.stay/remain the same
22.at the same time=meanwhile
23.end up with
begin/start with
end in failure
24.more or less
25.have difficulty/trouble in doing sth
26.a great many; many a ; a great number of (可數)
a great many factories
a great many of the factories
a great deal of;a large amount of ;(不可數)
a large quantity of; large quantities of;
plenty of;lots of
27.bring in   帶來;引進
bring out  出版;生產;揭露
bring about  引起;導致
bring up  撫養(yǎng);培養(yǎng)
29.shut up 閉嘴
30.pass away 去世
31.promise sb to do sth
make a promise
32.make a decision =decide
33.marry sb; get married to sb
be married to sb
34.at least ;at most
①While I was looking up at the map,a police afficer came up and asked if
he could help me.
②We watched the sun come up this morning.
③An essential question came up ath the meeting.
④I'm afraid something urgent has come up.
come up vi. 無被動語態(tài)
come out   出來;出版;(花)開;發(fā)(芽)
come across=run across    偶遇
come about   發(fā)生(vi.無被動語態(tài))
come up with    想出(計劃、回答)
come to oneself    蘇醒過來;恢復知覺
How did the car accident come about?
(come about常與how 搭配)
1.such as   列舉事物
for example   舉例說明
that is/namely   列舉事物與總量相同
I like to eat fruits,(such as)apples and pears.
He studies very hard,(for example),he often stays up.
She has two sons,(namely)Locas and Ethen.
2.a number of+v 復數
the number of +v 單數
A large number of people(are) for my view
The number of the students in our class (is) 70.
3.especially & specially
especially “尤其,特別地”
specially “特地的,專門地”
I like Qingdao,(especially) in summer.
I wrote the song (specially) for you.
I came here (specially) to see you.
4.recognize &know
recognize :短暫動詞,指原來很熟悉,經過一段時間的間隔又重新認出來
1)Although they hadn't met for many years.
2)I have (know) him for 10 years.
5.because & because of
Because 從屬連詞,后跟句子
Because of 后跟短語(名詞、代詞、what從句)
1)She cried (because of)what I have done.
2)(Because) all the seats were full,I had to stand up.
3)My life changed (because of) the help you gave me.
4)He was worried (because )he had so much money with him.
1.(B) what he said,he got very angry.
A Because     B Because of     C Since    D For
2.I like drinks,(C) tea and coffee.
A namely     B that is    C such as    D for example
3.The number of people invited (C) fifty,but a number of them ( ) absent
for different reasons.
A were,was    B was,was    C was,were   D were, were
4.I (B) the film star,so I (B) him when he walked out of the station.
A know;know about    B know about; recognized     C recognized,recognized, 
  D know;know
5.According to the recent survey,cancer is the leading cause of death
among young adults in this area,(B) women.
A probably    B especially    C exactly     D specially
Sentence structure
1.He is more a friend than a teacher.
He is more than a teacher,and he is also my close friend.
I have more than three hundred yuan with me.
More than one student supports my opinion.
more...than...   與其說...倒不如說
more than     不僅僅是
more than one    超過,多于
2.This/That/It is because...
The reason why...was that...
He was late and that's because his bike broke down halfway.
The reason why he was late was that his bike broke down.
Usage of key words
1.關于way 的用法
I don't like the way in which you treat him.
He hated the way that he was treated.
He is very rude.Don't speak the way he did.
若way 作“方式;方法”講,后跟定語從句且在句中作狀語,則定語從句中的關系代
詞可以是in which,that或省略。
下列詞語所在的名詞從句和賓語從句用should+do,should 可以省略
一堅持   (insist)
二命令    (command,order)
三建議    (suggest,advise,propose)
五要求    (ask,require,request,desire,demand)
present adj. 現在的,當前的(前置定語)
Here's the doctor's present address.(前置定語)
Those present at the party were all college students.(后置定語)
1.This is his only request that the room (A) after being used.
A be cleaned    B would be cleaned    C is cleaned     D will be cleaned
2.It is so nice to hear from her.(D),we last met more that thirty years
A what's more     B That is to say      C In other words     D Believe it
or not
3.He made (A)a rule never to borrow money.
A it    B that   C which   D /
4.We are going to the games.Why don't you come (C)?
A up    B across    C along     D to
5.The missing boy were late seen(C) near the river.
A to play     B played for     C playing     D to play
6.They use their own language to (D) with each other.
A touch    B consult   C feel   D communicate
He was late for the meeting because of the bad weather.
The pronunciation in Chinese is quite different from that in English.
You should make full use of the book.
Believe it or not,the Chinese football teams has beaten Iran.









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