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高中英語Unit 3《嘗試英文幽默 A taste of English humour (Part 3)》(必修4)

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《A taste of English humour (Part 3)》
Learning about  language and Using language
1.Children particularly would burst into laughter at his behaviour.
burst into (1)闖進,突然破門而入,與burst in 同意
A group of children burst into my office when I was writing an article.
The woman burst into tears(=suddenly began to cry)
burst out (1)突然大聲喊叫(2)突然開始做某事,后面跟doing
Li lei burst out laughing.
2.He cut off a piece of meat and pretended to chew a mouthful.
mouthful n.一口,滿口
-ful 詞綴,可以構成形容詞,也可以構成名詞,意思是:充滿...的量
handful 一把 
spoonful  一勺
cupful   一杯
3.I picked up my clothes and hung them up.
pick up (1)拾起,使爬起 (2)整理  (3)接(人或物) (4)收聽,接收到
(5)好轉,恢復     (6)結石    (7)學會,得到,買到
This room must be picked up before the guests arrive.
We sent a truck to pick up the goods.
My radio can pick up France very clearly.
You'll soon pick up in a day or two.
They happeded to pick up each other in a park.
Where did you pick up the lovely old vase?
4.Sherlock Holmes lookded up at the stars and whispered.
whisper 在句子中做動詞,意思是:低語,耳語
She whispered a few words before she went to sleep.
whisper sth in one's ear 在耳邊悄聲說話
in a whisper 
in whispers
5.Watson tried a third time.
序數(shù)詞前用a、an相當于another  又一,再一
He tried to jump a third time.
6.I happened to be flying it.
happen to do 碰巧做
happen to be doing 碰巧正在做
It happened to be raining when I arrived in Shanghai.
happen to sb.  發(fā)生在某人身上
Nothing bad would happen to him.
it(so) happened that  碰巧
it(so) happened that I had no money on me.
7.It should be easily understood the first time you read it.
the first time 引導時間狀語從句,可以這樣使用的名詞詞組還有:
the last time,every time,next time,the moment/minute/day/year...
另外immediately/instantly/directly 一...就...也引導時間狀語從句
I left immediately the clock atruck 5.
The moment I saw him,I recognized him.









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