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高中英語復習課《健康飲食 Unit 2 Healthy eating》(必修3)

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《Healthy eating》
In this unit,we have learned that different foods give us different nutrition.There are three kinds of foods which help us grow in different ways.
Do you still remember what they are?
(1)protective food:
It helps the body fight diseases.
(2)body-building food:
It helps the body grow bones and muscles.
(3)energy-giving food
This kind of food provides energy to the body.
We are what we eat
A We will become what we eat.
B Our health is decided by what we eat.
C We should buy and eat nutritious food.
D What we eat can make us healthy.
Review (一)單詞再現(xiàn)
1.diet  n.日常飲食;vi.節(jié)食
2.balance   vt.平衡;權衡→ balance n.天平;平衡→ balanced  adj.平衡的
3.curiosity   n.好奇心→ curious  adj.好奇的
4.hostess   n.女主人;女主持人  → host  n. 主人;東道主
5.lie  vi.說謊;(n.謊話;謊言)→ lied (過去式;過去分詞)→ lied vi.躺,位于 → lay (過去式)→ lain(過去分詞)
6.customer   n.顧客      custom  n.風俗;習慣      customs   n.海關
7.weakness   n. 缺點;弱點;虛弱    
weak   adj.虛弱的,軟弱的
weaken   v.(使)衰弱;變弱
8.strength  n.強項;長處;力量        
strong   adj.有力氣的;健壯的
strengthen     加強
9.limit    vt.限制;限定
limit n. 界限;限度
limited  adj.有限的
10.  benefit  n.利益;好處
benefit    vi&vt   有益于;有助于
beneficial    adj.有益的
11.combine    vt&vi (使)聯(lián)合;(使)結合
combination   結合;聯(lián)合
combined    adj.聯(lián)合的
(1)節(jié)食    be on a diet
(2)均衡的膳食    a balanced diet
(3)應當  ought to
(4)對感到厭煩   be tired of
(5)因感到勞累    be tired from/with
(6)扔掉,丟棄   throw away
(7)被放過,(做壞事)不受懲罰     get away with
(8)說謊     tell lies/a lie to sb
(9)向某人說謊    lie to sb
(10) 對進行研究   do some research on...
(11)擺脫,除去     get rid of...
(12)謀生     earn one's living
(13)欠債    be in debt
(14)欠某人的債    be in debt to sb/be in one's debt
(15)怒目而視     glare at...
(16) 盯著..     stare at...
(17)對...一瞥     glance at...
(18)受益于....    (get the)benefit from
(19)把...與...相結合     combine...with...
(20) 一包。一袋       a packet of
21.克服(困難,情緒等)    get over...
22.把...限制在...      limi..to...
23 減肥食品      slimming food
24.難消化的食物      heavy food
25 好奇地...       with curiosity
26.消減,砍伐      cut down
27.使...不安      upset sb
28. 達到,共計       amount to
29.保健食品     protective food
30.去除,脫下    take...off
31.監(jiān)視,偵察     spy on...
32.讓某人一直做...     have sb doing sth
1.Our teacher never looks tired.He is so full of(D).
A power    B force   C strength    D energy
2.I don't think you should (B),you should ear more instead.
A put on weight     B lose weight     C put weight     D lose fat
3.There is something wrong with the machine.Can you get it(C)?
A gone    B to go     C going   D to be going
4.Pop music is loved by lots of people,but it is not to everyone's (D).
A smell    B favor   C sound   D taste
5.The young man,(D) of working for others,is determined to start his own firm.
A being tired   B having tired   C to be  tired    G tired
6.-Don't have yourself (A) ther.Come and help
-Where would you like to have the table( )?
A sitting,laid   B sitting,lain   C seat,lying     D sit,lain
7.(D)him and then try to copy what he does.
A Mind    B Glare at    C Stare at    D Watch
8.What a pity!He (A)the only chance of success.
A threw away    B put down    C gave in    D broke out
9.He (C) to me that his house ( )at the foot of a mountain.
A lay,lay    B lied,lied   C lied,lay    D lay,lied
10.This kind of apple tastes(D) and sells( ).
