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高中英語Unit 2《健康飲食 Healthy eating (Part 4)》(必修3)

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《Healthy eating (Part 4)》
二對(duì)正在發(fā)生的情況的推測(cè),形式為:情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+be doing
三對(duì)過去發(fā)生的情況的推測(cè),形式為:情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+have done
9.-Hi,Tom.Any idea where Jane is?
-She (C) in the classroom.I saw her there just now.
A shall be     B should have been    C must be   D might have been
11.He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he(C) it
A could express
B would express
C could have expressed
D must haved expressed
A He can come        B May he come?    C He could come    D Must he
The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait
because it (D)be very slow.(2005浙江)
A must    B should     C will    D can
1.You (B)be hungry already-you had lunch only two hours ago!(2008浙江

A wouldn't      B can't     C mustn't    D needn't
2.-Is there a basketball match between the Lakers and the Huston
Rockets this evening?(2008江蘇無錫模擬)
-There (A)be.I'll phone the gym and find it out.
A might    B should      C must   D would
二表示對(duì)這橫在發(fā)生情況的推測(cè),形式為:情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+be doing譯為(可能,一
1.(B) he be watching TV now?
A:Yes,he ( )be watching TV now.
B:No,he ( )be watching TV now.
A Must;can;mustn't       B Can;must.can't     C Can;can;mustn't   D 
三 對(duì)過去的推測(cè) 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+have done
1.must have done:對(duì)過去情況由極大把握的猜測(cè)
1.The lights went out.They (must have left)the office.
2.It (must have rained)last night,for the road was quite muddy.
2.May/might have done(無疑問)
1.It is too late.I think he (may have done)to bed.某事可能發(fā)生
2.He (may not have finished)the work.某時(shí)可能沒發(fā)生
3.She was lucky enough.The tiger(might have eaten)her.本來可能發(fā)生而沒
4.She (might have been eaten)by the tiger.
3.can/could have done
1.You (could have done)it better,but you were too careless.
2.Mary met Jack at the airport yesterday afternoon,so she (couldn't
have attended)your lecture.
4.Should/ought to have done
1.You (should have done to)the meeting earlier 本該座而未作之事
2.You (shouldn't have told)her the truth.做了不該做的事
5.Needn't have done
.We (needn't have taken)a taxi here,for it was very near to the
.注意:didn't need to do:
.I (didn't need to clean)the windows.My brother did it.
               Yes,you may/certainly please
May I come in?
               No,you mustn't./Please don't.
                 Yes,you must
Must I do it now?
                  No,you needn't./don't have to
2.May 祝愿
(May) you succeed.
3.Might 忠告
You have broken two cups.You (might)try to be more careful.
4.Must 偏偏
1.Jouhn,look at the time,(must) you play the piano at such a late
2.Could I have a word with you,mum?
Oh,dear,if you( must).
5.Shall 一、三疑問表請(qǐng)求:
(Shall) the young fellow have a try?
(Shall) I have a second try?
Shall  二、三警告、威脅和許愿:
You (shall) fail if you don't work harder.
You (shall) go out of the room ubless you stop taliking.
You (shall) get a rise if you work harder.
1.had better do (not do)
2.Would rather do ...than do
3.Can not too/enough
You (can't be too)careful when you are driving.
You (can't)remember (enough)English words.
4.Can but do (只好)
I (can but agree)with you.
5.can't help do sth.
  can't but do sth.        
  can't choose but do  不得不、不能不
I (can't but admire)your courage.
can't help admire
can't choose but admire
6.may/might as well(倒不如、只好)
You might as well do your present job before you find a new one.
7.May well do sth.(很可能)
He may well say so./do that.
1.It is usually warm in my hometown in March,but it(B)be rather cold
A must    B can      C should    D would
2.Thank you for all your hard work lat week.I don't think we (B)it
without you.(2008山東)
A can manage      B could have managed     C could manage    D can
have mansged
3.-Why hasn't the speaker turned up?
-He (B) the flight!I'll find it out at once.
A must have missed    B might have missed    C might miss   D could
Oversleeping will never make your dream come true.睡懶覺永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)美夢(mèng)成
Recite your notes.背誦筆記






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