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高中英語(yǔ)復(fù)習(xí)課《女人的成就 Unit 1 Women of achievement》(必修4)

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高中英語(yǔ)復(fù)習(xí)課《女人的成就 Unit 1 Women of achievement》(必修4)

A Chinese saying goes:Women can hold up half of the sky.
1.戰(zhàn)役;運(yùn)動(dòng)   n.    campaign
2.條件;戰(zhàn)況   n.    condition
3.學(xué)院;協(xié)會(huì)   n.    institute
4.健康;幸福;福利     n.   welfare
5.值得的   adj.    worthwhile
6.比率;速度;評(píng)定;估計(jì)       n.&vt    rate
7.羞澀的;謹(jǐn)慎的;謙虛的    adj.  modest
8.觀眾,聽(tīng)眾,讀者    n.  audience
9.一代,一輩       n.    generation
10.直言的,坦誠(chéng)       outspoken
11.工程       n.   project
12.巢,窩    n.     nest
13.關(guān)系,紐帶,聯(lián)系,結(jié)合       n.  bond
14.童年,幼年時(shí)代      n. childhood
1.激烈:鼓舞 (vt.):inspire ;激勵(lì);鼓舞 (n.):inspiration;鼓舞人的(adj.):inspiring
2.表現(xiàn),行為,舉動(dòng) (vt.):behave ;  行為,舉止,習(xí)性(n.) behaviour
3.專(zhuān)家,專(zhuān)業(yè)工作者(n.):specialist;    專(zhuān)門(mén)從事(v.):specialize
4.考慮(v.):consider; 考慮,體諒(n.):consideration;  考慮周到的(adj.):considerate
5.爭(zhēng)論,辯論,討論(v.) :argue;   爭(zhēng)論,爭(zhēng)辯,爭(zhēng)吵(n.) argument
6.成就,功績(jī)(v.):achieve ;獲得,達(dá)到,完成(n.):achievement
7.打算,計(jì)劃(vt.):intend  ;   打算,計(jì)劃(n.):intention
8.看到,觀察,觀測(cè)(vt.):observe      看到,觀察,觀測(cè)(n.):observation
1.They started a (campain)to protect the wildlife.
2.Recently they have held a heated (argument) about the advantages and disadvantages of ads.
3.It's (considerate )of you to include me.
4.I urge my classmates to join us in (support)of this plan.
5.There is a close (connection) between smoking and lung canner.(聯(lián)系)
6.The first period of the railway (project)is now complete.(項(xiàng)目)
7.He is a (specialist)(專(zhuān)家) in geography.
8.He gained our respect by his great (achievements)(成就).
9.A jazz band provided the (entertainment)(娛樂(lè)),while we ate and drank under the stars.
10.Mind your (behavior)(舉止)!It's bad.
11.With her great efforts,she has (achieved) everything she wanted to do.
12.If you want to help the door,you can join the (organization),which usually has some such activities.
13.(Inspired) by the teacher's words,he is determine to study harder than before.
14.In our school,every teacher is asked to write one or two (articles) about teaching every year.
15.Everything taken into (consideration),he has done a good job this time.
16.The famous doctor has (delivered) hundreds of babies during her life.
1.move off    離開(kāi);起程
2.Lead a ...life    過(guò)著...的生活
3.crowd in   (想法,問(wèn)題等)涌上心頭
4.look down upon/on    蔑視;瞧不起
5.refer to    查閱;談到;參考
6.come across    (偶然)遇見(jiàn)
7.by chance    碰巧;湊巧
8.carry on    繼續(xù);堅(jiān)持
9.devote...to...     獻(xiàn)身于...
10.put sb. to death      判...死刑
11.be intended for     為...設(shè)計(jì)
12.of one's own    某人自己的
care for,carry on, put...to death ,set up,catch one's eye,devote...to,look down upon,on one's own,make up,work out
1.The government (put)the criminals(to death) by hanging them.
2.We need another three players to (make up)a team.
3.He is an independent child;he does all the things (on his own).
4.After he left,I just tried to (carry on)as normal.
5.The young girl (devotes)all her spare time to studying English.
6.You'll (work out)the problem if you keep working on it.
7.A special hospital was (set up)to treat SARS in Beijing.
8.He hates to be (looked down upon),so treat him as our honnred guest.
9.He is good at (caring for)sick animals.
10I was looking through the newpaper and suddenly a photo (caught my eye).
1.My car has been (in good condition)(車(chē)況良好)since it was repaired.
2.Mr.Brown (is devoted to)(忠于)his wife.
3.It is (worthwhile considering carefully)(仔細(xì)考慮是值得的)the way to solve these problems.
4.By now I (can not wait to find out)(迫不及待地想了解)more about her.
5.But it was not her success at university(that made her famous)(使她成名).
6.She worked hard (to make as many countries as possible agree)(讓盡可能多的國(guó)家同意)not to use them.
Agreement between subject and verb(主謂一致)
(1)Either you or one of your students(B) to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.
A are   B is   C have   D be
解析:當(dāng)主語(yǔ)中含有either A or B,neither A nor B,not only A but also B,A or B時(shí),There be 句型時(shí),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞應(yīng)采用就近原則。
(3)At present,one of the arguments in favor of the new airport (A) that it will bring a lot of jobs to the area.
A is   B are   C will be    D was
解析,當(dāng)主語(yǔ)時(shí) One of 名詞復(fù)數(shù)/集合名詞時(shí),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用單數(shù)形式。
(4)The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities(C) rising sleadily since 1997.
A is  B are   C was been   D hae been
解析:當(dāng)主語(yǔ)時(shí)The number of 名詞復(fù)數(shù)/集合名詞時(shí),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用單數(shù);當(dāng)主語(yǔ)時(shí)A number of名詞復(fù)數(shù)/集合名詞時(shí),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用復(fù)數(shù)形式。
(5)-Did you go to the show last night?
-Yeah.Every boy and girl in the area (D) invited.
A were  B have been   C has been   D was
解析:當(dāng)主語(yǔ)是each...and each...,every...and every....,no...and no...時(shí),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用單數(shù)形式。
(6)A survey of the opinions of experts(B) that three hours of outdoor exercise a week( ) good for one's health.
A show;are   B shows;is   C show;is    D shows;are
(9)As a result of the serious flood,two thirds of the buildings in the town(A).
A need repairing    B needs repairing    C needs repairing   D need to repair
(10)As you can see,the number of cars on roads(C) rising these days.
A was keeping    B keep   C keeps    D were keeping
解析:當(dāng)主語(yǔ)時(shí)The number of 名詞復(fù)數(shù)/集合名詞時(shí),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用單數(shù);當(dāng)主語(yǔ)時(shí)A number of名詞復(fù)數(shù)/集合名詞時(shí),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用復(fù)數(shù)形式。





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