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高中英語Unit 2《健康飲食 Healthy eating (Part 2)》(必修3)

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《Healthy eating (Part 2)》
1:Review:New words and expressions:
frustrated:worried or angry
barbecued mutton kebab:烤羊肉串
roast pork :烤豬肉
fried rice:炒飯
slim:thin but attractive
curiosity:the desire to know about something
raw:not cooked
be amazed at:be surprised at
get away with :not be punished for something
research:serious study of a subject
customer:here means someone who goes to the restaurant
Fast reading
Read the text quickly to find out which sentence is the main idea of the
1.The two restaurants supplied the healthy food.
2.The reason why Yong Hui's reataurant was so popular with customers.
3.Wang Peng found out why he had lost his customer and decided to win
them back.
Part 1 Wang Peng is worried because his restaurant is not as full as
usually is.
Part 2 He follows his friend to a newly opened restaurant which is very
Part 3 Worried,he does some research to win his customers back.
Language points
1.Usually he got up early and prepare his...
1).prepare sth.準(zhǔn)備,把...準(zhǔn)備好
e.g First prepare the rice by washing it,then cook it in boiling water.
2).prepare for sth.為...準(zhǔn)備
e.g Will you help me prepare for the party?
3).prepare sb. for sth.為某人準(zhǔn)備某事
e.g a course that prepare students for English exam.
4)prepare to do sth.準(zhǔn)備做某事
e.g  They are busy preparing to go on holiday.
5)Prepare sb. to do sth.
e.g He prepared himself to accept defeat.
preparation (U) n.準(zhǔn)備:make preparation for
(C) n 安排,籌備   prepartions for the queen's visit
e.g 1.Will you help me (B) the party?
A Prepare    B prepare  for      C  Preparing for    D  Prepared for
2.He is (C) them to go on a holiday.
A prepared   B prepared for    C preparing    D preparing for
3.He (A) himself for defeat.
A prepared     B prepared for    C make preparation     D prepare to
4.What's that terrible noise?
The neighbors (B) for a party.
A have prepared    B are preparing   C have prepared     D will prepare
2."Nothing could have been better."he thought.
=All his foods could have been best.
e.g -----How are you getting on?(你怎么樣?)
-----Nothing could be betterr.(再好不過了)
he thought.
"Did you sleep well last night?""Never better,like a rock."(再好不過)
Nobaby loved money better than he.
I think nothing is more pleasant than traveling.
-How did your father feel when he saw what a mess you had made?
-He can't be [angrier].(angry)
3.Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to
eat in his restaurant as he always did.
[點(diǎn)撥]此句是一個主從復(fù)合句。主句為Something terrible must have happened
;從句是由if 引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句,即if Li Chang was...restaurant; as he always did是由as引導(dǎo)的方式狀語從句。
must have happened 表示對已經(jīng)發(fā)生的事進(jìn)行肯定的猜測,意為“一定做了某事
”。否定形式為:can't/couldn't have done.
She must have arrived home by now.
Judging from her appearance and manner,she couldn't have been over fifty
years old.
4.Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside.
curious adj. be curious about...
We at last (drove the enemy)out of our country.
The terrible noise (drove me mad).
(2006 遼寧,28)
 People have always been curious (D)how livingg things on the earth
exactly began.
A in   B at   Cof  D about
5.Wang Peng was amazed at this and especially at the prices.
amaze v.
(1)to fill with great surprise,cause  wonder in 吃驚,使吃驚
e.g It amazed me to hear that you were leaving.
(2)be amazed at...      對......感到驚訝,驚愕
e.g You would (be amazed at)how difficult it was.
6.It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant.
. cost  表示某物值...花費(fèi)...sth cost.....
. spend 指人花費(fèi).... sb spend sth on/in doing sth
. take 指某物、人花費(fèi)或需要多少時間,it takes sb/sth to do...
. pay 付款買......pay for
How much does it (cost)?
She (spent) a lot of money on books.
It (takes) her 20 minutes to go to school.=she (takes) her 20 minutes to
go to school.
7.He couldn't have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!
a)have sb. doing
allow or tolerate(sth.).表示允許或容忍(某事物)發(fā)生
此處的have 用在否定句中,特別是用在will not,can not 等之后。
I won't have you saying so.
He won't have his daughter arriving home late.他不容許女兒晚回家。
b)get away with doing sth.(informal):not be punished for sth.
I won't have you getting away with cheating in the exam.
get away with wth.
1)steal sth. and escape with it
The robbers robbed the bank and got away with a lot of money.
receive (a relatively light)punishment
He was so lucky to get away with a fine for such a serious mistake.他犯
They (C) damaging the car.
A.got across       B got along with     C got away with     D got away
8.Want to feel fit and energetic?
feel  z在這里用做系動詞,fit 為表語,構(gòu)成系表結(jié)構(gòu)。
1)feel+adj. 摸起來有...感覺,感覺到...
The water feels cold.
e.g   she feels it necessary to tell them the news.
energetic =full of energy
He seems an energetic person.
1.Recite the text.
2.Do the exercises in workbook.






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