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高中英語Unit 1《偉大的科學(xué)家 Great scientists(Part 1)》(必修5)

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《Great scientists(Part 1)》
Warming Up
 There are some great scientific achievements that have
changed the world.Can you name some of them? What kind of role do they play in the field of science? Do these achievements have anything in common? Match the inventions with their inventors below before you answer all these questions.
Alexander Bell                     electricity
Thomas Edison                    the First telephone
Laite Brotheres                  the electric Lamp
Madame Curie                    black holes in Universe
Franklin                          Theory of Gravity
Steven Hawking                   the First Plane
Elbert Einstein                   Radium
IsaacNewton                    the Theory of Relativity
What qualities a scientist should have to achieve such
a great achievement?
Good observation       IsaacNewton
Perseverance           Marie Curie
Strong determination StevenHawking
Creative               AlbertEinstein
Clever and strict      Edison
Logical thinking and scientific methods...
Analysis of the reading passage:
  There are two clues to understand this reading 
passage. First,the reading passage is written as stages in an experiment.Second,it introduces us a story about how John Snow discovers and controls the disease cholera,So we must understand both the scientific methods and the plot of the story.
Scientific methods:
Stages in an experiment
1             find a problem
2             make a question
3             think of a method
4              collect   analyze   results
5              find supporting evidence
6              draw a conclusion
What do you know about infectious diseases?
Infections diseases can be spread to other people. They
have an  unknown cause and need public health care to solve them.Birdflu, SARS are infections diseases which are difficult to cure.
Read paragraph1-3and answer questions:
1.What do you know about Dr.John Snow's being well-
known in London?
He ___Queen Vitoria as her personal physician.
2.From what disease did Londoners suffer in his age?
3.Did pople know how to ___the disease?
4.When did Dr.Snow think the disease would be
5.What was the second theory explaining how the disease
killed people?
6.How serious was the disease outbreak in London?
1.But he became inspired when he thought about helping
ordinary people exposed to cholera.
2.Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.So many
thousands of terrified people died every thime there was an outbreak.
3.The second suggested that people absorbed this
disease into their bodies with their meals. From the stomach the disease quickly attacked the body and soon the affected person died.第二種看法是吃飯的時候人們把這種病毒引入體內(nèi),病從胃里發(fā)作而迅速殃及全身,患者就會很快死去。






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