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高中英語Unit 2《耕作土地 Working the land (Part 3)》(必修4)

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《Working the land (Part 3)》
Using language
Chemical or organic farming
1. ...long-term use of these fertilizers can canuse damage to the land
and,even more dangerous,to people's health.
damage 在句子中為名詞,不可數(shù),常與動詞
This thing,if continued,is going to do him great damage.
If there's damage done,put it done in the bill.
damage 用作不及物動詞,本身沒有被動意義,表示“受到損壞“
Glass damages easily.
damage,destory,ruin 的區(qū)別
damage 指損傷或降低某物的價值,造成部分性的破壞。
An early frost damaged the crops.
destory 指被摧毀,含有不能或很難修復的意思。
An earthquake and fire destoryed almost the entire city.
ruin 指把某物損害到了不能再修理,不能再使用的程度,常用于抽象的借喻中。
He has ruined his health through drinking.
Your plan for a party will be ruined if you get sick.
2.They damage the land by killing the helpful bacteria and pests as well
as the harmful ones.
as well as 有以下幾種含義和用法:
a 和...做得一樣好  用于同級比較
He tries to learn guitar as well as his sister.
b  也,還有,同...一樣
Our teachers as well as headmaster,play an important part in our growth.
c  既...又..,不但...而且
The child is lively as well as healthy.
英語中有些as...as 結(jié)構(gòu)在意義上并非同級比較
as long as 只要,長達
You may take this book away as long as you return it on time.
as good as  和...幾乎一樣,實際上
What I said has as good as shown my view.
as fa as 遠達,就...,據(jù)....
as soon as  一...就....
3.Many of these chemicals can lead to cancer or other illnesses.
lead to 在本句中的意思是”導致“,to是介詞,該結(jié)構(gòu)不用于被動語態(tài)。
I don't think it will lead to a good result.
除此之外,lead to還有”通向某地“之意
All roads lead to Rome.
lead sb. by the nose 牽著某人的鼻子,完全操縱某人
lead sb. to do sth. 致使某人做某事
What led you to think so?
lead sb.(in)doing sth.領導或帶領某人做某事
4.  ...many customers are beginning to turn to organic farming.
句中begin 為短暫性動詞,一般不用于進行時。句子中的進行時表示逐漸、漸漸開
始,后面的動詞用to do
I am beginning to understand.
還有兩種情況begin 后面適合用不定式作賓語。
(1)begin 后面的賓語是表示心理活動的詞,如:know,like,understand
(2)主語指物  The water began to boil.
The meeting will begin from May 1st.(×)
The meeting will begin on May 1st.(√)
to begin with 首先,第一  常常單獨使用
To begin with,it is too cold.
Besides,we have no money.
5.This also keeps the air,soil,water and crops free from chemicals.
keep  vt.使...保持某種狀態(tài),使...繼續(xù)某種活動(賓補不能是不定式和從句)
She always keeps the house tidy and clean.
I'm sorry that you've been kept waiting so long.
free from=free of 沒有...的,免于...的
后面的名詞是charge (費用),rent (租金)等詞,前面習慣使用free of
If you like,you can live in it free of rent.
6.They often change the kind of crop in each field every few years.
every three days=every third day     每三天(每隔兩天)
every two days=every second day=every other day  每隔一天
every few+復數(shù)名詞    每隔幾...
every few metres     每隔幾米







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