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高中英語(yǔ)Unit 2《健康飲食 Healthy eating (Part 3)》(必修3)

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《Healthy eating (Part 3)》
Ⅲ:Language points for Reading Ⅱ:
1.Perhaps he would be able earn one's living ofter all and have to close
the reataurant.
1)earn means to get (money)by working 賺,掙(錢(qián));to get sth because
of one's qualities or actions 博得,贏得
eg:I earn 2000 yuan a month by selling newspapers.
She earned her place in the team by training hard.
He and his wife each (B)10 yuan an hour.
A earns    B earn     C.spends     D takes
2)earn one's living  謀生
earn one's/a living=make one's/a living 謀生
eg:A teacher earns his living by teaching.
3)After all:畢竟,到底,終究
Don't blame on him.After all,he is a green hand.
(2008 浙江,19)Why are you so anxious? It isn't your problem(D).
A on purpose       B. in all      C on time    D after all
2 He did not look forward to being in debt.
be in debt
the state of owing 欠債,負(fù)債
I'm heavily in debt at the moment,but hope to be out of debt when I get
get/run into debt 負(fù)債
be in debt to sb=be in one's debt
be (get)out of debt還清債務(wù)
After ten years of hard work,they at last got (A).
A out of debt     B into debt    C in debt     D out of debts
3.She did not look happy but glared at him.
glare v.
to look in an angry way;to shine with a strong light
glare at  表示“怒目而視”
look at “看看......”為一般用語(yǔ)
glance at   表示“粗略地看一下”瞥一眼
stare at 表示“盯著....看,凝視”
The sunlight is so (A) that I can't open my eyes.
A staring      B stared      C  glancing     D warm
解析:A.句意:太陽(yáng)光太強(qiáng)以至于我睜不開(kāi)眼。staring 耀眼的,炫目的
4.I thought you were a new customer and now I know you came here only to
spy on me and my menu.
only to spy ....在句中作目的狀語(yǔ)
only to do sth.和only doing sth.
only to do sth.表示一個(gè)與主語(yǔ)愿望相反的或出乎主語(yǔ)預(yù)料的結(jié)果,或用來(lái)暗示
only doing sth.表示謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞本身的動(dòng)作造成的結(jié)果。
For nearly there hours we waited for the decision,only to be told to
come again the next day.
He died,only leaving nothing but debts.
His job is to spy on the enemy's movements.
It shows that he is a spy.
You are be quick at (C)its faults.
A spy      B to spy      C spying      D spied
5.I found your menu so limited.
limit 1)n界限,范圍,限度、限制
His patience reached its limit.
2) vt.限制,限定
I'll limit myself to three aspects of the subject.
Our holidays (D) two weeks.
A limit      B limit to    C are limited by   D are limited to
6.....the benefit of my food.
1).vt,vi 對(duì)...友誼;受益
e.g The fresh air will benefit you.
e.g We shall get much benefit from reading many good novels.
相關(guān)短語(yǔ):benefit from得益于
be of benefit to 對(duì)....有益處
for sb's benefit =for the benefit of 為...的利益
Vitamin is (C) to our health.
A benefit     B benefited     C benefitcial    D benefits
解析:C.be beneficial to 對(duì)...有益
7.I feel sick with all this fat and heavy food.
heavy (of food):diffcult to digest (指食物)難消化的
8."Well.I do have to rest a lot ".admitted Yong Hui.
admit 1)vt.“承認(rèn)(事實(shí)、錯(cuò)誤等),后接名詞、動(dòng)詞-ing、that等,后接不定
The thief admitted his crime.
He admitted knowing little about the subject.
I admit that I am wrong.
You must admit the work to be diffcult.
He was admitted to the university when he was 15 years old.
Lily finally admitted (C) my umbrella by mistake.
A to take     B to have taken     C hacving  taken    D have taken
7.They cut down the fat...
1)砍刀 e.g to cut down a tree
e.g I haven't given up drinking,but I'm cutting down.
e.g If you cut down the trousers,they will fit your daughter.
cut up 切碎,剁碎       cut in 插嘴     cut off切掉;中斷
My explanation (A)by loud noise.
A was cut off    B was cut down      C was cut up   D cut up
1.He was later discovered to have been a (spy)間諜.
2.To our surprise,he (calmly)平靜地accepted the unfair treatment.
3.A person's life is (limited),but love is lasting.
4.He is in deep (debt)債務(wù)in order to cure his mother of the disease.
5.After (combining)聯(lián)合with that large company,his business gradually
picked up.





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