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高中英語《藝術(shù) Unit 1 Art(Part 1)》(選修6)

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高中英語《藝術(shù) Unit 1 Art(Part 1)》(選修6)

Fast reading
1.What's the main idea of the text?
The style of Western art has changed a lot with time going by.
2.How many styles of Western painting are mentioned in the text?What are they?
Four,They are:The Middle Ages,The Renaissance,Impressionism and Modern art.
he Middle Ages
Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks
Age:Middle Ages(5th to 15th century AD)
Main aim:To represent religious themes
Artist:Giotto di Bondone
Age:Renaissance(15th to 16th century)
Main aim:To paint people and nature as they really were
Age:Impressionism(late 19th to early 20th century)
Main aim:To show how light and shadow fell on objects at different times of the day
Characteristic:Not detailedri diculous
Artist:Not mentioned
Age:Modern art(20th century to today)
Main aim:To concentrate on certain quelities of the object
Characteristic:Contro versial,abstract,realistic
Artist:Not mentioned
Language points(in the warming up)
1.abstract adj.抽象的,理論的,難解的,深奧的
反義詞:concrete adj.具體的
abstract idea/concept/principle 抽象觀點/概念/原則
Some modern art is abstract.有些現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)是抽象的
The last maths problem seemed very abstract and he gave it  up.最后那道數(shù)學題似乎很難,于是他就放棄了。
in the abstract=in general=in a theoretical way 大體上,抽象上,理論上,觀念上
make an abstract of 把...的要點摘錄下來
Everyone present at the meeting should make an abstract of a speech.
You explain things in a way that was (A),which made me confused.
A abstract     B deep   C easy    D shallow
Talking about crime in the (B)just isn't enough.
A absence   B abstract    C summary   D outline
僅抽象地談?wù)摲缸锸遣粔虻摹?br> 2.Would you rather have Chinese or Western style paintings in your home?
would rather 寧愿
would rather(not) do sth.寧愿(不)做某事
would rather do sth.than do sth.=prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.
would rather sb. did sth.寧愿某人(將)做某事(與現(xiàn)狀或?qū)硎聦嵪喾矗?br> would rather sb. had done sth.寧愿某人做(了)某事(與過去事實相反)
I'd rather have a quiet night in front of the TV.
I'd rather walk than take a bus.=I prefer to walk rather than take a bus.
I'd rather you didn't mention this matter to anyone else.
I would rather that you had come yesterday.
-I think you'd better ask her.
A I'd rather noe    B I do not want    C Go ahead    D I'm very glad
3.Have you ever wished you could paint as well as a professional artist?
wish for sth.=hope for sth.希望得到
wish to do sth.=hope to do sth.希望做某事
wish sb. sth.祝愿某人....
wish sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事
(just)as you wish/like/want/expect
wish (that)從句常用虛擬語氣,表示實現(xiàn)的或不大可能實現(xiàn)的愿望
I wish you hadn't told me all this.
I (C) I were 30 years younger.
A hope   B expect    C wish    D feel
4.What would you rather do-paint pictures,make sculptures,or design buildings?
design vt.&n.設(shè)計,計劃
design to do sth./for sth.打算做/為...設(shè)計或制圖
be designed as  打算做某種用途
be designed to do sth.為...設(shè)計
by design/on purpose   故意地,蓄意地
make designs for 設(shè)計
The course is designed for beginners.
This project is designed to help landless people.
We don't know if it was done by accident or by design?
1.I prefer to watch rather than perform.
I (would rathe) watch than perform.
2.These years,Europe has changed a lot.
These years,Europe has changed a great deal.
3.He tired to slied into the room but was found by his friend.
He (attempted to) slide into the room but was found by his father.
4.These plants attract many children.
These plants (appeal to)many children.
5.This was so moving a play that we couldn't help crying.
This was (such a moving play)that we couldn't help crying.
Go over new words and expressions of the reading passage.





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