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高中英語Unit 4《制作新聞 Making the news(Part 1)》(必修5)

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《Making the news(Part 1)》
1.What do you imagine will be your future occupation?
Please state your name,address,and occupation.
I hope that teaching will be my future occupation.
Fishing is a peaceful occupation.
She was born in France during the German occupation.
4)do you imagine在此句中作插入語,類似的結(jié)構(gòu)還有do you
think,do you believe,do you sappose do you say等
What do you think I can gie you?
How do you suppose we can get there?
2.Now discuss in pairs how you would feef if you were
offered a job on a fanous newspaper.
這里if 引導(dǎo)虛擬條件句,表示與將來的事實(shí)相反。虛擬語氣是
offer 1)拿給;給予
offer sb.sth/offer sth to sb.
The young man offered his seat to the old man.
The young man offered the old man his seat.
offer to do sth 主動(dòng)提出做某事
The boy offered to pay for the desk he had broke.
offer sth for (money)以多少錢出售某物
offer sb (money)for sth/to buy sth
The next morning we offered our boat for only 6dollars.
They offered him3,000yuan to buy the laptop.
They offered him 3,000yuan for the laptop.
3.Never will Zhon Yang forget his first assignment at
the office of a popular English newspaper.
4.His discussion with his new boss,Hu.Xin,was to
strongly influence his life as a journalist.
be to +動(dòng)詞原形,這里表示將來的時(shí)態(tài),有注定的意味。
He is never to see his wife again.
His continuous effort is to make him a successful man.
be to+動(dòng)詞原形可以表示一咱責(zé)任,需要,警告或命令的語氣

You are to be back before 10pm。
I am to inform you that your wife was killed in the
be to +動(dòng)詞原形也可以表示一種不會(huì)改變的安排或意向。
They are to be married next month.
The influence of parents is very important.
It's very clear that
influeneed by Picasson.
I don't want to influence you,so I don't want to tell
you my opinion.
5.We're delighted that you're coming to work with us.
delighted to do something.
Sandy will be delighted to see you.
delighted (that)
I'm delighted that we have settled the matter.
delighted with/by/at
She was delighted with her new home.
I am delighted by the result.
Andrea was delighted at the chance to go to the
ballet ball.
6.Can I go out on a story immediately?
7.Later you can cover a story and submit the article
8.Eager to assist you
be eager for sth(eg.success)渴望....很想....
be eager to do sth 渴望做某事
be eager that clause
9.So you may be able to concentrate on pohotography
later if you're interested.
10.Not ony am I interested in photography,but I took an
amateur course at university to update my skills.







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