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高中英語復(fù)習(xí)課《加拿大—“真正的北部” Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”》(必修3)

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高中英語復(fù)習(xí)課《加拿大—“真正的北部” Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”》(必修3)

Manage         Slight
Continent      Urban
Chat           Confirm
scenery        Weatlthy
surround       Stadium
Measure        Approximately
Skiing         Nearby
Population     Speed
Within          wonder
1.What (impressed)(使印象深刻)me most was his beautiful voice.
2.He brought a lot of (luggage)(行李)with him.
3.The small village is (surrounded)(圍繞)by big mountains.
4.When I entered the room,he was (chatting)(聊天)with a stranger.
5.Everyone should go (aboard)(上船)on time.
1.(C) of the land in that district( )covered with trees and grass.
A Two fifth,is      B Two fifth,are    C Two fifth,is     D Two fifth,are
2.My luggage (B)closely examined when I entered the country.
A is    B was   C are   D were
3.China has got a good (A) for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization.
A reputation      B influence    C impression    D knowledge
Rather than
Settle down
All the way
On the way to
Catch sight of
Be famous for
Have a gift for
Go through
In the distance
At dawn
Be close to
settle down; figure out;as far as;in the distance;  have a gift for; rather than;catch sight of;mix up;leave for;look over
1.(Rather than)risk breaking up his marriage,he told his wife everything.
2.Glancing round,he (caught sight of)a dark figure in the shadows.
3.The visitors will (leave for)Paris in the morning in the next plane.
4.Don't (mix up)those papers,or we'll never find the ones we need.
5.We must(look over)the house before we decide to rent it.
6.It didn't take the children long to (figure out) the correct answer.
7.After working abroad for several years,Gill wants to (settle down)to a permanent job in Britain.
8.You'll be accompanied (as far as)the border,thereafter you must find your own way.
9.It is obvious that the little girl (has a gift for)learning languages.
10.I could see the faint gleam of light (in the distance).
1.(A)take the plane all the way,they decided to fly from China to Vancouver and to take the train from west to east across Canada in September.
A Rather than     B Without    C In spite of     D As opposed to
2.Whoever has a gift (A)music can give us some advice.
A for   B for   C about   D on
3.On the contrary,I think it is Truman,(C)you,( )to blame.
A more than;are     B less than;who are     C rather than;that is    D rather than;is
4.Afer they got married,they decided to move back to the village and (D)down there.
A put    B calm   C set    D settle
The thought came to him that Tom might have returned the book.他突然想起湯姆可能已經(jīng)把書還了。
注意:1.that 引導(dǎo)同位語從句時≠無詞義,也不充當(dāng)任何成分,只起連接作用,但通常不可以省略。
2.whether 引導(dǎo)同位語從句時意為“是否”,不能用if
3.連接代詞who,what 等引導(dǎo)同位語從句時,在句中作主語、賓語或表語;連接副詞where,how,when等引導(dǎo)同位語從句時,在句中作狀語。
1.The fact(A)she works hard is well known to us all.
A that    B what    C why    D which
2.I have no idea (A) he will start.
A when    B that   C what   D /
3.The order(C) the prisoner be set free arrived too late.
A which   B whether  C that  D what
1.Do you think that bridge (A)2,000 meters long?It doesn't appear( )long.
A measures;that    B is measured;so     C is measured;such    D measures;much
2.I called the airline to (C)my flight reservation a week before I left for France.
A keep    B Consult    C confirm    D strengthen
3.I'm sure the beauty of (D)nature there will make ( )excellent impression upon you.
A the;an     B /;the    C the;/    D /;an
4.The football player had (D)gift for football when he was a child.Now he is(D) second to none in the football field.
A the;the   B the;a    C a; the     D a;/





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