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高中英語Unit 2《耕作土地 Working the land (Part 1)》(必修4)

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《Working the land (Part 1)》
1.If so,what did you do to grow them?If not,what kind of plant would you like to try...
句中if so和if not構(gòu)成省略了的條件句,so 代替前面具有肯定意義的分句或句
子,not 則代替具有否定意義的分句或句子。
Are you free now?if so(=if you are free),let's have a talk.
Do be careful when you cross the street. If not(=if you don't be
careful),you may get run over by a car.
*if any=if there is any 要是有的話
*if possible=if it is possible如果可能的話
2.Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer,for he works the land to do
his research.
*consider vt.考慮 該詞后面跟v+ing、 從句或疑問詞+不定式,但不能直接跟不
He considered going to see them in person.
Tom is considered when to pay a visit to Shanghai.
*consider vt.認(rèn)為、把...看作 可用于以下結(jié)構(gòu)中
*consider sb./sth. to (be/as)... to be/as 可以省略
*consider+that 從句
We all consider him to have acted badly.
*take...into consideration 把。。??紤]進(jìn)去
*considering (that) 鑒于,由于,考慮到,引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句
Considering (that) he was ill,we didn't take him along.
3.-for whom he was atruggled for the past five decades.
struggle  vt. vi. 斗爭,搏斗,努力
*struggle to do sth. 艱難地做某事,掙扎著做某事
*struggle for 為...而斗爭
*struggle against/with  與...作斗爭,同...搏斗
*struggle to one's feet 掙扎著站起來
They had to struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties.
She struggled to keep back her tears.
*The Chinese people struggled with the Japanese for peace for 8 years.
*The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle
A to be heard      B to have heard     C hearing     D being heard
4.Dr Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice.
what is/was called,what people call/called 是一種習(xí)慣用法,意為:所謂的
,人們常說的,相當(dāng)于so-called,作grows 的賓語從句。what 在從句中作主語、賓語或表語。該從句結(jié)構(gòu)相當(dāng)于the+名詞+定語從句。上句可改為:
Dr Yuan Longping grows the rice that is called super hybrid rice.
A modern city has been set up in (A) was a wasteland ten years ago.
A what     B which     C that    D where
5.Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests witnout
expanding the area of the fields.
search  vt.搜查  后面直接跟賓語,如房屋、人、衣袋等
We shall search the house.
search for  尋找,搜索, 后面跟具體的搜尋對象。
The police are searching for the man who robbed the lady.
search +賓語+for 則是以上兩種用法的結(jié)合
They are searching the house for their missing keys.
*in search of=in the/one's search for 尋找
*search me 常用在口語中意思是:我不知道
-What's the time?
-Search me.I haven't got a watch.
*expland 擴(kuò)大膨脹,不僅指尺寸的增加,也指范圍和體積的擴(kuò)大。
*extend 延伸,指空間范圍的擴(kuò)大以及長款的向外延伸,也可指時間延長。
*stretch 伸展,拉長 指由曲變直,由短變長的伸展,不是加長。
*spread 傳播,向四面八方擴(kuò)大傳播的范圍,可指疾病傳播或散步信息等





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