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高中英語《在外國旅游 Unit 5 Travelling abroad(Part 2)》(選修7)

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高中英語《在外國旅游 Unit 5 Travelling abroad(Part 2)》(選修7)

keep it up;
fit in;
(get/be)used to;
as far as one is concerned;
feel at home;
settle in
用下列詞組填空:adjust to;keep it up;fit in;get/be)used to;as far as one is concerned;feel at home;settle in
1.She had great difficulty (adjusting)herself (to)English life.
2.She (settled in)a foreign country and had a happy life after she retired.
3.If you (feel at home),you feel comfortable and relaxed.
4.(As far as I am concerned),I'd like to send some medicine and supplies for the old.
5.I (am) not (used to)being interrupted in that way.
6.Your are doing well,just(keep it up)!
7.His ideas did not quite (fit in)with our aims.
1.Keep it up,Xie Lei.謝蕾,再接再厲。
閱讀下列句子,注意it 的意思。
keep it up    不松勁,堅(jiān)持下去
take it easy     別著急
so it seems     好像如此
You will make it. 你會成功的。
1)If only she could (keep it up)(堅(jiān)持不懈),she could break the world record.
2.Keep working hard and you (will make it)some day.(總有一天會成功的)
2.Chinese student fitting in well=A Chinese student is fitting in well.
Saddam Hussein Captured=Saddam Hussein was Captured.
2)閱讀下列句子,說出fit in with 的意思。
The whole group work hard had fit in well.相處融洽
It is necessary for us to fit in with the times.我們必須與時俱進(jìn)。適應(yīng)
3.board v.上(船/飛機(jī)/火車等)寄宿,(收費(fèi))為...提供食宿
...and boarded a plane for London
...some choose to board with English families
The board are unhappy about falling sales.
blackboard    notice board (布告牌,公告欄)  chessboard(棋盤)
I paid $10 a week for board and lodging.
All on board!請大家上車!
on board  在船(飛機(jī)、車)上
I'm boarding with a friend.我向朋友提供食宿。
boarding card    登船(機(jī))票/證
boarding house    供食宿的宿舍
aboard    adv.&prep.  上船/飛機(jī)等
broad  adj.寬,寬的
broad daylight    大白天
abroad   adv.在國外,到國外
4.It/That/This is/was the first/second...time that...后接完成時從句
That was the last time that I had been there.
for the first time   (相當(dāng)于一個副詞,做時間狀語)
the first time (用做連詞,來引導(dǎo)從句)
The first time he saw her,he fell in love with her.
He cast his net for the first time.他撒了第一網(wǎng)。
It is time for sth.  該做某事了。
It's time that...  中,that從句中的謂語動詞用過去時或用“should(不能省略)+動詞原形”
It is time that I went home/should go home.
I thought her honest (C)I met her.
A first time     B for the first time     C the first time     D by the first time
5.expect  vt.①預(yù)料,期待,預(yù)期
I expect that he will pass the examination.
He expects to fail the examination.
I am expecting John any minute now.
I expect it was the cat that broke the cup.
④expect  adj.預(yù)料之中的
unexpected  adj.未預(yù)料到的
expectation    n.預(yù)期
expect sb. to do sth.  期望某人做某事
If I had a baby now,I would expect him to be the kind of person,who's loving,caring and happy all the time.
expect too much of sb.  對某人期望過高
only to be expected   可能發(fā)生,相當(dāng)正常
When he turned professional at the age of 11,he (C)to become a world champion by his coach.
A expected    B was expecting    C was expected    D would be expected
6.queue  n.隊(duì)列,行列  v.排隊(duì)等候
jump the queue   插隊(duì)
queue up(for...)  排隊(duì)(等候...)
be queuing up for sth./to do sth.
You have to (queue up)at the bus stop.
It's bad manners to (jump the queue)when waiting for the bus.
Italian football clubs are (queuing up to)sign the young star.
7.lecture  n.[C]講課,上課;告誡,責(zé)備
Professor Lee will give us a lecture on poetry.
Father gave me a lecture for speeding.
a lecture tour  巡回演講
deliver a lecture   上課
Professor Zhang is not lecturing this term.
Do stop lecturing me!別教訓(xùn)我了。
lecture sb.for/about sth.因某事斥責(zé)或告誡某人
8.qualification  n.[U]取得資格,合格
without qualification 毫無保留地,無條件地
He has got a medical qualification.
He has the right qualification for the job.
qualify (sb.) (使)具有資格,修飾,限制
qualify sb. for sth.   使某人有資格做某事
qualified  adj.有資格的,合格的
quality   品質(zhì),素質(zhì)
qualitity   數(shù)量
9. preparation  n.[U]準(zhǔn)備、預(yù)備
The boy was very lazy.He did little preparation for the exam.
in preparation  在準(zhǔn)備中
in preparation for   為某事做好準(zhǔn)備
make preparations for sth./to do sth.   為...做準(zhǔn)備
make preparations against   為對付...做準(zhǔn)備
We made preparations for the trip.
He sharpened his knife in preparation for carving the meat.
prepare  vt.&vi.  預(yù)/準(zhǔn)/籌備。布置,為...鋪路;配制,調(diào)制;使作準(zhǔn)備;溫習(xí)
prepare for sth.   為某事做準(zhǔn)備
prepare to do sth.   準(zhǔn)備做某事
prepare sb. for sth    使某人對某事做準(zhǔn)備
prepare sth. against    準(zhǔn)備(...)應(yīng)付...
prepare the ground for     為...鋪平路/打下基礎(chǔ)
be (well) prepared for=be ready for   對...做好準(zhǔn)備
be prepared to do sth.  準(zhǔn)備做某事
The chemist is preparing medicine for the case.
What we are engaged in is to prepare the ground for this aim.
10.take up   占去時間,空間,精力,面積;開始從事;繼續(xù),接下去
I won't take up much of your time.
The big bed takes up a lot of room.
I'll take up the story where I finished yesterday.
She took up painting when she was a five-year-old girl.
take away  拿走,離開
take in sb.  欺騙某人
take off   起飛,取消
take on   呈現(xiàn),承擔(dān)
take on sb.  雇傭某人
take over  接管
take turn   輪流
11.got lost "迷路“由"get+過去分詞”構(gòu)成的短語
get excited (about)   (因...而)激動
get married   結(jié)婚
get hurt    受傷
get paid   得到報(bào)酬
get paid by the piece/by the hour
get dressed  穿衣服
get drunk   喝醉
12.comfort  n.[U]舒適,舒服,安慰
for comfort   為了舒服
in the comfort of   舒舒服服地
give comfort to  安慰(某人)
take/have/find comfort(in...)
comfort...with   以...安慰,以...使舒適
comfort sb. for   因某事安慰某人
It comforts sb to do sth.  干...使某人感到安慰
be comfortable about/with   對..感到輕松/愜意
comfortably  adv.安逸地
Anyone can enjoy comforting theri backs with my favorite chair.
The folks came to comfort the child for/give a comfort to the chair for the loss of his parents.
改錯:Every one wishes to live (with) comfort. in
Is the chair you bought for 80 dollars (B)for you to sit on.
A comfort     B comfortable   C comfortably   D discomfort
1.Recite the key sentences in the text.
2.Preparations:Preview Using Language.





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