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高中英語《賣花女 Unit 4 Pygmalion(Part 3)》(選修8)

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高中英語《賣花女 Unit 4 Pygmalion(Part 3)》(選修8)

1.Eliza was poor but (ambitious).
2.Colonel Pickering was kind (modest)and (considerate).
3.Mr Higgins was (superior),rude and a little (self-important).
Language points
Make the bet/deep in conversation/fancy myself/distinct/distinguish/housekeeper/common girl/show her in/resign to it/a bit of luch/make records/wear a shabby dress/curtsey to her/be no use/take her away/ask for some favor/Treat like dirt/think of/alive/pass her off as a lady/referee/gratefully/compromise/need to be done/Horrible clothes/laundry
1.bet n.&vt. 打賭
I've made a bet that our team will win the first.
He has just lost a bet.
I bet you ($5)that they will win.
短語:I bet  我敢肯定
win/lose a bet    賭贏/賭輸
make a bet on    就...打賭
4.show in   帶或領(lǐng)...進(jìn)來
Show her in,Mrs Pearce.
He showed me into a bedroom.
He showed me out.
show ab. around   領(lǐng)某人參觀某地
show off    炫耀
show up    出現(xiàn),來到某處;揭露;顯得好看
6.(compromises)OK,I will teach you.
v. compromise on/over    就...達(dá)成妥協(xié)
compromise with     與...妥協(xié)
compromise with sb about/on/over sth.
She was forced to compromise in order to avoid a major argument.
I wanted to go to Greece,and my life wanted to go to Spain,so we compromised on Italy.
Can't you boys compromise with each other?
compromise your principles/beliefs/ideas
n. The treaty represents a political compromise between the two nations.
After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a compromise.
1)We had so many disagreement,but we compromised(on/over)the last point.
2)The final proposal were a rather unsuccessful compromises (between)the need for profitablity and the demands of local conservationists(自然保護(hù)者).
Have a bath/sob/take off/
I'd never have come if I'd known about this disgusting thing you want me to do...
Once more/weep/prounciation/in need of/Overlook/practical/effective/fade out/Go off stage
7.fade away  消失,衰弱
fade out  漸漸淡去
How about beginning with the alphabet?
(fades out as they go off stage together)
Hopes of reaching an agreement seem to be fading away.
Fade out the music at the end of the scene.
Will this material fade?
Flowers soon fade when cut.
The strong sunlight faded the curtains.
(B) 1.We are at your service.Don't ( )to turn to us if you have any further problems.
A beg    B hesitate   C desire   D seek
B  考查動(dòng)詞詞義的辨析?!澳阌腥魏芜M(jìn)一步的問題,不要猶豫,向我們求助”。
A gentleman passes and (hesitates)for a moment.(P29)
(A) 2.Had I known about this computer program,a huge amount of time and energy ( ).
A would have been saved      B had been saved     C will be saved    D was saved
A 本題考查虛擬語氣。由從句中的Had I known...可知與過去事實(shí)相反,故選A。
I'd never have come if I'd known about this disgusting thing you want me to do .(p35)
1.I was (D)about it.I thought you were responsible and that's why I scoled you.Please forgive me.
A curious   B worried  C particular   D mistaken
2.The September 11 attack has been (A)by the entire international community.
A condemned     B scolded    C criticized    D blamed
3.He is not a(n) (C),only a(n) (  ).
A friend;acquaintances
B acquaintance;friend
C friend;acquaintance
D acquaintances;friend
4.In our school students are (A) according to how much they know and how old they are.
A classified    B combined  C listed   D made
Make a summary for this unit!






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