A well,good    B well,well    C good,good   D good,well
1.Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant (feeling) very frustrated.
2.Something terrible (must) have happened...
3.He would not have Yong Hui (geeting away with telling )people lies!
4.I thought you were a new customer and now I know that you only came to spy on me and my menu.
modal verbs(情態(tài)動詞)
(1)can,could 多用于否定句和疑問句表推測,但在肯定句表推測時,表示一時的可能性。
(3)may 放在句首表示祝愿。
(4)will 表意愿;would 表示過去的某種傾向或習慣性動作,一撮“過去常常,習慣做某事”。
(5)should  表示驚訝和驚奇;表推測,“該....”
(6)shall  用于第二、三人稱陳述句中表示允諾、命令、警告、威脅、決心和法律條文所規(guī)定的人人遵守的規(guī)章制度。
He is at home.(事實)
He must be at home.(非??隙ǖ耐茢啵?br> He ought to/should be at home.(很可能)
He may be at home.(僅僅可能而已)
He might be at home.(或許,非常不確定)
He might not be at home.(也許不在家)
He may not be at home.(比might 可能)
He couldn't be at home.(很可能不在家)
He can't be at home.(不可能在家)
He isn't at home.(事實)
(三)情態(tài)動詞+have done 表示對過去情況的推測或其他語氣
(1)should/shouldn't have done sth
ought /oughtn't to have done sth.
(2)may/might have done   本可以、也許做了某事
(3)must have done  一定做了某事
(4)can/could have done   本來能做、本可以做某事
can't/couldn't have done   不可能做某事
(5)needn't have done sth    本來沒必要做某事
1.You (D)your tooth pulled out before it rot completely.
A had better got    B had to get better    C had beter to get    D had better get
2.When we got to the cinema,the film hasn't started yet,so we (D).
A needn't hurry    B didn't need hurry    C needn't to hurry     D needn't have hurried
3.It was really very dangerous;you (A) him seriously.
A might have injured    B could injure    C should have injured    D must injure
4.As he had heart attack,he was told that he (C) continue the work.
A needn't    B may not    C mustn't    D can't
5.We ought to help each other in our work,(A)?
A oughtn't we    B should we    C shouldn't we    D ought to we
6.Two eyes (A) see more than one.
A can   B may   C will   D should
7.When I got to the cinema,the film had already started;I (B) there earlier.
A ought to get   B ought to have got    C must have got    D must get
8.I thought you (B)like someting to read,so I have brought you some books.
A may  B might   C would    D must
9.Where is my pen?I (D) it.
A might lose   B would have lost    C should have lost    D must have lost
10.I didn't hear the phone.I (B)asleep.
A must be    B must have been     C should  be    D should have been
11.-There were already five people in the car.but they managed to take me as well.
-It (D) a comfortable journey.
A can't be    B shouldn't  be     C mustn't have benn     D couldn't have been
12.It's nearly seven o'clock,Jack (C) be here at ant moment.
A must   B need   C should   D could
13.-Did the rain arrive in time?
-No.It (B)two hours ago.
A must have arrived
B ought to have arrived
C must arrive
D ought to arrive
14.-Must I dirve to his house and pick up the children?
A you shouldn't    B you might not     C you needn't     D you mustn't
15.We didn't see Tom at the meeting yesterday.
He(B) it.
A mustn't have attended
B cannot have attended
C needn't have wttended
D would have not attended
16There is someone knocking at the door.(A) it be Tom?
A Can   B Must   C Should   D Ought to
17.You (A) take me to the station,because my brother is taking me.
A don't have to    B mustn't    C can't   D shouldn't
18.-Must I hand in the homework now?
-(B).You can hand it in tomorrow morning.
A Yes,you must    B No,you needn't    C Yes,you need    D No,you  mustn't
19.-Mum,I climbed to the top of the shelf and got the Teddy Bear.
-My goodness!You may have hurt yourself.You (D) do that again.
A don't have to    B may not    C needn't    D mustn't
20.Everybody is working hard.There (A) be trouble in finishing the work on time.
A ought not to   B needn't    C mustn't    D ought to not
Go through unit 3 and Get ready for reading.








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