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高中英語Unit 4《身體語言 Body language (Part 1)》(必修4)

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《Body language (Part 1)》
1.How many ways can you think of?
think of a way to do sth.=think of a way of doing sth.
想起做某事的辦法,to do 不定式短語做a way 的后置定語。
This is the best way we have thought of(B)the dying soldier.
A saving    B to save    C saved     D saves
點(diǎn)撥:B.該題常被錯選為A。很多同學(xué)只注意到think of doing sth.而本題考查的是“想出做某事的辦法.”故選B.
2.Yesterday,another student and I,representing our university's student association,...昨天我和另外一名學(xué)生代表我們大學(xué)的學(xué)生會...
represent  v.代表(stand for),象征,標(biāo)志;作為...的例子
We must choose someone to represent us.
The doves represent peace.
represent oneself as/to 自稱是...
represent...as  把...描繪成(看做)
represent...to sb.向...表示
representative 代理人,代表 adj.典型的;有代表性的
representation    n.表現(xiàn),描寫,代表;代理
He represented himself as a writer.
2.I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.
curious adj.=eager to learn or know
be curious about sth.對...好奇
be curious to do sth.急于...
It is curious that ...很奇怪...
out of curiosity 出于好奇
in/with curiosity好奇地
[考例]People have always been curious (D)how living things on the earth exactly began.(遼寧2006)
A in    B at    C of   D about
[點(diǎn)撥]本題考查了be courious about sth.結(jié)構(gòu)。
3....closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.
closely adv.接近地;緊緊地
He entered the room,closely followed by the rest of family.
1)close adv.緊緊地;接近地。強(qiáng)調(diào)空間距離近,相當(dāng)于near.
2)closely adv.常用來說明動作以什么樣的方式進(jìn)行。有比喻意義。意味“親密的,緊緊地;仔細(xì)的;嚴(yán)密的。‘
close to+n.靠近,接近,將近
stand/sit/live close to +sth.
2)followed by Julia Smith from Britain.
Seen from the top of the hill,the city looks more beaytiful.
She came in weeping.
The old man came,(C)a big dog.
A followed   B following by    C followed by   D and followed by
4.After I met them and then introduced them to each other.
introduce sb./sth to sb.向某人介紹某人/某物
introduce sth into/in spl.把某物傳人或引進(jìn)某地方
introduction n.介紹;介紹的內(nèi)容,導(dǎo)言;引論
make an introduction/introductions to sb,向某人介紹...
I will introduce my best friend Tom yo you.
Buddhism was introduced into China in about A.D.67.佛教大約在公元67年傳入中國。
He seems to (D)Jane.He knows her well.
A introduced  B be introducing to    C be introduced    D have been introduced to
4.Tony approached Julia,touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.
(1)approach 名詞 n.靠近;臨近;接近
going near or nearer to a place
The enemy ran away at our approach.
We heard the approach of the train.
The approach to the house was a narrow path.
The best approach to learn a foreign language is the study of the spoken language.
at the approach of winter 冬季降臨的時候
be easy of approach 容易到達(dá);容易接近
on the approach of death 臨死的時候
v. 走近;靠近;接近 come near or nearer
to someone of something
You must approach the bird very quietly or it will fly away.
The summer is approaching.
approach sb. about sth. 為某事同某人打交道
approach sb. for information 向某人了解情況
approach sb. with a suggestion 向某人建議
[考例]At the meeting they discussed three different (A)to the study of mathematics.(湖北2006)
A approaches     B means    C methods    D ways
(2)touch vt.
I told you not to touch my things.
b.touch sb/sth.(with sth.)感動(某人)觸動某人(某人的感情)
Her miserable experience touched us all deeply/touched our hearts with sorrow.她經(jīng)歷很不幸,我們深受感動、我們都很傷心。
get/keep in touch with sb.
be in/out of..(with sb.)與...有/無聯(lián)系
We've been out of touch for years.
5.I guessed that there was probably a major misunderstanding.
1)major adj.較大的,主要的
The car needs major repairs.
Her major is English.
I major in biology.
6.They both apologized...
apologize v.道歉
apology n.道歉
apologize to sb. for sth./doing sth.
make an apology to sb. for (doing)sth.
accept/refuse an apology
He apologized to his teacher for being late.






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