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高中英語《一個多元化的國土 Unit 1 A land of diversity(Part 3)》(選修8)

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高中英語《一個多元化的國土 Unit 1 A land of diversity(Part 3)》(選修8)

1.-Do you think we should put an ad in the paper for the lost child?
A that's all right
B by all means
C it just depends
D never mind
由Yes可知表示同意,選by all means“務必;一定;當然可以”。A、D項表示“沒關(guān)系”;C項“看情況而定”。
2.-What's boy's favourite sport?
-(C) of boys like playing football.
A None   B The most   C The majority   D Every
解析:the majority of boys=most boys=most of the boys“大多數(shù)男孩子”。none 不符合題意;every 不能接of 短語
3.Don't be(D) by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.
A taken off   B taken out    C taken away   D take in
解析:A 起飛,脫掉,(事業(yè))騰飛;  B 拿出  C 帶走;D 欺騙 由句意可知D項正確
4.To travel to the United States,you must first apply (B) the American Embassy ( )your visa.
A for;to   B to;for   C for;for   D to;to
解析:考查apply短語的用法。apply to sb. for sth.向某人申請某物。句意為:要去美國旅行,你要首先向美國大使館申請簽證。
5.The agreement indicates that the two companies will (A)with each other again.
A team up   B turn up    C look up   D pick up
解析:考查動詞短語辨析。A 項表示“與....合作”,符合句意。B 項“出現(xiàn),到達”;C項“向上看;查尋”;D項“撿起,接收“,均不合題意。
6.It is very (D)that,in many schools,the students are going to spend less time in doing homework than they used to.
A possibly   B probably   C lovely   D likely
解析:在很多學校學生做作業(yè)的時間可能將比原來少 用it is likely that 句型,其他三個詞不用于這個結(jié)構(gòu)
7.She managed to climb out of the car,(A) unhurt.
A apparently   B occasionally   C freely   D peacefully
解析:A 看起來,顯然  B 偶爾; C 無拘無束;  D peacefully 和平地 由題意,選A
8.-Sunny day,isn't it?
-Let's hope the sunny weather (C)for Saturday's tennis match.
A carries   B moves on    C keep up   D goes up
解析:考查動詞短語的辨析。keep up 保持,繼續(xù),符合題意”希望好天氣保持到星期六的網(wǎng)球比賽“。carry on 繼承;move on 繼續(xù)進行;go up 上升,增長
9.If you don'e (C)the advice of your teachers,you'll regret it sooner of later.
A regard  B enjoy   C value  D think
10.(B)the students in our school go to college in their teens.
A A good many     B A great many of    C A great deal of   D A great deal
解析:a great many of the students 許多學生。a great deal of  修飾不可數(shù)名詞。
11.It suddenly (B) to the detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter.
A happened   B occurred   C thought   D took place
解析:句意為“那個偵探突然想到那個百萬富翁可能使被自己女兒殺死的”。It occurred to sb. that  “某人想到....”
12.Many streets in this city have been (A) for cultural protection.
A stretched out      B marked out     C left out    D stood out
解析:mark out 標志;記出來。stretch out伸出;leave out 丟、漏;stand out脫穎而出,顯眼
13.The restlessness of animals(B)a possible occurrence of an earthquake.
A expressed   B impressed    C indicated   D interpreted
解析:indicate 預定;暗示。句意為“動物們不休息預示可能發(fā)生地震”。
14.He is supposed (B)to the meeting,but he didn't.
A to come   B to have come   C coming   D having come
解析:考查sb./sth. is supposed to do結(jié)構(gòu),且句中表示“本該到而未到”,故用to have done.
The Noun clause (一)
連詞  because/that/whether/as if(though)
連接代詞  what/who/which/whose/whom/whatever/whoever/whomever/whichever
that: 無詞義,不作成分,起連接作用
whether/if:  “是否”不作成分,起連接作用
as if(though):“好像”,只練級表語從句
What(ever) :(無論)什么,作主/賓/表/定語
1).That he will succeed is certain.
2)Whether he will go there is not known.
3)What he said is not true.
4)Where he did the money is to be found out.
5)Whoever comes is welcome.
6)It's certain that he will succeed.
7)How we can help the twins will be discussed at the meeting.
8)When they'll start the project has not been decided yet.
That we shall be late is certain.
-It's certain that we shall be late.
1.That the earth is round is known to all.
-It's known to all that the earth is round.
2.That you missed the chance is pity.
-It is pity that you missed the chance.
It is well known/reported/thought/said that....
It is clear/necessary/certain/true/doubtful that....
It is a pity/a shame/an honour/that...
It doesn't matter whether...
It seems that...
It happens that...
考點二 主語從句做主語時,主句中的謂語一般動詞用單數(shù)。
What 引導的主語從句,可根據(jù)表語決定
What he needs (is)a book.
What he needs (are)some books.
1.They know that the habit will kill them.
2.It all depends on whether they will supports us.
3.I am afraid that he didn't call me.
4.He made it clear to the public that he did an important and necessary job.
5.I find it necessary that we should do the homework.
考點一 whether和if使用區(qū)別
a.當whether后緊跟or not時,不用if.
eg:I don't know whether I will stay or not.
I will tell you whether/if he will go there.
eg:I worry about whether I hurt her feeling.
1.I don't know (whether/if)I'll be free tomorrow.
2.I don't know (whether)or not I'll be free tomorrow.
3.It depends on (whether) we will have enough money.
4.(Whether)they can do it matters little to us.
5.The question is (whether)this book is worth writing.
6.The question is (whether)he will go there hasn't been decided.
7.(If)you are not free tomorrow,I'll go without you.
考點二 that在賓語從句中的省略語保留
We must make it clear (that)we mean what we say.
I don't think it right(that) you leave home without telling your parents.
He told me(that)he would come and that he would come on time.
連接詞:that/whether/as if/as though(if不引導表語從句)
The question is whether we can rely on him.
That's because we were in need of money at that time.
He looked as if he was going to cry.
That's why I was late.
1.He is absent today.It's (because)he is seriously ill.
2.He is seriously ill.That's (why)he is absent today.
It is/was because...   這是因為....
It is/was why....     這就是為什么....
The reason (why.../for...)is/was that...
1.Go over the language points of the unit and be ready for the exercises in the next lesson.
2.Review the noun clauses and do the exercises I gave you.






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