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高中英語Unit 4《Astronomy: the science of the stars (Part 4)》(必修3)

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《Astronomy: the science of the stars (Part 4)》
existence n.存在
1).This plant (exists)only in Australia.
2).Can you (exist on) such a low salary ?
3).I doubt the existence (exist)of alien.
13.remain vi.仍然是:留下,剩下
remain+ adj./adv./prep.仍然是
remain to be done
leave vt.剩下,忽略或未拿或未帶某,使或讓(某人、事物)處某狀態(tài)、其他
leave sb. sth.=leave sth. to sb.給某人留下某物
leave sth.(for sb.)留下,交代下(某物)
leave sth. to sb. 將某物遺贈(zèng)給某人
remaining/left adj.剩下的(前者用于被修飾的n.之前,后者用于之后)
1)Someone(left)you this note while you were out.
2)After the earthquake,little (remained)of the village.
3)He used the(remaining)money to buy a dictionary.
4)After buying the dictionary,he had not much money (left).
5)Arriving home,I found that I'd (left)my key in the office.
6)Don't leave her 【waiting】(wait)outside in the rain.
7)She remained 【unchanged】(change)after all these years.
8)A great many things remain 【to be done】(do).
14.Thus they have,in their turn,because the most important animals on the
1).thus adv.(=therefore)因此,于是
He didn't work hard.Thus he was fired.
Both parties (had a)thorough (discussion);thus they reached an agreement.
(thus)doing 表正常的結(jié)果,充當(dāng)結(jié)果狀語的現(xiàn)在分詞的邏輯主語時(shí)是前面句子的內(nèi)容。
European football is played in 80 countries,(making it the most popular sport
in the morld).The storm left,(having caused a lot of damage to this area).
(never/only)to do所表達(dá)的結(jié)果往往是出乎意料之外或不幸的,充當(dāng)結(jié)果狀語的動(dòng)詞不
I arrived at the shop (omly to find I'd left all my money at home).
He hurried to the station(only to find that the train had left).
2).in one's turn輪到某人,接著
in turn 輪流,一個(gè)接著一個(gè)
by turns輪流,一陣...一陣...
take turns(to do sth.)輪流(做某物)
It's one's turn to do sth.輪到某人做某事了
①She went hot and cold (by truns).
We took turns to driver the car.
We drover the car by turns/in turn.
Whose turn is it to give a speech today?
His back injury may(prevent)him(from)playing in tomorrow's game.
**prevent/stop sb. from doing sth.中的from可省,keep sb. doing sth.中from不可
省,因?yàn)閗eep sb. doing sth.是“使某人一直做某事”之意;但如在被動(dòng)語態(tài)中,三者的from 都不可??;當(dāng)后接sb's doing sth.作賓語時(shí),只能用prevent或stop,不能用keep,因?yàn)闆]有keep sb's doing sth.的句型。
①Doctors took action to (prevent the disease from spreading)防止這種疾病的蔓
②Of coure I can't (prevent)your going abroad.
The police prevented/stopped/kept them from carrying weapons.
=They were prevented/stopped/kept from carrying weapons.
prevent vt.預(yù)防,防止
prevention n.預(yù)防;阻止;妨礙
In my opinion,prevention is more important than treatment.
preventable adj.可防止的,可預(yù)防的
16.(sth.)depend on (sth.else)取決于(p26)
Our success depends on whether everyone works hard or not.
depend sb./sth. to do sth.依靠、依賴。。。做某事
The map is a thing to be depend on when you are in a strange place.
You may depend upon her to arrive on time.
depend on/upon it that...指望...,對(duì)...不懷疑
You may depend on that she will help you.
You may depend on that he'll join our club.
depending on 根據(jù),依靠(作方式狀語)
The climate changes depending on the area.We'll decide whether to hold the
sports meet depending on the whether.
-Will you go skiing with this winter vacation?
-It all depends.
So whether life will continue on the earth for millons of years to come will
depend on whether this problem can be solved.(p26)
(What it was to become)was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 millon years
(What is even more important)is that as the earth cooled down,water began to
appear on its surface.(p26)
(What many scientists belive)is that the continued presence of water allowed
the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into oceans and seas.(p26)
(Why they suddenly disappeared)still remain a mystery.(p26)
(Where the meeting will be held)hasn't been decided.
(However you do it)is all right with me.
4.it 作形式主語
Well,it is well know(that American like to eat a lot.)(Unit 3 p22)
It was not immediately bovious(that water was to be fundamental to the
deveopment of life.(p26)
It was so hard(that we could not say anything to each other.)(p30)
2)在it is pity,it is a shame,it is strange/surprising,it is no wonder,it is
(It is a strange that)he should have failed to see his own shortcomings.
It's amazing(how much pleasure you get out of the simple things in life)...
(Unit 3 p 22)
(It is a great pity that)he should be so greedy.
...it was not clear(whether the shape would last or not).(p25)
It is still open to question(who is to head the group.)
It is more time(what we need).
1.(B )some peolple regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.(01
A Whether   B What   C That   D How
2.-How about camping this weekend,just for a change?(10 浙江)
-OK,(C  )you want.
A whichever    B however    C whatever  D whoever
3.It is uncertain( B)side effect the medicine wil bring about,although about
two thousand partients have taken it.
A that      B waht    C houw     D whether






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